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��15���5� <br /> �� � ��. � � � � � � <br /> sa�isfac�ion, prav�ded that such inspe���on sha�� b�undertak�n��. Lend�r ma�pay far�he repairs <br /> and restorat�an�n a sing�e d�sbur�exnent�r�n a s�r�es of pr�gres�paym.ents as the work�s comp�e�ed. <br /> Un��ss an agr�ement �s mad��n wr�t�ng or Appl��ab�e Law require� �n��r�st to be pa�d on such <br /> M�sce��aneous Proc�eds, Lender sha�l no�be re�u�red�n pay Borrower any inter�st or�arnings on such <br /> 1V[��cellane�us Praceeds. �f the res�arat�on or repa�r�s not eConamically feasib�e�r Lender`s s�cur��y wou�d <br /> be lessened, the M�scellaneaus Pr�ceeds shal��e app��ed to the sums se�ured by�his Se�urity �rzstrument, <br /> wh����r�r not then due, with the excess, if an�, paid to Barrower. Such M�sc�l�ane�us Praceed� shai� be <br /> appl ied in�he order prov ided far in S�ction 2. <br /> �n�he e�ent of a�ota� takxng, destru���on, ar��ss zn�a�ue of�he Proper��, the Mis�e��aneous Proce�ds sha�� <br /> be applied to the�ums secured by �his�ecurity Instrunzen�, v�h�th�r ar nat�hen due, with th��xcess, i�any, <br /> pa�d to Borrower. <br /> �n the��ent o�a par��a� taking, destruct��n, �r��ss �n va�u�of the Proper�y zn whzch the fa�r market va�ue of <br /> the Praper�y immedia�ely befare�he partia�taking, destruct�on, ar Iass in value is equa� �o or greater�han�he <br /> amaunt of the sums secured by t�iis Securit�r Instrument immed�a�e�y b�fore�he par�ia� taking, des�ructio�, or <br /> �ass �n value, unless Borrower and Lender��herwise agree in writing, �he sum�.s secured by�hx� S�curity <br /> �nstrument sha�l be reduced by the amoun�of�he Miscel�an�aus Praceeds m�ultiplzed�y�he fa��ow�ng <br /> fract�on: �a}th�total am.ount of the sums secured �mmed�ately before�he partial taking, d�struction, or loss <br /> - in va�ue di�ided by ��}the�ai�market vaiu��f th� Pro��r�y �mmediateiy before the par�ial tak���, � <br /> des�ruc�ion, ar�oss in�aiue. Any balar�ce shall be paid ta Borrower. <br /> �n the event�f a par��al taking, destruc�ion, ar�oss in�a�ue of the Property in which the fa�r mark��va�ue of <br /> the Proper�y �mm�d�ate�y b�for�the par�xa��ak�ng, des�ruction, or lass in value is less�han the amaunt�f the <br /> sums secured immediate�y bef�re the partial ta�ing, destruct�on, or��ss in va�ue, un��s� Borrawer and <br /> Lend�r o�her�vise agree in�vriting, the Miscellaneous Pro�eeds sha��be app��ed��th�sums secured by �his <br /> S�curx���nstrumen�wh�th�r�r n���he sums are then due. <br /> ,v• • <br /> �f the Prap�rty�s aba.nd�ned b�B�rrovc�er, or�f, aft�r na�ice by Lender to Bor��ower��hat�he�ppos�ng Part� <br /> �as def�n�d in the next s�n��nce�affers to make an award to sett�e a claim far damages, Borrawer fai�s ta <br /> resp�nd to Lend�r within 3�days after the date the notic�is g��en, Lender is auth�riz�d to callec� and app�y <br /> the N.�xsce��aneous Proceeds ei�h�r�o restara��on ar repa�r of the Pr�per�y Qr�� �he sums secured by�h�s <br /> Secur��y�nstrumen�, wh�ther�r na��hen du�. "�pposing Par�y" m�ans th�thzrd party�ha��wes Borrower <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds�r the part�aga�nst wh�m Borro�,rer has a right�f aetion in regard ta M�sce�Ianeous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrawer shal�be in defauit if any action or prac�edirzg, whe�her c�vz��r cr�m.�nai, is begun that, in Lender's <br /> �udgm�n�, cou�d r�suit in forf�iture of the Praper�y or other mat�r�a� �mpa�rm�nt of Lender's interest in the <br /> Proper��or rights under th�s S��ur��y �n��rum�nt. Borrower�an cur�such a defau�t and, if acce�era�ion has <br /> occurred, reins�ate as prfl��ded in 5ection I�, b��ausing�he act��n�r pr�ceeding to be�isrn�ss��i w�th a <br /> ruling that, in Lender's�udgment, precludes forfeiture of the Prop�r��or other ma��rial impairment of <br /> Lender's �nterest in�he Pr�per�y or righ�s und�r thi� S�curi�y�nstrument. The pr�ceeds of any a�vard or <br /> � c�a�m for�amages that are at�ributable to the im�ai�mer.t��Lender'� interest�n the Prop�r�y ar�hereby � <br /> assigned and sha��be pa�d�o L�nder. <br /> AIl Miscel�aneous Proceeds that are na�applied to res�arati�n ar repa�r of�he Proper�y shall b�applied in the <br /> arder prov�ded for�n 5ection�. <br /> N�BRASKA-Sing�e Farr�ily-Fanni�Mael�reddie Mac UNIFaRM INSTRtJMENT �orm 3D2$1101 <br /> VMP� VMPfi�NEf�13�2� <br /> Walters Ktuwer Financial 5er�ices Page 1�v#�7 <br /> , <br />