<br /> ���� �� �A����`
<br /> �.��€� ��: ��'������� ����������� ���� �
<br /> any laws nQw ar hereafter in �arce; notv�riths�anding, som� �r all o� sucf� �ndeb�edness and �bligations se�ur�d �y
<br /> this Qe�d �f Trust may now or l�ereafter be athervuis� secured, whe�her by mort�age, deed af�rus-�, pledge, lien,
<br /> as�ignmen� or otherwise. Neither the acceptance O� �hES ❑eed of Trus� ���r its en�orcement, whe�h�r !�y cour�
<br /> action �r pu�suant �o �he pov�rer of sale or other pov�rers coE��a�ned in �his Deed o�Trust, sha[1 prejudice ar in any
<br /> manner affect Trust�e`s or Lend�r's righ� �� reali�e upan ar enforce any other seGurEt� n�w �r herea�te�- held by
<br /> Trustee ar Lender, i� being agreed that Trus�ee and Lender, and each❑f themr sl�a�l be enti�fed to en�orce this Qeed
<br /> a� Trus� and �ny o�her securi�y now or he�eafter held by Lender ar Trustee in such order and manner as tl�ey ar
<br /> ei�her of �hem may in their absoiute discre�i�n determine. No remedy c�n-�erred upon or res�r�ed �o Trustee or
<br /> Lender, is infiended ta be ex�lusi�e of any o�her remedy in �his Deed af Trust or by law pravided ar p�rmitted, but
<br /> each shall b� cumulative and shal[ he in addi�:ion to eWery other remedy given in �his Deed a� Trus�: or now or
<br /> her�after exis�ing at law�r in equity or by s�a�ufie. Every pow�r�r remedy gi�ren by the Note Qr any of�he Re�ated
<br /> ❑ocumen�s to Trus�ee or Lende�- or �Q which eifiher of t��em may be �the�-wEse entitlec€, may be ex�rcised,
<br /> concurren�[y or independently, fram �ime ta tim� and as often as may �e d�em�d expedient,b�Trust�e or Lender,
<br /> and either o� �hem may pursue inconsistent remedies. [Vothir�g in this Deed of Trust sha�i be construed as
<br /> proh�bi�ing Lender from s�eking a de�Fici�ncy�ud�men� against the Trus��r ta the ex�ent suc�� ac�i�n Es permitted by
<br /> law.
<br /> Elec�ion of Rerrtedies. All o� Lender's rights and remedies wi�I be cumu[ati�e and may b� exercised aIone ar
<br /> �ogefiher. �f Lender de�ides to spend maney or to perform any a� Trus��r's ob[igations under�his Deed a� Trust,
<br /> af��r Trus�or's failure �a do so, fihat de��sion hy Lender will na� affe�t Lender's righ� �o deciare Trus�or �n de�aul�
<br /> and ta exercis� Lender's remedies.
<br /> Request for No�ice. Trus�ar, �n laehalf o�F Trustor and L�nd�r, hereby requests that a copy af any Notice af ❑e�ault
<br /> and a capy o�any IVotice of Sale under�his Deed of Trust be ma�led �a them at the addresses se� f�rth in�he �Firs�
<br /> paragraph o��his Deed af Trus�.
<br /> At�orneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender ins�itutes any suit �r ac�ian to enforce any af �he ��rms af �his Deed af
<br /> Trus�, Lender sha�! be entitled �o recaWer such sum as the cor�rt may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' �Fees at tria�
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whether nr na� any court action is in�ol��d, and to the extent not pr�hibited �y law, ali
<br /> reasonable exp�nses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinian are ne�essary at any time for the protection vf its
<br /> infieres#or�he enf�rcement vf its rights shall becom� a part�f the Indebtedness payable ❑n demand and shali bear
<br /> interest at�he No�e rair�fram the date o�the expenditure un�ii repaid. Expenses co�ered by�his pa�agraph include,
<br /> with�u� limitation, howeWer subje�t t� any iimits under applicab�� Eaw, Lende�'s at�orneys' fees and Lender's le�al
<br /> ex�enses, whe�her or no� �here is a lawsui�, incjuding at�orneys' fees and expenses fior bank�uptcy praceedings
<br /> �in�iuding e�fiorts to modi�y ar�racate any automatic s�kay or in�unction�, appea�s, and any an�icEpated pos�-judgmen�
<br /> collec�ion serWices, the cost �f searching records, obtain�n� �ifle reports �including fioreclasure reports}, sur�eyors'
<br /> reparts, and appraisal �ees, title insurance, and fees for the Trus�eef t� the ex�ent perm��ted �y applicab�e �aw.
