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��15��435 <br /> full of a1� sums se�ured by this Security �ns��. However, th�s option sha�l not be exer��sed by Lend�r xf <br /> exerc�se�s prflhibited by federal Iaw as of the date of�his Secu.rity�nstrumen�. <br /> If L�nd�r ex�rcises �his op�ion, Len�.er shall gi�� Borrower no�ice of accelera�xfln. The notice shall proWxde a <br /> periad af nfl� less than�he minimum number of days es�ablished by Appl��able Law from �h� date �he n����e is <br /> de���r�red or mai�ed within vvh�ch Borrovver must �ay all sums secur�d by this Secur��ty �nstrument. If�orrflwer <br /> fails �o pay these sums pr�or�o the expira��on of�h�s per�od, Lender may in�oke any remedies permxtt�d by�his <br /> S e curi�y�nstrument wi�hout fur�her n��ice or demand on B orrow�r. � <br /> Borrower's Right to Re�nstate. If B�rrovv�r mee�s cer�ain �ond�tians, ��rrower sha�1 ha�e �he righ� ta have <br /> enforcement of this Secur�� �ns�rument discontinued at any time prxflr t� �he earlier of: �a� 5 days ��r such oth�r <br /> period as Applicable Law rr�ay specify for rexnsta�emen�}befare sa�e of�he Proper�y pursuant�o any pawer of sale <br /> can�ained in this Security zns�rument; �r �b� entry of a judgment enforcing this Secur�ty �ns�rument. Thase <br /> condi�i�ns are �ha� Borrower: �a} pa�s Lender a�� sums which �hen would be due und�r�h�s Security �ns�rument <br /> a.nd�he�on�trac�as if no ac�eleratian had occurred;�b}cur�s any defaul�of any a�her ca�enan�s or agreemen�s;�c} <br /> pays alI expenses incurred in enf�rcing�his Security��,including,�u�no�Iimited�Q,reas�nab�e a�torneys' <br /> fees�o the �x�ent p�rmitted by law; and �d��akes such ac�ion as Lend�r may reas�nably r�quire t� assure tha��he <br /> �ien of�this Se�uri�.y�ns�rumen�, Lender's r�ghts �n the Proper�ty and Borrvwer's�bliga�ion�o pay�he sums secured <br /> by �his SecurYty rnstrumen� sha�l continue unchanged. Upon rexns�atem�nt by Borrower, �his Securz�y Instrument <br /> and�he obligatians secured hereby sha�� remazn fu��y effecti�e as if no ac�elerat�an had occurred. Hawever, �his <br /> right�o reYnsta�e sha�I no�app�y xn�he cas�of a�celeratian under the sectio��i�ied Transfer of�he Property or a <br /> �eneficial Interes�in�3orrvwer. <br /> Hazardous Suhstances. B�rrow�r shall nfl�cause or permi�the pr�se�.ce,use, disposal, storage, or releas�4f any <br /> Ha2ardous Subs�ances�n or�n�he Prflp�rty.��rro�ver shall no�do,nor all�v�anyane else�o d�,anyth�ng affecting <br /> the Properry tha� is in �iolation of any Env�r�nm�ntal Law. The preceding �wo sen�enc�s sha�l not app�y to �he <br /> presence,use,or storage on the Property of small q�an��t�es of Hazardous Substances�hat are genera��y recflgnxzed <br /> to be appropr�a�e to nvrma��esidential uses and to maintenance of the Pr�perry. <br /> Borro�er sha��prompt�y g��e Lend�r writ�en nfltice�f any investigati�n,claim,demand,lawsuit or o�her a���on by <br /> any gfl�ernmen�al �r reguia�ory agency �r pr��vate parry involving�he Prflperty and any Hazardous Substance ar <br /> Envir�nmen�al Law of w�ich B4rr�wer has a�tual knowledge. If Barr�v��r l�arns, or is notxf ed by any <br /> go�ernmen�a�or regula�ary�.u�or�ty,that any removal or ather remed�a��on of any Hazardous Su�stance affec��ng <br /> the Pr�per�y �s ne�essary, Borrawer shall promp��y �ake all necessary r�media� ac�ions in accordanc� wi�h <br /> Env�ronmen�a�Law. <br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "Hazardous Su�stances" are those substances defined as�fl�ic or hazardous suhstances <br /> �y En��rar�mental Law an� �h� foll�wing subs�an�es: gasoline, i�erasen�, ��her flammable or