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��15��435 <br /> �nsp�ct�on. Lender or xts agen� may make reasnnable entr�es upon and �nspe��zans af�he Pr�perty. Lender shall <br /> aive Borr�wer notice at the��me of or pr�or to an inspec���n spec�fying reasonabX�cause for the�nspectxan. <br /> �flndemnation. Th�proceeds of any award or c�a��m far darnages, d�rect ar consequent�a�, �n�onne��ian with an� <br /> candemna�ion ar oth�r taking of any part of�he Prap�rt�, or for con�eyance in lreu of condemnation, are hereby <br /> assigned and sha��b�paxd to Lender. <br /> �n �he ev�nt af a t��a�ta�ing of�he Proper�y, �he pr�ceeds shal� be app��ed to the sums secur�d by�h�s Security <br /> Instrumen�, v�hether or not �hen due, with any excess paid �� Borr�v�er. In the even� of a par��al taking af the <br /> Praperty �.n which�he fair marke�va�ue of�he Proper�y immediately before �h� �ak�ng zs �qual�a ar grea�er�han <br /> �he amoun� �f the sums secured by this Securx�y �nstrument immediately before the takxng, un�ess Borrov�er and <br /> L�nder otherwis�agree in wrr�rng,�he sums secured by�his Se�urity�nstrumen�sha��b�reduced by the amaunt of <br /> the proceeds mu���p�ied���he fa��ovving frac�ion: �a�the�o�a�amaunt of�h�sums s�cured immedia�ely bef�re�he <br /> takz�g, divided �y �b} the fair marke� �a�ue of the Properry immediate�y bef�re the taking. Any balance sha�� be <br /> pa�d to B�rrower. In �he eve�� af a par�xa� �ak�ng of the Praperty �n which �he fair market va�ue of�he Propez-�y <br /> imrnediately bef�re �he �akzng �s Iess than �he amaun� of th� sums secured zmmed�at�ly before �he taking, unless <br /> Borrov�er and Lender otherwise agree in writ�ng or un�ess App��cab�e Lavv o�herwise pravides, the proceeds shall <br /> be applied�a�he sums secured by�h�s Secur��y�nstrum�n�whe�her or not the sums are th�n due. <br /> �f the Praper�y�s abandaned by Barrov�er, or if, after na�ice by Lender�o Borrower�ha�the condemn�r offers tfl <br /> make an award or settle a c�a�rn for damages, Borrower faiis�o respond�o Lender wi�hin�he m�nimum number of <br /> da�s es�ablished by Applicab�e Law after the date the na�ice is given,Lender�s au�horized ta callec�and apply the <br /> praceeds, at i�s op�ian, exther �o res�ora���n or r�pa�r of the Property �r to �he sums secur�d by �his Security <br /> Instrumen�,whe�her ar n���her�due. <br /> Unless Lender and Borro�ver��herwxse agree in wr�ting, any application of proceeds�o privac�pal shal�no�ex�e�.d <br /> or postpone the due da�e of�he payments due under�he Gontract or change�he amoun�of such paymen�s. <br /> Barrawer N�t Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wax�er. �xtens�on of the time f�r payment or <br /> mod�f ca�ion of amor�ization of the sums secured b� �his Security Ins�rumen� granted by Lender �� Borrower or <br /> an� succes��r zn in�erest of Borrower sha�� not opera�e to release �he liab�l�ty af �he original Borr�v�er or <br /> Barrower's su�cessors �n �n�erest. Lender shall no��e r��u�red t�cammence proce�dings aga�ns�any successor in <br /> in�eres�or refuse�o e�tend time for payment or�therv�ise madify am�r�iza��on�f the sums secured by�hzs Secur�ty <br /> znstrum�nt by reason af any demand made by �he arigina� Bflrrav�er ar B�rrovver�s su�cessors in in�erest. Any <br /> forbearance by Lender in exerc�sing a�.y r�gh� or remedy shali nat be a wa��er of or preclude the exercise af any <br /> r�bht�r remedy. <br /> Successors and Ass�gns B�und; Jaint and Severa� Liabi�ity; Accommodat�on Signers. The �owenan�s and <br /> agreem�n�s of this Securi�y Instrumen�shall bind and benef�t�he successors and assxgns af Lender and Barrower, <br /> subj e�t to �he pro��s�ons af sec�ion �i��ed Transfer of the Praperty or a Benef�cia� Int�rest in Borro�ve�-. <br /> Borrov�er's�ovenan�s and agreements shall be joint and several. Any person wh�co-signs this Se�ur��y�ns�rumen� <br /> but has no personal �xabili�y under the C�ntrac� �"A�cammada�zon Sigr�er"}: �a) is co-signing �h�s Secur��y <br /> �nstrument �nly �o m�z�gage, gran� and con�ey �ha� Accammodatian Signer's ir�.