<br /> L�n�ier all re�eipts af paid premium� and ren��val notice�. In i:h� event a:�'1oss, �arrovcr�r shal�gi��pramp�na��e
<br /> tQ �he xns�.�rance c�rrxer and Lenc��r.Lend�r ma�mak�praaf��lo��if n�t rnad�prompt��b�B�rrawer.
<br /> ZTni�ss Lender anc� �a.rr��ver ��:he�v�ise agree xn writxn�, insurance pr��ce�ds shal� be app�ied to rest�ration �r
<br /> rep�r of the Praperty �axnag�c�, �f, in L�nder's so�� di�cr�t��x�, �he restc►ration ar repair x� e�anflma�ally fea�ibi�
<br /> and L�n�er'� sec��ri�y is n��less�ned. If, in Lender's sole discre�i�n, t�e restara�ion or r�pau is not �canami.cally
<br /> feas�ble�r Lender'�s�cu.rity��u]�d b�Ie���n�d,�h�uzsur�.nc�proce�d�sh.al�be appli�d to the�ums��cured by this
<br /> ���urity In��rum�n�, �vhether �r nat �h�n �ue, �rv�th any exc��ss paid t� �3�rr�uv�r. If B��rovver aband�ns th�
<br /> Pr�p�rty, �r does n�t ans�,r�r wxt��in th�n��rnber�f d�y�p�e��r:ibe��y AppZ�cabi�Law as set f�rth xn a na�c�froxn
<br /> Lender ta �arro�er tha�the z.�surance cani�r has offered t� s�ettle a c�ai�n? then Lend�r may c��lect the insu.rance
<br /> pro�e�d�. L�n��r ma� use the p�•�ceeds to ��pair �r r�s�are t��� Praperty �r t� �ay sums �ecur�d by thi� Secur�t�
<br /> In�trumexlt,wh�ther ar not then du�.Th�peri�d�f�ime f�r$flrro�ver ta an��er as se�fa�-th xn the n�ti���vz�l begin
<br /> wh�n�he n�tx�e is gi��n.
<br /> �C]�x�l�ss Ler�der and Bo�rov�r�r Qtherv�ise agre�i�7�vriting, any appli�ati.on flf prQ�e�cls t� prin�;zpa� shall no�ex�end
<br /> ar p�stpane the du� da�� �f the pay�-nents r�ferr�d to in th� �se��ion titl�d �aymen� �f Prin�ip�� an� Interes�;
<br /> Prepa�m�nt and Lat� Char�e� ar change th� amoun� �f�he pa�men�s. If un�e�r the secti����itled Acc�l�ra�i.�n;
<br /> Remed���, the Praper�y is acqu��-ed b�Lender, ��rro�er's right �o any �nsur�nce p�lici�� and pr�ceeds result�ng
<br /> fram dama��t�the Fr���rty pr�c�r ta the a�c�uisi�ion shai�pas��ta Lender to�h� �xtent of the sum� secur�d��thz�
<br /> ���urity Instr�iment immedia�el�pr��r��the ac�uisi��on,
<br /> Preser�a�ior�, 1VIa�n��nance and �r���c�ian of t�ie Property; Borrc�wer's L�an Apgl�cation; L�asehol�I�.
<br /> B orrov�er�ha��not �.estr�y, darn�-�ge �r z�npa�r t�.e property, a��o�th�Pr�p�rty t� d�teri�ratea or carnmit�a�te �z�
<br /> th�PrQperty.B�rra�er sh�l�e i�1 defaul�if any farfe�tu�e��ti��n or�race:edang,whether ci�il or crimizlal,i�b��un
<br /> that Yn Lender's �o�d faith�ud�r�zent ���.ild result in fQrfe�tur�; Uf th� Pr��per�y �r o�herwi�e xnaterially �xn�aair �.h�
<br /> lien �.reated b� th�s Se�ur��y �n��ru1-r�en� �r Lend�r's �ecuri�� interest. B�r�avve.r xna� cure su�h a default �.nd
<br /> reinstate, �s pr�vi�ed in se���on�:itled Borr�`�ver's Ribht ta �e�nstate, �fy �au�in�th� a�tian ar pro�eedzn�to b�
<br /> dismi�sed��th a ru��ng that,ir�Lf�nd�r's goa�i fa�th determination,prec�u�les fo�f�iture of th�B�rrov��r's in��res�xn
<br /> the Proper�y �r �th�r �mat�rial i�mpair�r�ent �f the 1i�n create� �� th�.s ;3�c�ir��y Instrument or L�nder'� ���uri�y
<br /> �ntere��.�orr�v�•��shall als�b�xr�d�fauXt if B�rrow�r,dur�ng the I�ax�ap�alicatx�n pracess,g�ve matenally fa��e�r
<br /> inacc�.�rate information or s�aterr_rents t� L�nder �or fai�ed t� p�ovide Lender v�zth �.r�y mat�ria� inf�rmat��n� in
<br /> c�nnection wxth �i� �oan evxdenced b� the N���. If th�s S�curity In��r►;i�r�en� is on a l��.seh�ld, Barra�er sh1i1
<br /> c��r�p�y wxth���the pra��,�ians of�he 1eas�.If B�rr��er acquires fee tx��e t�the P�operty,th�Ieasehald anc�the fee
<br /> title shall no�m�rge unXess L�nder agre��t�the merg�r in�vrit�ng.