toxic petroleum <br /> produc�s, �oxic pest�c�des and herb�c�d�s, volati�� sol�ents, mat�rials conta�nzng asbest�s or formaldehyde, an� <br /> radiaac�i�e ma�er�als.As us�d�n�h�s paragraph, "En�ironnzental Law"means federal �aws and laws of�h�s�a�e of . <br /> l�ebraska that re�ate ta hea��h, safety or environmen�al pro�ection. � � � <br /> Ac�e�erat�on; Remed�es. I.ender shat� g�ve no���e tv Borrower pr�or tn acceleratian follvw�r�g Barrower's <br /> brea�h of any Co��nan�or agreement in thi� Security Instrument or the Contrac�under which ac�e�eration <br /> is �erm�tted �but no� prior to acceleration under the se�tivn tit�ed Transfer vf the Prvper�y�r a Benef��ia� <br /> Int�rest in �orrowery un��ss Applicable Lavv prov�de5 otherwise). The not�ce shaZ� specify: �a} the d�faul�; <br /> �b� the action required t� cure the default; �c} a date, no� �ess than the minimum number of days <br /> establish�d by Applica��e Law from the date th�notice is gi�en to Borrower, by v�hich �he d�fault must be <br /> cured; and �d� that failur� to cure the def�ult �n or b�far� the da�e specif�ed in the noti�e may result �n <br /> accelerat�an of the sums secured by th�s Secur�ty InStrunnent and sale of �he Property. Ta the extent <br /> perm���ed by law, the not�ce shall fur�her inform Borrvwer �f the rxght tv re�nstate af�er acce�erat�on and <br /> �he righ�to bring a court�ctian t�assert the non-exis�enc��f a default or any other d�fense of Borrov�er to <br /> a�celeration and sa�e, If tl�e default is not�ured on or before the date�pecified in �he notice, Lend�r at i�s <br /> option �nay requirQ immediate payment i� fu�l of aIl sum� secured by thi� Security Instrument without <br /> further demand and may inWoke �he povver of sa�e and any o�h�r rernedie5 permi�ted by App�icable Law. <br /> To the extent perm�tted by law, Lender shall be entitl�d to collect a�� expense5 incurred in pur�uing the <br /> remedies pr�v�ded in th�s �ectian, in��ud�ng, bu� not limited �fl, reasonab�e at�orneys� fees and costs of title <br /> e�idence. <br /> If the pvwer of sa�e is inv�ked, Trustee 5haI1 r��ard a not�ce of defau�t in each cvunty in which any part of <br /> the Property is located and Shall ma�l copies of�uch natice�n the manner prescribed by Applicab�e Law ta <br /> B�rr�wer and to the ��he�r person5 prescribed by Applicable Law. After �he time requf red by App�icab�e <br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e p�ab��c notice of saie to �he persons and in the manner pr�s�ribed by Appl��ab�e <br /> Law, Trustee,withou�d�mand �n Bflrrower, shall seZ�the Property at pu���C au�tian �o the highest b�dder <br /> at the time and p�ace and under the�term5 d�signa�ed�n�he na�ice of sa�e�n one or more par�els and f n an� <br /> order Trustee determines. Tru�tee may p�stp�ne sale of aII or any parce� of the Property by pub�ic <br /> announ�emQnt at the time and place of any previousiy schedu�ed sa�e.I�ender�r its designee may purchase <br /> �he Pr�perty at any�ale. <br /> Up�n receip� of paymen� of�he price b�d, Trus�ee shaZ� de�i�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed con��y�ng <br /> the Praperty. Th� rec�tals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima facie e�idence of�he truth of the sta�e�x�.ents <br /> made therein. Trustee sha�l apply the proceeds of �he sale in th� fo��ow�ng order: (a} to aI� costs and <br /> expenses of exerc�sing �he power of sale, ar�d th� sa�e, in�iuding the payment af the Trustee's fees actually <br /> 0 2a��-2Q14 Compliance Systems,�r�c.FDSfl-A780-2413L2.10.1.895 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Inst�ment DL243G Page 4 of S wtiv�� <br />