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��15��4�� <br /> proaf af �nsurance to B�nL�IClar}I. Any 5[J1715 so recei�ed �y Benefic�ary may be used �o pay fo� <br /> reconstruct�an �f �h� destroy�d improvemenfs or if nof s� applied may be appli�d, af the ap�ion �f <br /> Bene�iciary, �n paymen� Q�any indebtedness matured or unmafured s�cured by this Trust D�ed. Su�h <br /> insurance wil[ be in an amaunt at leasfi �qual �o �he �esser of�he �oan balance, fihe ac�ual cash vaf ue af <br /> the co�fa�eral, or the replacemen� cos� of�he property, an� �il� a� a minimum, cover �asses �aused by <br /> fir�, [�ghtning, explosian, aircraft, �eh�c�es, vandaiism, smok�r Wli`��S��Cm, �nd ha�[. Trus�or�s}wi(l abtain <br /> and keep flaod insurance in forc� t� cover losses by flood as requ�red by Beneficiary a� by th� Na�iona� <br /> F[ovd �nsurance Ac�of �958, as amended, or by regula�Eons �mplemen�ing fh� same. Trus�or�s} furthe� <br /> agree fiha� Beneficiary is not and will nofi �e f ia�le for any failure by Trus�or�s} �r by any �nsurer, �or <br /> wha�ever reasan, t� ob�ain and keep fhis insuran�e in force. <br /> 3. T� keep all bu�ldings, �ixtures, at�achmen�s, and ��he� improvem�nfis now an or hereaf�er placed on <br /> fihe praperty occupie� and in g�od repair, main�enance, �nd cond�ti�n and t� nei�h�r cflmmit nar p�rmi� <br /> any ac�s of �vaste or any impairmen� �f the �alue o� �he property. E�eneficiary may enter upon �h� <br /> pr�p�rty ta insp�c�fhe same ar to perform any acts au�harize� here�n ar�n �h� cred�t agr�emenf�s}. <br /> 4. [n the event Trusta��s}fails to pay any iiens, judgmen�s, assessm�nfs, ta�c�s, ren�s, f�es, ar charges <br /> or main�ain any rnsurance �n fhe prap�rty, �uildings, �i�tures, a�tachmen�s, ar impro��men�s as <br /> pravid�d herein or in �he loan agreement�s}, Beneficiary, at its op��an, may make su�h paymen�s or <br /> provid� insurance, main�enance, or repairs and any amaunfs paid th�r�for �ri[1 became part �f the <br /> principa[ ind��tedness secured hereby, be immediatefy du� and payable and bear infier�s� afi �he <br /> de�au�t ra�e pravided �n fihe not��s} or �red�� agre�men��s} fr�m the da�e �f paymen� unti� pa�d. The <br /> ad�ancemen� by Benefic�ary o� any such amoun�s wil[ in na mann�r [imit fhe righ� of Beneficiary to <br /> dec[are Trusfor�s} in de�aul�ar e�cercis� any o�Benefi�ciary's other righ�s and �-emedies. <br /> a. In the e�ren� Beneficiary is a party �a any �ifiiga�ion affect�ng �h� property ❑r the fien �� this Trust <br /> De�d, inc[uding any ac�ion by Benef��iary �o en�arce this Trusfi Deed or any suit in �rhich Beneficiary �s <br /> named a defendan� �including condemnation and bankrup�cy praceedings� Benefic�ary may �ncur <br /> expenses and adWance paym�nfs for abs�ract fees, at��rneys �ees ��o the exf�n�a[[o�rv�� hy fav�r}, c�s�s, <br /> expens�s, appra�sa[ fees, and o�her charges and any am�un�s so advanc�d v�i[1 �ecome part �f �he <br /> principal indebtedness se�ured hereby, be imme�ia�efy due and payab[e and bear in�erest a� �he <br /> defaul�ra�e pro�ided in �he n��e��} �r credi�agreement�s}fr�m fihe da�e of