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��15���55 <br /> required by RESPA, and Barrow�r sha�l pay�o L�nder the am�unt necessary to make up the d���i�ncy in <br /> accordan�e with R�SPA, bu� in no more�han �2 m.onthly payments. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured�� this Security Instrum�.ent, Lender shall pr�mpt�y r�fund to <br /> Borrower any Funds held by L�nder. <br /> 4. Charge�; Li�ns. Borrower shall pay a�l taxe�, assessm�n�s, charge�, f�nes, and impos�tions attri�utab�e to <br /> the Proper�y which can at�ain priarity over this Security �ns�rument, l�asehald payments or�round ren��on <br /> the Proper�y, �f any, and Community Associati�n Dues, Fees, and Assessments, zf an�r. To the ext�nt that <br /> thes���ems are Escr�w �tems, Borrower sha��pay them in the mann�r pr�vid�d zn Section 3. <br /> B�rrnw�r shall prarnp��� discharge any lien which has priarity�ver th�s 5ecuri�y Instrumen�unless <br /> B�rr�wer: �a} agrees �n vvriting ta the paymen��f the obligat�on secured by the lien�n a mann�r ac�ep�abie <br /> �o Lender, but nnly sa lang as B�rrower is perform�ng such agre�men�; �b} cantests the Iien in good faith by, <br /> or d�f�nds aga�nst enforcemen�o�`�he��en �n, �egal praceedings which in Lender's apinion�perat���pre�ent <br /> the enfarcemen�of�he�ien�vhile�hose pr�ceedings are pending, but an�y unti� such proC��d�ngs are <br /> c�ncluded; or�c} s�cures from the hoid�r af�he I�en an agreem�nt sat�sfac�ory�� Lender subardinating�he <br /> lien t� �his S�curity �nstrument. �f Lender de�erm�.�nes that any part of the Propert.y is subject to a li�n which <br /> can attain pr�nr�ty�ver�his Security �nstrurnent, Lender may give Borrower a not�ce�dentifying the��en. <br /> W�thzn ��days of the date an which that notice is given, Borrow�r shall satisfy the��en or�ake ane or more <br /> �f the ac�ians set far�h aba�e in this Sect�on 4. <br /> L�nder may requzre Barrovver t�pay a ane-��me charge for a real estate ta�v�rification andl�r r�porting <br /> servzce us�d by Lender in connection w�th this Loan. <br /> 5� Prflperty Insuran�e. Borrawer sha�l k��p the improvemen��now e.x�st�ng ar hereafter erected an the <br /> Proper�y insure�i agains��oss by fire, hazards inc�uded within�h�tern�. "extended coverage," and an�other <br /> hazards includzng, �u�not��m�ted to, earthquak�s and fl�ods, far which Lender requ�res insurance. Th�s <br /> insurance sha�� �e maintained in the amounts tinc�uding deductible levels} and f�r th�periods�hat Lender <br /> requzres. �hat L�nder requires pursuant to the preceding sen�en.C�s can change dur�ng�he�erm af�he Loan. <br /> The in�urance�arrier pr�viding the insuranc�shal�be chosen by Bnrrower subje�t to L�nder's righ� to <br /> d�sappro�e Borrower's choice, u�hich right sha�� no�b�ex�rc�sed unreasana�i�. Lender ma� re�uire <br /> Borrower to pa�, �n connec��on w��h thzs L�an, e��her: �a} a one-time charg�for f�ood zon�de�erm�i.nat��n, <br /> C�rti�icat�an and tracking ser�ices; or�b} a on��time�harg� f�r flood zan��e�ermunatz�n and��r�i�cation <br /> serWzces and subsequent charg�s each tim�r�mappings or szmai�ar changes o�cur which reasonably might <br /> aff�ct such d�t�rm�nat�an or cer��f�cation. Barrow�r sha�� alsn b�respons�b�e for�he paymen�af an� f�es <br /> impfls�d by th�Federa� �mergency Management Agency �n connec�ion with the review of any flo�d zone <br /> det�rminatxnn resulting from�an abj ec�i�n by B�rrower. <br /> �f Borrower fails t�maintain an�r of�he cov�rag�s d�scr�bed ahave, Lender m.ay obta�n insurance coverage, <br /> at Lender'�opti�n and B�rrawer's expense. L�nder�s under n� ob��gat�nn t�purchase any par�icu�ar typ�or <br /> am�unt af c�verage. Therefare, such cnverage shal� cover Lender, bu�might or might n�t pr�tec�Borrower, <br /> B�rrow�r's equity in the Proper�y, or the cantents of�he Pr�per�y, aga�nst any risl�, hazard or�iab����y an� <br /> nnzgh�pr�vide greater or Iesser coverage than�vas pre�iousl� in effect. Borrower acknowl�dges �ha�th�c�st <br /> af the insurance coverage sa obtained might sign��can��y exceed�he cast of�nsurance that Borra�ver cauld <br /> hav�obtained. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under�h�s Sec��on 5 shal� be�ame additiana� deb�of <br /> Borrower secur�d by th�s S�curity �nstrument. These amounts sha�I�ear int�r�st a��he N'ote rat�fr�m�he <br /> date of d�sbursem�nt and shai� be payab�e, with such�nterest, upan natice fr�m Lender ta B�rr�wer <br /> requesting paym�n�, <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Famity-��nnie M�elFreddi�M�G llNIFQRM�NSTRtIMENT �orm 3�28 7I01 <br /> VMP Q VMP5�NE1�134�) <br /> Wolters KEuwer�inancia�Ser�ices Pags fi❑f 17 <br />