<br /> sa��sfaGt�an, provided that such �nspec�ion sha�I be undertaken pr�mptly. Lender may pay far the repairs
<br /> and res�orat��n �n a s�ngie disburs�ment or�n a series of pr�gress pa�ments as�h�work �s cflmp�eted.
<br /> Unl�ss an agre�ment �s made in�vr��ing or Applicab�e Law requires int�res��o be paid an such
<br /> M�s�e��anenus Pr�c��ds, L�nder sha��no�be required to pay Barrow�r any intere�t�r earn�ng�on suGh
<br /> Misc��taneous Proce�d�. �f th�res�orat�on or repa�r is not eCanomically feasible or Lender's s��ur�ty would
<br /> be lessened, the Misce��ane�us Proceeds sha�l be app��ed�o the sums secured by �his Security Ins�run�en�,
<br /> whether or nat then due, w�th�he excess, if any, pa�d to Borr�wer. Such Mis�ellaneous Pr�ce�ds shail be
<br /> applied in the order prov�ded for�n Se�ti�n 2.
<br /> �n the e�en�af a tota� ta�ing, destruc��on, flr�oss in�a�ue�f the Property, the Miscelianeau� Proceeds shall
<br /> be applied ta the sums s��ured by this Security �nstrument, whether�r not then due, wi�h th�ex�ess, �f any,
<br /> paid ta Barrower.
<br /> �n the even�of a part�al�aking, des�ru�t�an, �r�nss in va�ue of�he Praper�y in which the fazr m.ark���alue of
<br /> the Property immed�a�e�y b�f�re the partia� �aking, destruction, �r loss in valu�is equal to �r grea��r than the
<br /> amoun�af the sums se�ured b��his Security Instrument �rnmedia�e�y before�he par�ial taking, d�struc�ian, or
<br /> Iass in value, unless Borrawer and Lender�th�ru�is�agree�n wr�t�ng, �he sums secured b�this 5ecurity
<br /> �nstrument sha11�e reduced by�h�an-�ount nf th�M�scellaneous Proc��ds nzu���pl�ed by the fo��awing
<br /> fract�on: ta}�he�o�a� amount of the su�ms secured immed�ate�y b�fore the par�ia� taking, destruc��on, or los�
<br /> in value d�vid��by ��} �he fair market value of the Praperty zmm�dxat��y befare the par�ial �aking,
<br /> des�ruction, ar lass in va�ue. Any ba�ance shal�be paid to Borrower.
<br /> �n the even�af a par��a�taking, des�ruc���n, or�a�s �n value of the Praperty zn which�he fa�r market value af
<br /> the Prflper�y �mmed�a�e��before th�partial taking, destru���an, ar�oss �n�a�ue is�ess than.th�amQunt�f�he
<br /> sums se�ured immedzate�y befare the partia� �aking, destruc���n, �r�nss �n�a�u�, un�ess B�rro�er and
<br /> L�nder atherwis�agree in writ�ng, �he Misc�l�an�ous Proceed�shall be app�xed to the sum� s��ured by th�s
<br /> Securi�y Instrument whe�her or no�the sums are then du�.
<br /> �f�he Proper�y �s a�andon�d by Borr�wer, or�f, after notxce by Lender to Borro�ver that th�C�ppos�ng Par��
<br /> �as def�n�d in�he next sent�nce} offers ta make an award�a s�t��e a c�a�m far damag�s, Barrovver fai�s to
<br /> respond t� Lender w�th�n 3��ays after�he date th�natice�s given, Lender is au�hor�z��to co�Iect and apply
<br /> the Mi��e�Ian�aus Proceeds e��her tn restorati�n or repair of�he Praper�y or ta the sum,s secured�y�h�s
<br /> Secur�ty Ins�ruxnent, whether or not�hen due. "�pposing Par�y'� means�he third party that awes Barrow�r
<br /> Miscel�an�aus Proceeds ar the par�y aga�nst whorn Borro�ver has a right of action�n regard ta Misce��an�ous
<br /> Praceeds.
<br /> Bnrr�wer sha�I b�in defau�t if any ac�i�n or praceeding, whether�ivi� ar cr�m�na�, �s hegun that, in Le�d�r's
<br /> judgmen�, c�u�d r�su�� in forfe�ture of�he Proper�y or other ma�erial impair�m�nt af Lender'� �nterest�n�h�
<br /> Pr�per�y or r�ghts under�his S�cur�ty �ns�rument. Borrower can cure such a defaul�and, �f acce�erat��n has
<br /> occurr�d, reinstate as provided in Section �9, by caus�ng�he ac�i�n or proceeding t�be dism�ssed with a
<br /> ruling�hat, �n Lend�r's�udgment, precludes forfe�ture of�he Praper�y�r ather ma�er�al impairment of
<br /> Lender's interest in the Praperty or rights under�his Se�urity �nstrum�n�. The proceeds of any award or
<br /> claim for damages�hat are attributab�e to the imrpa�rment af Lender's int�rest in the Property are hereby
<br /> ass�gned and sha��be paid to Lender.
<br /> A�l Miscelianeous Proc�eds tha�are no�app�i�d t� r�storatian or repair of the Prop�rty shall be appiied in�he
<br /> order provided far in Sectian 2.
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac�NtFORM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3�2$1107
<br /> VMP Q VMPfitNE1 f 13n2�
<br /> WvEters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Pae�e 7 Q o�17
<br />