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��15���55 <br /> Any app�iGation of pa}�ments, �nsurance proceeds, �r M iscellaneous Proc��ds to pr�ncxpa� due und�r the No�e <br /> shall no�ex�end or postpone the due date, or change�he amoun�, of�he Period�c Pa�rments. <br /> 3. Funds for Escrow I�ems. Borrower sha�l pay t� Lender on the day Periodic Paymen�s are due under�he <br /> No�e, until the No�e is paid in fu�l, a sum�the "Funds"} to pro�ide for payment of amounts due for; �a3 taxes <br /> and assessmen�s and ather i�ems which can a�ta�n pr�or�t�over�his S��urit� Instrumen� as a I�en or <br /> encumbrance nn�he Property; �b} �easehold pa�ments or gr�und rents on�he Proper�y, �f an�; �c}pr�miums <br /> for an� and al� insurance requ�red b� Lender under Se�tion 5; and �d} Mor�gage�nsurance premiums, �f any, <br /> ar an� sums payabl�by B�rrower�o Lender�n lieu of the pa�ment of Mar�gage�nsurance pr�miums in <br /> accordance wi�h the pra�isions af Section ��. These i�ems are called "Escrow Items." A�originat��n or at <br /> any t�me during the�erm of�he Loan, Lender�ma� requ�re�ha�Community Associat�on Dues, Fe�s, and <br /> Assessmen�s, if any, be escrowed by Barrower, and such dues, fees and assessments shal� be an Escro� <br /> Item. B�rrower shal�promp�Iy furnish t� Lender al1 not�ces of amoun�s to be paxd under this Section. <br /> B�rrower shall pa� Lend�r the Funds for Escraw �tems un�ess Lender v�raives Borrower's obl�gation to pay <br /> �he Funds for any�r all Es�row �tems, Lender may v�aiv�Borrower's ab��ga�ion to pay to Lender Funds far <br /> an�or all Escraw �tems a�an�time. An� such vvaiver may only be in writ�ng. �n the e�ent af such wai��r, <br /> B�rrawer sha��pay dire�t�y, when and urhere pa�a�le, the am�unts due far any Escrov�r�tem.s for wh�ch <br /> paymen�af Funds has b�en v�rai�ved b� Lender and, if Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender receipts <br /> e�idencing such pa�r�ment v�r�th�n such��me periad as Lender�nay require. Borrower's obligatian to make <br /> suGh payments and to pravide rece�p�s shall f�r ai� purposes be deemed to be a covenant and a�reemen� <br /> con�ained in�his 5ecuri�y Ins�rum�nt, as the phrase "co�enant and agreemen�" �s used �n Sec�ion 9. �f <br /> Borrower is obl�gated to pa� Escr�v�r Items dire��ly, pursuant�o a waxver, and Borr�wer fails�a pay�h� <br /> aamaun�due far an Escrovv ��em, Lender may exercise its rights under Section 9 and pa� su�h amount and <br /> Borrov�er shall then be obligated under Section 9 to repa�tn Lend�r any such amount. Lend�r may re�oke <br /> �he wai�er as to an�ar all Escrow It�ms a�a�y time by a no��c�given in ac�ordance v�i�h Sec�ifln �5 and, <br /> upon such revacat�on, B�rrower shail�a��� Lender ail Funds, and in such amounts, tha�are�hen required <br /> under�his Sect�on 3. <br /> Lender may, at any time, col�ect and hald Funds in an amoun� (a} sufficient ta p�rm�t Lender to apply the <br /> Funds a�the time sp�c�fi�d under RESPA, and �b3 not�o exceed�h�ma�imum amount a lender�an require <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�� estima�e the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasona�le <br /> estimates �f expenditures of future Escrow�tems or�therw�se in accordance w�th Applica�ie Lavv. <br /> The Funds sha��be held in an institution whose deposi�s are�nsured by a federal agency, ins�rum�nta�ity, ar <br /> en�i�� �in�luding Lender, if Lender�s an insti�ution whose deposi�s are so insured}or�n any Fed�ral Home <br /> Loan Bar�k. Lender shail apply th�Funds ta pay�he Escrow Items no Ia�er�han�he t�me spe�ified under <br /> RESPA. Lender shali not charge Borrower for halding and app�y�ng the Funds, annualiy ana�yz�ng�he <br /> escrow acc�un�, ar�erxfy�n��he Escro�u �tems, un�ess L�nder pa�s Borra�v�rer in�erest�n the Funds and <br /> Applicable Law permits Lender�o mak� such a charge. Unless an agreement�s m.ade in vvrit�ng�r <br /> Appiicable Law requires in�erest t�be paid on the Funds, Lender sha1� not�e requ�red to pay Borrov�rer any <br /> interest or earn�n�s�n the Funds. Borrow�r and Lender can agree�n wr�ting, howe�er, �hat �n�erest shall be <br /> paid on the Funds. Lend�r shall gi�e to Borrower, �ithout charge, an annua� accoun�ing nt'�he Funds as <br /> required by RESPA. <br /> �f ther��s a surp�us of Funds he�d in escrow, as de�n�d under RESPA, Lender shail accoun��o B�rrow�r for <br /> the excess funds in accordan�e v�i�h R�SPA. �f there is a shor�age of Funds held in escrow, as def�ned under <br /> RESPA, Lender shai� no�ify Borrow�r as required by R.�SPA, and Borrower sha��pay �o Lender the amount <br /> necessary to mak�up the shortage in accordance v�ith RESPA, but�n no more than 1�mon�hly payments. If <br /> th�re is a defici�ncy of�unds h��d �n escrow, a�d�f�ned under RESPA, Lender shall natif}� Borrov�er as <br /> N�6RA5KA-5ingle Famiiy-�a�nie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFORM lN5TRLIMENT Fvrm 302$�14i <br /> VMP[� VMP6tN�;{1342� <br /> Walters Kluwer Financia!5er�ices Pag�5 vf 17 <br />