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��15��7�1 <br /> th� N�rth Ha�f af said F�racti�nal S�ction 1�; running tJhence �outh 1��.� feet �long and upon the <br /> '�V�st �ine af sai� Fra��ior�al �e�tiun 1S; running then�e East �L�S.5 feet and �aral�e� wi�h �he N�rth <br /> line of saicl Fracti�na� Sec�tion l�; running �hence Narth 1��.5 f��t and parall�l�vith th� ���t I�ne �f <br /> said �ract��nal �ectY�n :15; and runnxng �hence yV�st and parall�l with �he N�rth line �f said <br /> Frac�i�na����t��n 18 t�t��e Point�f�e�inn�n�. <br /> Farce�IDfSidw��l Num�er:�Ud1��576 <br /> T�C�xETHER WITH �il the impro�em�nts n�vv ar herea�ter erectec� �n the prop�r�y, and all eas�m�n�s, <br /> appurtenanc�s, and fixtures na�v �r her�after a part �f th� praperty. ,A�.II repl��em�nts and addatx�ns shal� �l�o la� <br /> cove��d by this �e���ri�y Ins��t. All �f th� fore�ozng �s r�ferrecl tfl in thx� Se�urz�y Inst��m�nt as �he <br /> ►'Pr�p�rty,,, <br /> L3�RRQ�JL�ER��VENANTS that B�rravver�s lav4rful�y s�xse�i of�he esta�e h�r�by canv���d an�l has th�ri�ht ta <br /> �rant and convey the Praper�y and �llat the Pr�perty is ura�ncu��nhere,d, e�.�ept far �ncumbran��s af record. <br /> B�rr�w�r w�-ran�s and wxll defend g�n�r��ly th� t�tle to the praperty ag�,air�st ��1 clai_ms a.11d d�mand�, s�.�l���ct t� <br /> any encumbrances af record. <br /> Borrawer and Lend�r co�enant axad a�re�as f�ll�w�; <br /> Payment of Frincipa�an�Inter�st;Prepaym�nt ant�Lat�C'h�rg�s.B�rro�er sha�l prflmptl�pay when d���the <br /> prznc�pa.I of and .inter�s� �n �he c�ebt evx�e�c�� by the Not� and an� prepayment and �a�.e �harg�s du� und�r the <br /> I�Tote. <br /> Applic�bX� Law. As used �n tl�i� Se�ur�t� �n��rument, th� ter�r� °'�.pplicable La�" sh��� �m�a.11 a11 �ontr�ll�ng <br /> ap�l�.�ab1e federal, state and la�a.� �ta�t�t�s, re�u�ati_�n�, ord.inan�e� ar��1 �dm�nistrat�ve rules and ��der� �th�f ha�� <br /> th�eff�ct aF lau�} as���1 as a�l applic�bi�rina�,non-appealal�Ie judici�l opinions. <br /> A�1 payrr��nts received by�th�I.rend�r fr�rn the Borr�w�r for applica�ti�n to thi�Note m�y be ap��i�d to the <br /> l3orro�er's ��ligatx�n� under thYs N�te in su�h nrd�r as det�rmin�d �� the Lender. Pa��ents must be <br /> re�.�iv�d��5:�� p.z�a.. �ST 1VIo�n�a� thrau�h Fri�a� �e��lu�ing fecle��a�ho�idays} in�rd�r�.o b� cre�l�t�d on <br /> that same day. <br /> �harg�s; Lien�. Borrawer �hal:� pay all ta�es, as�essrn�nts, char��s, fi��es and impQsit�or�s ��tr��utabl� ta the <br /> Prope.rty �hi�h m�y at�ain pr�orilty o�er th�s �ecurit� ��5trum�n�, an�l�a.s�hald pl�ments �r ground ren��, i�an�. <br /> B�rrower shal�p�y�h��e ob]Xgat�.on� �n t�m� an�1 �.ire�tiy �o �he persan ov�ed pa�m�nt. At the r�qu��t�f Lend�r, <br /> B orra�ver shall�romptly furnish t:o L�nd�r.receipts e�zd�nczng the payme�i�.t�. <br /> B��Y��ver sha11 pr�mp�:1y dischars�� an� lien which has pri�rity a�rer�his S�c�-�rity In�trunlen�unless�orrour�r: ��.} <br /> agr�e� in tivrxtin� �o the pa�m�nt af �h� abligation s�cure� by the �xen in a manner a�ce�tab�e to Lend�r; �b� <br /> con��s�s in good faith �h� lien b��, or d�fends aga�n�� �nfa�cem�nt af thr� lien �n, ]e�� pr�c�ed�n�s whi�h in th� <br /> L�nder's �gin��n op�rate �o pre�rent the enfarc�m��.t af the .l�en; ar �c�� se�ur�s fr�m the hald�r �f�he li�n ar� <br /> a�re�ment sa�isfa�t�r� �a Lender s��bar�.il�ating the 1i�n to thi� S�curx�y Ins�ument. If Lend�r deter��nes�hat any <br /> p�rl ❑F�he Praperty is subje�t to a li�n whi��i may atta�n priority a�er t1r��s ���urity Instr«ment, L,e��cl�r may giv� <br /> B�rrQ�v�r a noti�e id��.�ifyin�th� l��n. B arro�v�r �ha�l s�.tisf� th� li�n ar Cak� one ar mare of the actions ��t forth <br /> ab��re�vith�n ��ciays�f th���vxn�oF n�t�ce. <br /> Ha�ard or Fr�pert�Insuran�e„ �orrov�e�r s�all l��ep the impr�vemen�s n�vv existing or herearter e.rect���n the <br /> Pr�p�rt�in�ured�gainst l�ss b�fire, ll��ards�nc�uded wi�h�n the term"���tended cov�rag�" and any ath��r ha��,rds, <br /> includin� floods ar floodi�xg, far whzch Len�er req�.l�res �nsurance. Tr►i� znsuran�e shall ]�e rna�ntain�d in the <br /> �.mounts and for�h�peri�ds that�Lender r�qua.res.The insu��n�e c�.rr�er p�ravidin�the i��.su.ran��shall�e c�osen b� <br /> 8��7-ativer sub��ct ta L�nder's approval �vhich �ha11 n�t be ux�r�asonal�ly witliheld. If Borro�ver fail� ta maintain <br /> �overa�e describ�d ab��e, Lel�der ma�, at Lender's optian, ��ata�n ��verage tfl pratect Len��r's rights �n th� <br /> Property�n acco�rdax�ce tivith sec�i�n titled Prote�:tian�f I1�ndPr's Ri�h�S�n th�Prop�rty. <br /> A�ll insura�ce pol�c�es an�l rene�vals shall �e a�cep�able to L�nder and shali inclu�e a sta�xd�c� �r�ortga�e �I�use. <br /> L�n�ier shall h��e t1�e ri�ht to hold the p�Iicies �n�renev�als. If L�nr��r requires,Barrow�r sha11 pr�mpt�y gxve t� <br /> (�3 2a4=�-�01�Carxipliance Systems,Inc.495S-8t764-2�}1?L2.3..1.503 <br /> C���sumtir Real Estz�te-S��urity Tnstruinent DL'?a36 Pa�e�a#� ww�v.compliaizces;r�tcixys.�oa�. <br />