ad�ance un��[ paid. <br /> 6. Any awards ma�� ta Trus�ar�s} ar fiheir successors by the exercise of eminen� domain are hereby <br /> assigned to Beneficiary; and B�n��icia�-�y �s he�eby autharized tfl �ol[ec�and appfy �he same in paymen� <br /> ofi any �ndebfiedness, ma�ure ar unma�ure�, secured by th�s Trusf D�ed. <br /> ?. In �he even� of defaul� �n �he paymenfi when due of any sums s��ured hereby �pr�n�ipal, in�eres�, <br /> advanc�m�n�s, or pra�ect�We adVan�es}, or fa�fur� fo perForm a�observe any co�enants and c�nd��ions <br /> contained here�n, �n the no�e�s}, c�edi� agr��m�n��s}, �r any �ther instrumen�s, or any proce�dings �s <br /> br�ughfi under any Bank�uptcy �avUs, Beneficiary, at ifis ❑pfi�on, may declare �he en�ire indebfi�dness <br /> secur�d h�reby �a be imm�diate[y due and �ayable and the �rvhQle w�ll bear interes� a� �he defaul� rafe <br /> a� provided in �he nate�s} vr credi�agreem�n��s} and Beneficiary may immedia�ely au�h�riz� Trust�� fa <br /> exercise �he Povv�r of Sale gran�ed herein �n �he manner pro�ided in fhe Nebraska Trus� Deeds Act, or, <br /> a� the op�ian o� fhe Beneficiary, may far�close the Trust D�ed in the manner provided by �aw �ar �he <br /> foreclosure �f mortgages on real praperty, Enc[uding the appoin�men� of a Recei�er upon ex par�e <br /> app[icat�or�, nn�ice being hereby �x�ressly wa�ved, wi�h�u� regard �o tihe value of �he pr��erty or the <br /> suff�ci�ncy�hereo�to discharge th� indeb��dness secured hereby or�n �he [oan agreem�n��s}. I�e[ay by <br /> Beneficiary in ��cercising i�s rights upan default w�ll not be Gonsfrued as a v�rai�er�here��and any act o� <br /> Beneficiary wai��ng any s�eci�i�d defau[t wil� nat be cons�rued as a wai�er�f any �Future defaul�. If�he <br /> proceeds under such sa[e or farec[asure are insuffi�ien��a pay �he �ofaf indebfiedness secured hereby, <br /> Trusfor�s} d� hereby agree fo be persona[ly haund �a pay �he unpaid �a�ance, and Ben�fi�iary will be <br /> �n�i�[ed tn a de�icien�y judgment. <br /> 8. Should Benef�c�ary e[ect fio exercise fihe Power�f Sale gran��d herern, Benefc�ary will not�fiy Trusfiee <br /> who w�[I record, publish, and de[iv�r t� Trus�ar�s} su�h Not�ce ❑� De�au I� and Na�ice �f 5a[e as fihen <br /> r�quir�d by law and wil[ in �he manner pro�ided by law, se[[ th� property at �h� �im� and p�a�e af sale <br /> fixed in �he N��ice o� Sa[e, e�ther as a �rvh�le or in separa�e lots, parce�s, or ifiems and in �uch order as <br /> Trustee will deem �xp�dien�. Any person may bid a� fih� sa[e inc[ud�ng Trustor�s}, Trust�e, �r <br /> Ben�ficiary. <br /> 9. Trus�ar�s} hereby reques�s a c�py a�any No�ic� of De�aul��r Na�i�e �f Sal� hereunder�o be mailed <br /> by certifie� mai��o Trustar�s}a��he address�es} se�forth herein. <br /> '��. Upan de�aul�, Beneficiary, ei�her in pers�n or �y ag�nfi, �vi�h ar �rithau� br�nging any acfi�on �r <br /> pr��eedrng and w��h �r�rvithout regard �o fihe va�ue of�he pro�er�y or�h� suffiG�ency the��flfi t�discha�g� <br /> app#:5320�21; CIF#:3838�; Note#:20G 22�SQ L�gal Doc.Dat�:Apr�l 20,2n15 <br /> F�RM 5��1,Trus�De�d and Assignmenf af Ren�s Page 3�f 5 <br />