<br /> Any ap���cat�nn of payments, insuranc�proce�ds, or Mis�ei�aneous Proceeds to princ�pa� due under the Note
<br /> shali not�xtend or pos�pane�he due date, or change th�amount, of�he Period�c Payments.
<br /> 3. �`unds far�scrow I�ems. B�rrovwer shali pay t� Lender on the day Per�ad�� Fa�ments are due und�r�he
<br /> Note, un�il the Note�s pa�d�n fu11, a sum�the "Funds"� to provide far�a}�men�of am�unts due for: �a} �axes
<br /> and assessmen�s and other�tem�v�hich can attain pri�rity o�er�his S�curit� Instrurnen�as a 1�en or
<br /> �ncumbran�e an the Proper�y; �b} lea�ehflld payments �r ground ren�s on�he Praperty, �f an�; �c} prem�ums
<br /> far any and a�l insuranc�required by Lender under Section 5; and �d} Mar�gage Insuranc�premiums, if any,
<br /> or any sums payable by�orrower�o Lender in lieu�f the payment of Mar�gage Insurance pre�rn�ums in
<br /> a�cordanc�w�th�he pr��risi�ns of Secti�n I�. These items are cal�ed "�scrow �tem�." At�rigina�ion or at
<br /> any t�me dur�ng�h��erm of the Loan, L�nder may require that�ommuni�y Ass�c�a��on Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessmen�s, if an�, be escr�w�d by Borrov�r�r, and su�h dues, fe�s and assessment� shall �e an Escrovv
<br /> �tem. B�rrovWer sha��pramptl� furnish ta Lender a�� not�Ces of amounts to�e paid under�his Sec�ion.
<br /> Barrov��r shall pay Irender the Funds for Es�r�w Items un�ess Lender waives Borrow�r's obliga�ion�a pa�
<br /> the Funds for an�r ar a�� Escrow �tenZs. Lender may wai�e Borrower's oblzgation�o pa��o Lender Funds for
<br /> any or a�i Escro�v �tems at an�time. Any su�h vvai�ver ma�oniy�e �n writing, �n the e�en�flf such wai�rer,
<br /> Borrower sha��pay d�reGtly, vvh�n and wh�re paya�l�, the amaun�s due for any Escrow Items far wh�ch
<br /> paym�nt of Funds has been waived by Lender and, �f I.ender requir�s, sha�i furn�sh�� Lender receipts
<br /> e��dencing such payment v�rithin such t�me per�od as I.�nder may requ�re. B�rrov�er's ob��gation to make
<br /> such payments and ta p�r��id�receipts sha�l for a�l purposes be de�med�a he a co�renan�and agreemen�
<br /> contained in this Securi�y ��.strument, as the phrase "c�venan�and agreem�nt" is used in Section 9. �f
<br /> Borrovver�s obliga�ed�o pay EsGrov� I�ems directly, pursuant to a waiv�r, and B�rro�rer faiis to pay�he
<br /> amount due f�r an Es�row Item, L�nder ma�exercise its r�ghts und�r Secr�on 9 and pay such am�un�and
<br /> Borrower shall then be abi�gat�d under Section 9 �o repay to Lender any such amount. Lender may revoke
<br /> �he�ai�rer as�o any or a�� Escraw ��ems a�an� t�me�y a notice gi�en in accordance w��h Sec�ion �5 and,
<br /> upon such re�acati�n, Borrower shall pay to Lender a�� Funds, and in su�h amounts, �ha�are�hen required
<br /> under�his Sec�ion 3.
<br /> Lender may, a�any ti�me, co��ect and ho�d Funds in an amaunt �a} suf�cient to p�rmit Lender��apply the
<br /> Funds a�the time spe�i��ed under RE�PA, and (b}not to exceed the maximum axnoun�a lender can require
<br /> under RESPA. Lend�r shall es�ima�e the amoun�of Funds due on the basis�f curr�nt data and reasonab�e
<br /> estimates of expenditures of fu�ure Escrow Items flr otherwise�n accordan�e w��h Appl�cabie Law.
<br /> The Funds shall be he�d in an�ns�itu��on whose depos�ts are insured by a federa� agency, instrumenta�ity, or
<br /> entit� �inG�uding Lender, �f L�nder is an in�titution whose depasits are so insured� or�n any Federai �ome
<br /> Loan Ban�. Lender shall appi�the Funds to pay the�scrow �tems no later�han the time sp�c�fied under
<br /> RESPA. Lender shal� not charge Borrov�rer f�r holding and appl�ing the Funds, annua��� ana��zing�he
<br /> escrow a�coun�, or verifying�he Escrow �tems, unless Lender pays Borrovver�nterest on the Funds and
<br /> Applica�ble Law perm��s Lender��make such a charge. Uniess an agreement is made in v�r���ng or
<br /> App�icable Lavv requires interes�t��e paid�n�he Funds, Lender shall not be requir�d ta pa�r Barrower any
<br /> �nteres�or earnings on�h� Funds. Barrower and I.ender can agree�n wr�ting, h�wever, tha�interest shai�be
<br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shal�g��re to Borrower, w�thout cha�-ge, an annua� a�counting nf�he Funds as
<br /> required b}� RESPA.
<br /> �f�here�s a surplus of Funds held in es�rav�r, as d�fined under RESPA, Lend�r shall accaunt to Borrov�er for
<br /> �he exe�s� funds in accordan�e with RESPA. �f there is a shor�age of Funds he�d �n escrow, as de�ned under
<br /> RESPA, Lender sha�� notif}� Borrower as requir�d b� RESPA, and B�rraw�r shali pay to Lender�he amoun�
<br /> necessary to make up the�hor�age�n accardanc�with R�SPA, bu� in no more than ��mon�h�y payments. �f
<br /> � � � � there is a de��ci�ncy�f Funds held in�scrow, as de�ned under R�SPA, Lender shal� notif� Borr�wer as
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe Family-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUM�NT �orrr�30�$11�1
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