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��15���55 <br /> �2. Borrvwer Not R��easgd; Forbearance By Lender Not a Vllai�er. Ex�ension of�he�ime far payment or <br /> m�dification of amor�iza��on af�he sums secured by th�s Securi�y �nstrument granted by L�nder to Borr�wer <br /> or any Successor in�n�eres�of Borrower�hal� no�operat��o re�ease the liabili�y of Borrou�er or any <br /> Succ�ssors in�nterest of Borrower. L�nder shall n�t be required�o commence proceedings against any <br /> Successor in�nteres�of B�rrov�er flr t� r�fuse to ex�end�ime far pa�rn�n�or n�he�-v�rise modif�r amor�ization <br /> af the sums secure�b� t�is Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by �he or�ginal Borrower or <br /> any Succ�ssors in�nteres�of B�rrovv�r. Any forbearanc��y Lend�r in exer��sing an�r ri�h��r remed�r <br /> inc�uding, withou� �im��a��on, L.ender's accep�ance of pa�ments fram�h�rd persons, e�tit�es or Succ�ssors in <br /> �nterest of Borr�wer or in amoun�s less than the amoun��he�due, sha�� nat be a vvaiver of nr preclude the <br /> exerc�se nf any r�gh��r r�medy. <br /> �3. Joint and Severa[ Liab�[�ty; Co-signers; SuGcessors and Assigns �3ound, Borrov�er co�enants and <br /> agrees that B�rrower's obligations and�iabil��y shall be�a�nt and se�eral. �owever, any Borrower�rho <br /> ca-signs�his Securi�� �ns�rument but d�es no���ecute�he No�e �a "co-s�gner"}: �a} �s c��signin��h�s <br /> Se�ur�ty �ns�rum.en�on�y�o mor�gage, grant and con�ey the co�s�gner's interes�in the Prflper�y und�r th� <br /> �erms af this Security Instrumen�; �b} �s not personally ob�igated�a pay�he sums s�cured by this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument; and �c} agre�s �hat Lender and any other Borrower can a�ree to extend, madify, forbear or make <br /> any accommodations wz�h regard to the terms of�his Security �nstrumen�or�he No�e without�he co-s��n�r's <br /> consent. <br /> Subjec��o the provis�ans of Se��ion I S, any Successor in�nterest of Borrower vwho assumes Borrower's <br /> ob��gati�ns under�h�� Securi�y Ins�rument in wri�ing, and is appraved�y Lender, shali o�ta�n a11 of <br /> B�rrower's rights and bene�i�s under th�s Security Instrument. Borrower sha�� no�b�re�eased fro�m <br /> Borrower's�bliga�ions and �iabili��under this Security�nstrument unless Lender agrees �o such release in <br /> wr��ing. The covenan�s and agreements of this Securi�y �nstrument shal�bind �except as prav�ded �n Sect�an <br /> 2�} and benef�t the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> �4. Loan �harges. Ilender may charge Barrow�r fe�s for services p�rformed in connec�ion wi�h Borrow�r's <br /> defaul�, for�he purpase of protec��ng Lender's interest in th�Froperty and rights under th�s Securi�y <br /> �ns�rumen�, inc�uding, but not limi�ed toy a�.�0i'�"i��5' fees, property �nspec�ion an.d�a�uat�an fees. �n r�gard�o <br /> any�ther fees, the abs�nc�of�xpress authori�y �n�his Security �nstrumen�to charge a speci�� f�e�a <br /> 8orrower shall no�be cons�rued as a proh�bit�on on�he charg�ng of such fee. Lender may nat charge fees <br /> tha�are expressl�pr�hibited by�his Secur�ty �nstrument or by Applicable Lavv. <br /> �f�he Loan�s su���c�t� a�av�r which sets max�mum�aan charg�s, and�hat�aw is�nal�y in�erpre�ed sa�ha� <br /> the interest or other loan charges co��ected or to�e collected �n�onneG�ion with the Loan e�ceed the <br /> permitted l�mits, then: �a� any such �oan charge shall be reduced by �he amount nec�ssar�t�reduce th� <br /> charge ta the permitted�imit; and�b} any sums already�ollec�ed fram Barrower which�xceed�d perm�.t�ed <br /> limi�s will be refunded �o Borrower. Lender may choose tn make this refund by reducing �he principal �wed <br /> under the Note or�y making a direc�payment to Barrower. �f a refund reduces prin�ipal, �he r�ducti�n v�ri�� <br /> be�reated as a partial prepayment without any prepayrnen�charge�whe�her�r no�a prepaymen�charge �� <br /> provided fo�-under th� Note}. Borrower's acceptance nf any sueh refund�nade h�direct payment to <br /> Borr�wer wi�1 cons�itute a�aiver of any right of act�an Borro�ver m�ght ha�e arising out of such overcharge. <br /> '15. Nat�ces. A�� no��ces given by Borrower or L,ender�n connec�ion w�th t�a�s Securit�r �nstrum�ent mus�be in <br /> wr��ing. An�no�ice��Borro�r�r in�onne�t�an wi�h�his Securit� Instrument sha��be deemed�o ha�re b�en <br /> gi�en t�Borrov�aer when mailed by �rs�c�ass maii or when actua�ly deliv�red�n B�rr�wer's no��ce address if <br /> sen�by o�her�neans. Not�ce�a any one Borrower shai� c�nst�tu��notice�o a11 Borrov�ers un�ess Applicable <br /> La���pr�ssly requires oth�rwise. The no�ice address shali be the Proper�� Address unless Barrowe�-has <br /> N�BRASKA-5ir�gle�amiiy-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIf�RM 1N5TRl1MENT Farm 3028 11�� <br /> VMP[� VMPStNEy{1302y <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financiai 5er�ic�s Page 1 1 vf 7 7 <br />