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��15��4�� <br /> Tra�� �: Th� S�utheasf Quarter �SE��4} of 5ec�i�n ��, T�wnship �� Narth, Range 9 1Nest of the 5�h <br /> P.M., Ha1� �oun�y, Nebraska <br /> �oge�h�r with afl Trusfi�r's righ�, ti�[e, and interes� �n the praperty, n�w ar hereafter a�quir�d, includ�ng: <br /> all buildings, �ix�ures, �imb�r, trmber �o be cu�, �r�ps, and impraVemen�s now fln �r hereaft�r pfaced <br /> upon the property; al� appurtenances, w��er, wafier rights, irriga�i�n, and dra�nag� r�gh��; a11 rents, <br /> issues, uses, in��me, profits, and righfis fio possessian; al� oil, gas, grav�l, rock, or a�h�r minera�s of <br /> wha�e�er na�ure, �ncluding g�o�hermaf resaurces; all personaf property �ha� may in�egrally b�[ong fio �r <br /> her�after become an in�egra[ part o� �h� �eal es�a�e whether a�tached ar de�ached, �ncludrng any <br /> appurtenanc�s and accou��emen�s of any s�ruc�u�e or residenc� secured hereby; e�s�ments and o�her <br /> righfis and infierests now or a� any ��me her�after belonging �o �r in any way p�rtainin� �o fih� pr�perty, <br /> whether �r n�� specifiica[ly desc�ribed herein; aC� aba�e and below ground irrigafian equipmen� and <br /> accessori�s; and a[[ [eases, permi�s, licenses, ar privileges, appurtenant or nonappurtenan� fi� �he <br /> prop�rty, novv or her�after issued, exfiended or rene�red by Trustorts}, any Sta�e, the Unr�ed �fafes, or <br /> any departr�en�, �ureau, ins�rumenta[ity, or a�ency �hereof. Th� f�r�going is cfl[l�ctive[y r�ferred fo in <br /> �h�s documen�as the "pr�per�y."' <br /> I� is understood and agr�ed betwe�n Trustor�s} and Beneficiary fhaf this Trus� Deed is gf�en fo se�ur� <br /> fih� repaymenfs in full of�he �o��ovtiring described �bl�gafiEons, regardfess of whe�her Mor�gagor�s} is�are} <br /> I�ab�� ther��n, and a�l �u�ure and add�tianal [oans �r advan��s, p�atec���e or ofihenrv�se, vtirhich may be <br /> made by Benefic�ary, a� �ts op�ion, a� the reques� of, and �o or for�he accoun� of Trus��r�s}, �he part�es <br /> Iia�Ce under�he n��e�s} ar credit agreemenfi�s}, or any of�hem, for any pu�pose, plus infieres� �hereon, <br /> all payable ac�ord�ng �o�h��erms af fhe note�s}, cr�d�fi agreem�n��s}, or �fher�nstrum�n��s} modifying <br /> �he same. <br /> Date of Nate�s� �r Gredit Aqreement�s} Princrpar Amount <br /> �412�12�15 $���,���.Q� � <br /> Pravided, however, �hat the ��ta� principaC indebfednes� au�s�anding and secured herehy a� any on� <br /> ��me wi[[ no� exceed �he sum ofi F1FTY TH�USAND, ��5�,���.��}, excCusi�� of �n�er�s� and protec�ive <br /> advances au�hori�ed here�n ❑r �n �he l�an agreernen��s}; pro�ided fur�he�, �hat TH�S PARA�RAPH <br /> SHALL N4T ��NSTITUTE A ��MNIITMENT TU NiAKE FURTHER UR ADDITI�NAL ADVAN�ES IN <br /> ANY AMC]UNT AT ANY TIME, VIlHETHER aR NQT THE T�TAL PRIN�iPAL INDEBTEDNESS <br /> ASC]VE HAS BEEN ADVANCE�. <br /> This Trust Deed wil[ be due Apri� �, ����. <br /> Trus�or�s} hereby warrants �hat Trus�o��s} holds �ee srmp�e ��tfe �� the �bo�e descr�bed prop�rty, tha� <br /> Trus�Qr��} has good and lawful au�hority to deed and encumber�he same, �ha��he praperty is free and <br /> clear af all [iens and encumbran�es, e�ccept encumbrances of record, and �h�� Trustor�s} wi�l warrant <br /> and defiend �he prop�rty, a� Trustor�s} expens�, agains� alf claiman�s whomsoe�rer. Trus�or�s} a�so <br /> h��eby wa�ves and r�linquishes all righfs of d��nrer, hom�s�ead, d�stribu��ve share, and exemp�ion in and <br /> �o�he abo�e desc��bed �raperty. <br /> Trustvr�s} and QaCh vf them further c�Wenants and agrees with, vr certif�es to, Beneficiary <br /> as fvllows: <br /> �. T� pay al� liens, judgm�n�s, or ofher ass�ssmen�s againsf the prop�rty, and to pay when du� a1C <br /> assessmen�s, �axes, ren�s, fees, or charges upon the property �r� under any lease, perm��, [�cense, or <br /> privilege assigned �o Benefiiciary as add�fi�onal seGuri�y�o�his Trusfi C�eed, �nc[u�ing �hos� in flr on pub[ic <br /> domain. <br /> �. To insure and keep �nsured bu�ldin�s and other improvemenfis includir�g fi�c�ures and a�tachmen�s <br /> naw an �r hereafter placed on the property ta th� sa�isfacfiion o� Benef��iary. SuGh insurance wi�l be <br /> end�rsed wi�h a ��ss payab�e clause �a Beneficiary. �n demand, Trus�or wiCC furnish sard po[ici�s or <br /> App#:53���21; C(F#:3838�; Nvte#:2�G 2�OSQ Legal Do�.❑ate:April�0,2Q15 <br /> F�RIVI 5��1,Trust Deed and Assignmen�of Rents Page�of 5 <br />