�erest �n the Proper�y under the <br /> �erms of the Securit� �nstrument; �b� xs no� pers�nal�y ob�iga�ed to pay �he sums secured by th�s Securz�y <br /> znstrument; and�c� agrees�hat Lender and any ather Borrov�er may agr�e to extend, m�d�fy, forbear or make any <br /> accommoda��ons v�i�h regard to the terms af�h�s Security�ns�rument or�he�ontrac�vvith�u�that Accommoda�ian <br /> Signer's cans�nt. <br /> Loan Charges. �f the �oan secured by this Securi�y �nstrumen� is subjec� �v a law which sets max�mum Ioan <br /> charges, and�ha� law is fzna��y�n�erpreted sa�ha��he interest or o�her Ioan charges co��ected or to be collec�ed in <br /> �onnec�ivn wz�h the loan exceed �he permitted ��mi�s, then: �a� any such �oan charge sha�l be reduced by �he <br /> amoun�necessary to reduce the charge�o�h�permitted limx�s and�b} an�sums already collec�ed from B�rroWer <br /> wh�ch exceeded perm��t�d �imits wx�� be refund�d �a Barrower. Lender may �hoose �� mak� th�s refund by <br /> reduc�ng t�e princ�pal owed under the Contra�� or by mak��.g a direc�paymen��o Borro�ver. �f a r�fund reduces <br /> pr�nc�pa�,th�reduc��on v�x��b�treated as a par�ial prepaymen�under�he Contrac�. <br /> Natices. Any natice �o Borrower provided for �n �h�s 5ecur�ty �nstrumen� shall be g�ven by de��vering i� or by <br /> mai�ing�t by frs�class ma�l unless Applicabl�Law requires use 4f ano�her method.The nQtice shaxl be direc�ed to <br /> �he Proper�y Address or any other address B�rrov�er designates by na�ice to Lender. Barrower agrees t�prov�de <br /> Lender wi�h Borrow�r's most current mai��ng address, as ��may change fr�m.��me-tow�ime. Any no�zce to Lender <br /> sha��be given by fzrst ciass mail�a Lender's address s�ated here�n or any other address Lender d�sxgna�es by no�ice <br /> �o Borrower. An�no���e provided for�n thzs Security�ns�rumen�sha��be d�emed to have be�n given�o Borr�wer <br /> �r Lender when given as provided xn�h�s paragraph. <br /> Govern�ng Law; Severabiiity.This Secur��y Ins�rumen�sha�I�e g��erned by federal�aw and the�aws of�he state <br /> of Nebraska. �n the event that any pro��s�on or c�ause of this Security �nstr�umen� �r �he Contract conflic�s with <br /> Applicab�e Law, such �onflic� sha�l not affec� other pro�isions of�his Se�ur�ty Instrumen� ar the �ontrac� which <br /> �an be g��en effec�w�th�u�the conflic�ing provis�on. To this end the pro��sians of�his Secur�ty Instrumen�and�he <br /> Cantrac�are dec�ared�o�e s��erable. <br /> Borrower's Capy.BorrovW�r shall b�given one copy�f�his 5ecuri�y�ns�rument. <br /> Transfer of�he Property or a Bene�c�a�Interes��n Borrov�er. �f alI or any par�of the Praperty ar any�n�eres� <br /> �n �� �s sold or transferr�d �or if a benefi��a� in�eres� in B�rrower is so�d or transferred and Borr�wer zs no� a <br /> natura� person} wi�hou� Lender�s prior written cnnsent, L�nder may, at ��s option, require immedia�e payrnent in <br /> p 2Qa4-2d 14�ompliar�ce Systems,Inc.FD6a-A78ti-2Q 13L2.I�.I.8�5 <br /> Cansumer Rea.t Estate-Security Inst�-ument DL243d Pa�e 3 af S <br />