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��15���SS <br /> ���� �� ��.���� <br /> - ����t���a��� ���� � <br /> Cred�� Agreemen�. Such adWances rna� be made, rep�id, ar�� r�made �rarr� �ime t� ��rne, �ubject�v �h� l�m��atian fha� <br /> the �ofal outs�and�ng balan�e awing a� any one ��me, nof including �Financ� �harg�s nn such b���nce at a f�xed ar <br /> �aria�le ra�e or sum a� pro�id�d �n fhe Credi� �gre�men�, a,n� f�mpor�ary o�erag�s, a�her charges, and any arr�oun�s <br /> �xpended car ad�anced as proWided in ���her fhe Indeb�edness paragraph or�his paragraph, sha�l nv'� exc�ed '�he �red�� <br /> �.imi� as pr��ided �n the Cr�di�Agre�men�. !t is�he in�enfi�n o�`Trus�vr ar�d Lend�r fhaf thi� peed a�Trus�s�cures the <br /> balance ou�standing unde�-fhe Credi�Agreemen'���rom t�r�e �❑ �ime from zero up �v the Gredit Limi� as pro�ided in the <br /> �r�di��►gre�m�nt and any in�e�-mediafe balance. <br /> Trustor presen#Iy assigns to Lender �also knawn as Beneficiary in this Deed of Trus�� aii ❑�Trus�or's right, fi�le, and <br /> �nterest in and �o al� present and futur�e leases of the Proper�y and all Rent� from the Prop�rty. !n addition, Trustor <br /> g�ants to Lende�a Uniform Commercial Code secur�ty interest ir�the Personal Property and Ren�s. <br /> `TH15 D�ED OF TRUST, (NCLU��NG�'M� ASS1CNNfENT�3F RENTS AND THE S�CEIRIT'Y 1N7�R�ST IN TH� REN7S�Nt] <br /> pERS�NAL PR4PERTY, 15 G�V�N Ta SEC�RE �A} PAYM�NT�F THE �N�3E�TE�NE55 AND �B� PERF(�Rh�ANCE �F <br /> EACH �F T�US7�][�'S ACF�EEII�ENTS AN�] UBLiGATI�NS LJNDER TH� CREDIT ACREE�ENT', THE RELATE�] <br /> D�CUMENTS, AND THiS DEEQ �F TRUST. THlS DEED �F TRUST �S GiV�N AN❑ ►ACCEPYE❑ QN THE FOLL�ININ� <br /> TERMIS: <br /> PAY�IENT AND PERFC]RMANCE. Ex�ept as otherwise �ro�ided in this Deed o�Trus�, Trustor sha�l pay to Lender al1 <br /> amoun�s secured by this Deed of Trust as #hey become due, and shaii strict�y an� �n a timely manne� perfiorm all o� <br /> Trusfior`s abliga�ions under the �redit Agreemen�,�his De�d of Trust, and�he Related Docurnents. <br /> p�SSESSION AN�3 11rIAlNTENAI�CE UF THE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees fhat Trustor's possession and use o� the <br /> Proper�y shall be governed by the following pravisions: <br /> Possessian and Use. Unti! the occur�ence �� an Event af De�ault, Trus�o� may ��} r�:main in passession and <br /> contro� of the P�operty; �Z} use,operate or manage the_Prope�y;and �3} �ollec�the Rents fram�he P�operty. <br /> Du�y fia Nta�nta�n. Trustor� shail maintain �he Property �n good condEtian and p�omptly perfiarm ail repairs, <br /> replacements,and maintenance necessary to pres�nre �ts�alue. <br /> Camp�iance l�i�h Envirvnmen�a! Laws. Trustor repres�nts and wa�rants �a Lender th�t: ��} ❑uring �h� periad o� <br /> Trustor's ownership of�he Property, �here has been no use, generat�on, manu�acfure, starage, treatment,disposa�, <br /> release or �hreatened re�ease of any Hazardous Substance by any pe�s�n on, unde�, about o��rom the Property; <br /> �2} Trustor ha� n❑ knawledg� of, or reasan to bel�eve �hat there has b�en, except as pre�ious�y discl��ed �o and <br /> acknnwledged by Lender in wri��ng, �a} any breach or �iala�ion of any Environmen#al Laws, �b} any use, <br /> gene�at3an, manufact�re, storage, trea�ment, dispasal, release or threatened release of any Hazardous Substance <br /> on, under, about or�ram the Proper�y by any prio� owners ar occupants of the Proper�y, or �c} any actual or <br /> �h��atened �itigation or claims o�any kind �y any person relating to such matters; and �3} Except as pre��ou�ly <br /> disclased to and a�know�edged by L�nder in writing, �a} nei�her Trustar nor any�enan�,con�ractor, agent or o�her <br /> authorized user of�he Property sha�� use, generate, rnanu�acture, store, treat, dispose flf or release any Hazardous <br /> Subs#ance on, under, about o�-�rom the Proper�y;and tb} any such acti�ity sha�l be conducted in c�mpiiance wi�h <br /> a�� appli�able fiederal, stat�, and iocal laws, regula�ions and ordinances, including without limitation a!I <br /> Env�ronm�ntal Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and ��s agen�s to �n�er upan �he Property ta make such <br /> inspect�ons and tes�s, at Trus�or's expense, as Lender may deem appropria#e to �eterm�ne comp�iance o� �he <br /> Property wi�h this sec�ian o� the Deed of Trus�. Any inspections or tests made by Lender shall be for Lender`s <br /> purposes only and sha�l no�he cons��u�d �o create any responsibility or�iabiii�y❑n the part of Lender to T�ustar or <br /> to any other person. The representations and warranties con�ained he�-ein are based an Trustar's due dil�gence �n <br /> in�estiga�ing the Property far Hazardous 5ubstances. Trustor hereby ��} rel�ases and wa��es any fu�u�e claims <br /> against Lender for indemnity or contribution in the eWent Trustar becorn�s liable �or cleanup or o�he� costs under <br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees to indemnify, defend, and ho�d harmless Lender agains�any and ail claims, losses, <br /> liabili�i�s, damages, penal�ses, and expenses whi�h Lender may directly or indirectly susta�n or suffer resulting from <br /> a �reach of�hi� sec�ion of�he ❑eed of Trus� flr as a consequence of any use, generation, manu�acture, s�orage, <br /> disposal, re�ease o��hrea�ened release occur�ing prior to Trus�or's owne�sh�p❑r interest�n the Property,whethe�or <br /> not the same was or should have been �nnwn to Trustor. Th� pra�isians a�th�s sec#ian �f the Deed o� Trust, <br /> inc�uding the abliga�ian to ind�mnify and defend, sha�l survi�e the payment afi the �ndebtedness and�he sat�sfaction <br /> and �econveyance of the lien a�#his Deed o�Trus�and sha�l nQt be a#feG�ed by L�nder's acquisi�i�n of any interest <br /> in the Prope�ty,whether by�orecl�su�e or o�hervvise. <br /> IVui�anc�, Vllast�. T�-ustor shall nat cause, conduct or permi� any nuisan�e nor cammit, permif, ar suf��� any <br /> stripping af o�waste on or ta the P�-ope�ty or any par�ion ❑��he Proper�y. Wi�hout limiting th� generality a�the <br /> foregving, Trustar w��l not r�ma�e, or gran�to any other par�y�h� right to remov�, any�irnber, minerals �including <br /> oi� and g�s�, coal,clay, scoria, soil, gra�e! or rock products vv�thou�Lender's prior written consen#. <br /> Remvva� ���mpra►�emen�s. Trustor sha�l not demo�ish ar�ema�e any lmprovements f�om the Rea� Pr�perty wi�hout <br /> Lender's prior Uvr�t�en cansent. As a condi�ion to the r�moval af any �mp�o�em�nt�, L�nder may require Trus#or�o. <br /> make arrangemen�s satisfa��ory �Q Lender to replace such Irnpr�a�ements v�rith Improvemen�s o�f a� least equai <br /> �a�u�. <br /> Lender`s R�ght�� �n��r. Lende�-and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter- upar� �he Real Property a���I <br /> reason�bie times to attend to Lender's �n�ere�ts and ta inspect �he Rea! �roper�y �Q� purpases of Trus�or's <br /> cornpliance wi�h the terms and conditions o�this Deed of Trus�. <br />