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��15��7�7 <br /> ��E� �� �'���T <br /> ` P'a � � <br /> ����� �v: `��`���3���3� ����`�����d� � <br /> this Deed af Trus�. Any person may chan�e his ❑r her address for no�iG�s under 1:his Deed of Trus� by gi�ing formal <br /> writ��n notice �o the ather p�rson flr persons, speci�ying that �he purpose o� �he notice is �o chang� �he pers�i�`s <br /> address. For n��ic� purp�ses, Trus��r agrees 1:� 14eep Lender infarmed a�al[times o�Trust�r`s current address. Un[ess <br /> otl�erwise proWided ar required h}� law, i-��here is mare �han one T�us�or, an� no�ice gi�en by Lend�r to any T�ustor i5 <br /> de�rned 1:� be na�ice�i��n to all Trustors. It wii� be Trusfiar's r�spansibilEty�o te[�the other�of�he n�tic��ram Lender. <br /> 111i���ELL1�i�E�U��F���l��1C�C��. The following misc�ilan�ous pro�isions are a �art of fhis Q�ed oi Trus�: <br /> �r�endm�n�s. 11Vha� is wri��en in this Deed of Trus� and in �he Related Documents is Trus�t�r's entire agreement <br /> wi�h Lend�r c�ncerning �he matters cflvered by this Deed a�Trus�. To be �ffe��ive, any �hange ar amendrn�nt ta <br /> �:his Deed o�F Trust mu�� be in writing and must be si�ned l�y whaever �ill be hound or obligated by�che cl�ange or <br /> amendment. <br /> Capfiio� ���d�nt��. Capfiian headings in �I�is Deed a�F Trus� are �ar con�renien�e purposes only and are no� �o be <br /> used 1:o inter�r��or define�he pro�isions o�this Deed o�Trust. <br /> �erger. There �hall be n� merger o�f the interes�or estate creat�d by this D�ed of Trust wi�h an�o�[�er ir��erest or <br /> estate ir�► �h� Praperty at any fiime held by or�or the bene#it of Lender in any capacity, wi�hout�h� v►rrit�en consent <br /> �� Lender. <br /> �hni�� o'��i��ue. I� there is a fawsui�r, Trus�or agrees upon Lender's request �a submi�r �o tl�e jurisdiction �� �he <br /> c�ur�s��f HALL Coun�y, 5tate of Nebrasfca. <br /> .�c��n� aE�d ����r�l L�abil��ry. All �bligations o� Trus�or under tk-�is C��ed of Trust shal� be join� and severa�, and all <br /> rei�erences to Trus�or sha[1 mean each and ��ery �rustor. Tl�i� means �ha� each Trustor sign�ng belaw �� <br /> responsible for all obliga�iorts in�his ❑eed af Trus�. <br /> �0 111�ai►rer�y L�r�der. Trustor understand� Lender �nri�� no�gi�e up any of Lender's rights under�his Deed of Trust <br /> unf�ss Lender does sa in wri�ing. The #ac� �ha� L�nder defays or omi�s ta exerc�se any right will na� mean �rhat <br /> Lender has gi�en up thafi r�ght. I� Lender does agree in writing �a gi�� up �ne a�F Lender's r�ghts, that does na� <br /> mean Trus�or will no� ha�� �a comp�y with the o�her praWisions of this De�d of Trus�. Trust�r also understands <br /> �hat �f Lender ci�es �onsen� t❑ a reques�, that does no� mean �ha� Trustor will not hav� to g�� Lender's Gonsent <br /> again if fhe si�uation hap�ens again. Trus��r further und�rs�ands�hat just because L�nder consen�s�o one or more <br /> of Trustor's requests, tha�c does na� m�an Lender wi11 be required to consen� �� any af Trustnr's future requests. <br /> Trustor wai�es presen�ment, demand �Far paymen�, pratest, and