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��15���SS <br /> ���� �� �������� <br /> ������r����� ���� � <br /> �amplian�e ►�v���� ���rernme��a! Requir�rnen��. Trustfl� sha�� promptiy comp�y with all �av�s, ordinances, an� <br /> regul�t�ons, now a� herea�i�#er in effec�, c�� ali �overnmental authorities applicable to ��-�e use or accupancy o���h� <br /> Praperty. Trus�ar may cantest in goad fai�h any such law, ordinance,ar regulation and�ithho�d compliance during <br /> any pr-o�eeding, including appropr�a�P appeals, so lon� as 7rustar has notified Lender in wri�ing prEor �o doing so <br /> and sa�ang as, in Lende�'s sole opinion, Lender's in�erests in the Prope�ty are no�jeapardized. Lender may r�quire <br /> Trustor#o past adequate security or a sur-ety bond, reasanably sat�sfa�tory�a Lend�r,�o�protect Lender`5 int��est. <br /> ' []u�y to Protec�. Trustflr agrees neith�r ta abandon or lea�e unattended the P�oper�y. Trus�or shall do a!1 o�her <br /> ae�s, in addition�a those acts se�for�h�bove 3n this sec�ion,v�hich from the charac�er and use�f the Property are <br /> reasonably necessary tn prot�ct and preserve the Prope�y. <br /> �"�►x�S AN� LIEIVS. The following provisians re�afing to the taxes and �iens on the Praperky are part of this Deed o� <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymenf. Trustor shal� pay orvh�n due �and in a!I e�ents prior to deiinquency}al� taxes, spe�ia!�axes, assessments, <br /> charges [including water and sewer}, fnes and impositions levied agains�ar on accaun# of the Prape�ty, and shall <br /> pay when due �I� cla�ms for�vork done on o�-for serv�ces rendered or maferia� fu�nished to the P�-operty. T�-ustar <br /> sha!! mainfain the Property�ree o�a�l liens ha�ing priori�y o�er or equal to the interest of Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, except for the �ien o� taxes and assessm�nts not due, �xcept �ar �he Exis�ing Indeb�edness referre� t❑ <br /> �e�ow, and except as othenru�se pro�ided in th�s Deed o�f Trust. <br /> Right�o Cnn#esf. Trustor may withhold payrnent o�any�ax, assessment, or cla�m in conne�tion with a good�ai�h <br /> disput�o�e�th�obliga�ion t� pay, sa iong as Lender's interest in the Proper�y is nat jeapardized. i�a iien arises or <br /> is �iled as a result of n�npayment, Trustor sha11 wi�hin �ift�en �15} days af�er the iien arises or, if a fien is fi�(ed, <br /> within fifteen ��_�} days aft�r Trusto� has na�ice of the filEng, secure the discharge o�F#he �ien, or if reques#ed by <br /> Lender,depasit with Lend�r cash or a su�Ficient�orparate su�ety bond or other-se�urity sa�is�actory i�o Lender in an <br /> amount sufficien��o discha�ge the iien plus any c�sts and attorneys`�ees, o�o�her charges tha� could a�crue as a <br /> r-esui�❑�a fo�eclosure ar sale under�he lien. ln any contest, Trustor shall defend itsei�and Lender and shal! satisfy <br /> any adverse judgment#a�fare enforcemen�against the Property. Trustor shal� name Lender as an additional obligee <br /> und�r any sure�y band furnished in the �ant�s�praceedings. <br /> E�idence o��aymen�. T�us�or shal� upan demand�urnish to Lender satisfactory e�idence o�paym�nt of the taxes <br /> or assessmen�s and shall authorize the appropriate go�ernmenfal ❑�fiicial to deii�er to Lender a�any time a wri�ten <br /> statem�n�of the taxes and assessments against the Proper�y_ <br /> Nc��ice a�Constructian. Trus�or shall no�ify Lender at least fifteen ��5} days be�or� any work is commenc�d, any <br /> servic�s are furnished, �r 2�ny rna�erials are