<br /> Pr�t���i�n �f Len�3�r'� Rights �n the Propert�. If �arrav��r I'aiis t� perform. the cQv�nan�� an� agr�ements
<br /> c�lltained xn�his Security Instrurr�en�, or�.here is a l�g�l p���e�din�that rna�si�nifi�antly aff���Lender'�right� in
<br /> �h� Property {s�.��h a� a pr��eed�n� �n bankrupt�y, prob�t�, rar �on�.�r.r��ation or �Qrf`eitur� ar t� enforce 1aw� ar
<br /> re��7lati�ns}, th�X� L�r�der ma� d.� and pa� for �hate�er i� n�ce�sar� t�o pro�ec� the va�ue of �:he �r�perty and
<br /> Lender's rights in the Property.I��xxder's a��i�ns may xn�lu�e pa�xng any�;um,�se�ured by a lien v�hich h��priorit�
<br /> c��er thi�Sec��rity Instrum����, appearin�in�ourt, paying r���anabl� a�ttora�xeys'fees anci ent�ri�lg�n�he PrQp�r��t�
<br /> make repair�.Al�h�u�h Lender rr�ay take a�t�on un�ler this s�ctxon,Len�.e�•c��es not hav�to�I�so.
<br /> �ny arno�.�nts disbtxrse�i by Lend�r und�r thxs se�t��n sha�l ]�ecome add�.txon�.l d�ht of B�rra�er s�c��x-ed by �his
<br /> ��cur�t� In�trument. L�nless �a�ra�ver a�ad Len�er agre� �� ather terms of payment, thes� ama�.lr�ts �hall b�ar
<br /> int�r��t fr�m.the date aF disl�ur.se�nent at the I�ote rate and�hall be pa�r��l.e,wi�h int�res�,upo�noti��from Lender
<br /> to B arrawe�r re�ue�ting paymen�.
<br /> Mortgage Insuran�e. If Len�ler required martgage insuran�c as a �onciitz�n of mak�ng the I�an secured by �his
<br /> �e�ur�t��ns�rum�nt,Borrav��r�ha�l p���he premium.�re���irecl t❑mainta.in th�mortga��i�.asuran�e in effect.I!',for
<br /> an� reas���, the mart�ag� xns��ra�ce caverage requ�r�d by Len.der lapses �r ce�.s�s to be in effec�, �arro�r�r shal�
<br /> pay the prem�ums �eqi�ired ta o�ataxn co�era�e substan�ia�ly �quxval�nt tQ �he m�rtgag� insurance p�e�ri�us�� in
<br /> effec�, at �. c�st s�.�l�s�:ant�a�l� eqLu�ra�ent t� th� ��st t� B on o�ver Qf th� rnartga�e insL�rance pre�ia�ls�y in eff�ct,
<br /> fr�m�.n alterna��martga���nsur��r appraved�y Lend�r. Tf substantia���e��uivaient xn�rt�ag�insuranc�c��r�ra�e is
<br /> �24��-?O1�Campliance Systems,Inc.49a8-S�b4-2{713L2.3.1.�03
<br /> Cansumer Reai E�tate-Se�urity InstrumenC DL,203b Page 3 of 7 w�ww.caz��pliances�stcn�s.c�rn
<br />