noti�e af disl�onor. <br /> �e�er�bi�i��. lf a �vur� finds �ha� any pro�isi�n o�f this Deed �f Trust is nat vaiid �r shou[d not be enfv�ced, that <br /> �ac� by i�s�I�wiil not mean �hat�he rest of this Deed �f Trust wilf no� be �ralid ar enforced. Therefore, a court will <br /> en�arc��he res�❑f the pra�isians of this Deed of Trust e�en if a prflvis�on of�his Deed of Trust m�y b���und to be <br /> �nWal��ar unenforc�able. <br /> �uccesso�s a��d �4�signs. �ubject to any limitati�ns stated �n �his Deed afi Trus� on �transfer af Trus�rar's in�erest, <br /> this D�ed o-F Trust shall be hinding upon and inure to the }�enefit o� the parties, �heEr succe�sors and assigns. f� <br /> ownership ai�he Property bec�mes vested in a persan o�h�r than Trus�ar, Lender, withou� na�rice to Trus�or, may <br /> d�al with Trustor's su�cessors wi�h referen�e�a�his ❑eed of Trus�and�:he Ind�btedness by way o�forbearance or <br /> extension withaut releasing Trus�or from the obiiga�ians of this D�ed ❑f Trust or liabili�y under�he {nd�b�edness. <br /> `�ime is v���e l�sse�c�. Time is of�he ess�nc� in�the per�ormance of fihis Qeed of Trus�.� <br /> 1lVaiver a� Homes�ead Exemp���n. Trustor here�y releas�s and wa��es af! �ights and b�nefits of �he homestead <br /> exemp�ion laws of�che Stat�o�f Nebraska as�o al� [ndebt�dness secured by this Deed of Trus�. <br /> �EF��lT1�1V5. The�ollQwing vuords shal! ha�e the f�llowing meanings when us�d in�his Deed of Trust: <br /> Bene�iciary. The ward "�en�ficiary" means Fi�e Points Bank, and i�s successors and assigns. <br /> �a�rvwer. The word "go�rower" means JUH1V M. VIIILLMAN, JR.; and LINDA L WiLLMAhI and in�fudes al� <br /> ca-signers and c�-malcers signin�the Note and ail�he�r successors and ass�gns. <br /> Deed o� Trust. The words "Deed of Trus�" mean this Deed of Trust amang Trus�or, Lender, and Tru�tee, and <br /> includes withaut limitation aE! assignmen� and securi�y in��res� pravisions refa�ing �❑ �rhe Persanal Prap�rty and <br /> Ren�s, <br /> Envi�onmenta! Laws. The wards '"En�ironm�n�al Laws" mean any and a[1 state, federa! and IoGaf statutes, <br /> regu�atians and ardinances r�lating to th� protection of human heafth or ths en�ironmen�, includEng wi�hou� <br /> limitation the �ornprehensi�e Envi��nmental Response, Comp�nsa�ion, and Liability Act of 198�, as amended, 42 <br /> L�.S.C. 5ec�ion 96��, �� s�q. �"CER�LA"}, �he 5upe�fund Amendmen�s and Reau�chori�atian Act af 1985, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-439 ("SA�A"}, th� Ha�ardnus Materials Transpar�a�ion Act, 49 U.S,C. 5ectian �80�, et seq., the Resource <br /> �ans�r�ation and Re�oWery A�t, 4Z U.S.C. S��ti�n 69D1, e� seq., ar other appiicabEe sta�e flr federai laws, rufes, <br /> or r�gu�atiQns adop�ed pursuant�hereto. <br /> E�ren�of�efaul�. The words "E�ent vf Defaul�" mean any of the events af defau[�set forth in this Deed o�Trust in <br /> �he e�ents of d�fauft s���ion o�this aeed of T�ust. <br /> �x�sting indeb�edness. The w�rds "Existing �ndeb�edness" mean �he indehtedness described in the Existing Liens <br /> provision❑f�his Deed o�Trust. <br />