supplied to the Property, if any mechanic's lien, materialrnen's I�en, or <br /> a�her lien could be asserted on account of the work, services, ar ma�erials. Trusfor wi�l upan request ❑f Lender <br /> furn�sh to Lender advance assurances satisfactory to Lender thaf Trus�or can and wif! pay #he cosfi of such <br /> impro��m�n�s. <br /> PR�P�RTY D�IiI�AG� lhtSIJRANCE. The following pravisions relating to insuring th� Proper�y are a part o�th�s Deed a� <br /> Tru st. <br /> Maintenance o� Insu�'ar��e. Trus�or sha!! procure and maintain policies of fire insurance with standard extended <br /> co�erage endo�sements on a rep�acement bas�s for fhe fuil insurab�e �a�ue covering all Impro�ements on the Reaf <br /> Proper�y in an �mount su�ficient t� a�a�d application af any coinsurance claus�, and with a standard mortgag�e <br /> clause in fa�ar o�Lender,#oge�her wi#h such ather haza�d and��ab�l�ty insuran�e as Lende�may reasanably require. <br /> Palicies shall �ae written in �orm, arnounts, coverages and basis reasonab9y acceptable fio Lender and �ssued by a <br /> company a� companies reasonably acceptable ta Lende�. Trustor, upan request of L�nder, v�riil delive� to Lender <br /> from time to time the poEicies or cer�if�cates o�insurance in form sa�isfactory�o �ender, including s��pulations that <br /> �a�erages will n�t be cancel�ed ar diminished uvithout a� least ten ����days priar w�it�en not��e tv Lender. Each <br /> �nsurance poli�y also shal! �n�lude an endorsernenf p�aviding that ca�erage in �fa�or af Lender wil� not be impair�d <br /> in any way by any act, omissian or d�faul�of Trus�or or any ofher person. 5hould the Real Prope�ty he �ocated in <br /> an area design�ted by the Administra�or of the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a speeia�flood hazard <br /> - area, Trustor agrees to obtai�� and ma�n�ain Federal Fload insurance, ifi a�aiiable, for the rnaximum amaunt a� <br /> Trus��r's credit iine and the full unpaid principal ba(ance�f any prior liens�n the pr�per�y securing�he loan, up�n <br /> the maximum po�icy limits se�under the National F�ood Insura�ce Pragram,or as o�henn�ise required by L�nder, and <br /> to mainta�n such insurance�or fhe t�rm of�he loan. <br /> Appfi�ation of�roceeds. Tr-ustor sha�! promptly notify Lender of any lass ar damage�a the Proper�y. Lender may <br /> make proo� of loss if Trus�or �ails to dfl so within �ifteen �15) days afi the casuaity. Vllhether or nat Lender's <br /> security is impai�-ed, Lender may, at Lender's ��ection, r�ceive and retain the proc�eds o�any insuranc� and appfy <br /> �he pr�ceeds to the reduct�on o�the �ndebtedness, payment o�any �ien a�Fec�ing #he Property, vr#he restoration <br /> and repair o�th� Proper�y. 1f Lender e�ec#s �o apply the proceeds to resto�-ation and repair, Trustar shal� repair o� <br /> replace the damaged ar dest��oyE� impro�emen�s in a manner sa�isfac�ary �o Lender. Lender shall, upon <br /> �ati�fa�tory proof o� such expen���ure, pay or reimburse Trustar fr�m the proceeds f��- th� r�asonable cos# of <br /> r-epair or res��ra�ian i� Trus�or �s n�t in defaul� under fhis C�eed of Trust. Any pro�eeds which ha�e nat been <br /> disbursed wi�hin �I SD days aft�r their r-�ce�pt and whi�h Lender has not comm�tte� ta the repair ar res�orat�on o# <br /> �he Property sha�f be used ��r��to pay any amoun� awing to Lender under�his Deed of Trust, then �o pay acc�ued <br /> ir��eres�, and �h� remainder, i�any, sha�1 be applied t� the prinGipa! balance of#he Indebf�dness. �� Lender halds <br />