<br /> Trus�or als� wi�l pay any courfi costs, in additian ta afl o�her sums pr��ided by law.
<br /> Righ�s o�T'rus�e�. Trustee sha!! ha�e all a�th� ri�h�s and duties o�Lender as se��Forth in this sec�ion.
<br /> P[��IJERS AND C�BL1G�Ti��S �3F T'RUSTEE. The f�[lowing pro�isions r�la�ing �o the p�w�rs and flbligatians at Tru��ee
<br /> are part af this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Powers Q�Trus�ee. In add��ion�o a�� pawers a�Trustee arising as a ma�ter a�faw, Trustee shai� ha�e�he powe�to
<br /> talce the fol�owing a�tions wi�h respect t� the Proper�y upon the wri��en request of Lender and Trusfiar: �a� join in
<br /> preparing and filing a map or plat a� �he Real Property, including the dedication ❑� str��ts or ather rights to the
<br /> public; {b} join in granting any easement or creating any res�ric�ian on �h� Real Proper�y; and 4c� join [n any
<br /> subardina�ion or o�h�r agreemen�a�fec�ing�his Deed of Trust or the interest❑�Lender under this C3eed o�F Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trus�ee shall me�t all quaEi�ica�rions required �ar Trustee und�r app[icable faw. ln addifiion �o the rights
<br /> and remedies set f�rth abo�re, wEth respec� to all �r any par� o� �he Proper�y, �he Trus�ee shall ha�e �he righ� �o
<br /> foreclase by nofii�� and safe, and Lender wi11 have �he right to �orecl�s� �y judicial �oreclosu�e, in eil:her case in
<br /> accardance wi�h and�Q the full extent proW�ded by appl�cabEe Eaw.
<br /> Suc��ssQr Trustee. Lend�r, a� Lender's aption, may from time�a time appoint a suc�essor Trustee tv any Trustee
<br /> app�in�ed under this Deed ❑�Trus� by an instrument execu�ed and acknawledged by Lender and recorded in the
<br /> o#�ice ❑f �he recorder of HALL County, 5tat� af Nebraska. The instrument shall �ontain, in addi�Eon to all other
<br /> matters r�quired by state iaw, �he nam�s of �he origirtal L�nder, Trustee, and Trustar, �he baolc and page {or
<br /> compu�er system ref�rence} where �his Deed af Trust is recorded, and �he name and addr�ss ❑fi the successor
<br /> trustee, and the ins�rumen�sha[! be execu�ed and a�kn�w[�dged by all th� bene����aries under fihis D�ed o�Trust or
<br /> their successors En in�er�st. The successor trustee, without conveyance of the Praperty, shali su�ceed to ali the
<br /> ti�l�, power, and duties canferred upon the Trustee in this aeed �f Trust and by appficable �aw. This pr�cedure for
<br /> substitutian��Trust��shall go�ern t❑�he exGlusion�t a!L ather prav�sions�or subs�itut�on.
<br /> NDTICES. Any nofiics required to �e giv�n under �his Deed of Trus�, including v�ri�hout limi�ati�n any noti�e o� default
<br /> and any no�ice ❑f sale shall be ��ven in wri�ing, and shall be effecti�e when ac�ually delivered, when actually recei�ed
<br /> by te�efacs�mile {unless �therwise required by iaw}, wh�n d�posited wi�h a na�ianally recogni�ed o��rnight caurier, ar, if
<br /> maiied, v�rhen deposi�ed in �he LJnited States mai[, as firs� classr �erti�ied or registered mai� pnstage prepaid, directed t❑
<br /> the address�s shawn near the �eginn�n� o�this Deed of Trus�. A�l c�pies o€ notices af �oreclasur� from the holder o�F
<br /> any, lien whi�h has priarity ❑�er this Deed o� Trus� shal! be sen� �o Lender's address, as shawn near �he b�ginning of
<br />