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��15��355 <br /> �EEa oF T�usT <br /> Loan No: 1�'1�849'15 {�ontinued� Page 4 <br /> co��rage endarsements �n a fair Walue basFs for �h� ful[ Fnsurable �a�ue co�ering al! Impro�ements ❑n the Rea� <br /> Prvperty in an amount sufifiicient tv a�oid app�icatian ❑� any coinsurance claus�, and with a s�andard mortgagee <br /> clause in �a�vr❑f Lender. Trustar shall als❑ procure and maintain comprehensi�e general liability �nsuran�e in such <br /> �o�erage amoun�s as Lend�r may request with T�ustee and Lender be�n� named as additfonal insureds in 5L1Ch <br /> [iability insurance policies. Addi�i�nally, Trus�or shal� main�tain such other insurance, including but not lim�ted to <br /> hazard, business �nterrup�ion, and boiler insurance, as Lender may reasonably requir�. Palicies shal! be writ�en in <br /> fiorm, am�unts, coWerages and basis reasanably acceptab[e �o Lender and issued by a cvmpany ar companies <br /> reasonably accep�abl� to Lender. Trustor, upon request o� Lend�r, wi[I deli�er �� Lender from �ime fio �ime �he <br /> p�li�ies ❑r cer�ificafies of insurance in �arm sa�isfactory t❑ Lender, including s�ipula�ivns �hat ca�erages will not be <br /> canc�lled or diminished wi�haut at least ten �1�} days pri�r wri��en n�tice t❑ Lend�r. Each insurance pa�icy alsa <br /> shall includ� an endors�ment prn�iding �ha��oWerage in fa�ar a�Lender will nat be impai�-ed in any way by any a�t, <br /> amissinn or�defaul�of Trus�or or any vther persan. ShauId �he R�al Praperty be lacated in an ar�a designated by <br /> the Administratar��the Federal Emerg�ncy Managemen�Agen�y as a special filovd hazard area, Trustor agre�s to <br /> obtain and mainta�n Federa� Flood lnsurance, ifi a�aiial�ie, within 45 days after notice is gi�en by Lend�r thafi the <br /> Proper�y is l�cated in a specia��Ivad hazard area, far the full unpaid principai balanc� ❑f the �nan and any prior liens <br /> ❑n the praper�y securing fihe loan, up t❑the maximum pa�i�y limits set under�he Natianal Fioad Insurance Program, <br /> ar as otherwsse required by Lender, and to maintain such insurance for�he�erm of the Zoan. <br /> Application vf Proceeds. Trus�or shall prampt�y n��ifiy Lender �� any [oss or damage t� �he Property. L�nder may <br /> make proof �f loss if Trustor fails tv d❑ so v�ri�hin �i�teen �'15} days o� fihe �asua(ty. Whether or not Lender's <br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's ele�tivn, re�eiWe and retain th� proceeds ❑f any insurance and apply <br /> the pra�eeds �❑ the reducti�n ❑�the lndeb�edness, payment ❑f any [ien a�fecting the Property, ❑r the resfiorativn <br /> and repair of the Praperty. [f Lend�r �lec�s �❑ apply �he proceeds to restoration and repair, Trustar sha�! repair or <br /> replace the damaged ar des�trvyed lmprti�ements in a manner satis�actory to Lender. Lender shall, upon <br /> satis�Factory proofi o� such exp�ndifure, pay or reimburse Trustor from th� pr�ceeds f�r the reasonable cost ❑fi <br /> repair or res�aratian if Trust�r is not in defaul� under �his Deed of Trust. Any pr�ceeds which ha�e not been <br /> disbursed vui�hin 18� days after their receip� and which Lender has no� cammitted t❑ the �epair or restoration ❑f <br /> the Praper�y sha�� be used first ta pay any amount owing �o L�nder under this Deed of Trus�, then ta pay accrued <br /> int�res#, and �he remainder, if any, shall be app�ied �o th� principal baIance of the Indebtedness. If Lender haids <br /> any proceeds af�er payment in full �f the Indebtedness, such proceeds shall be paid ta Trustor as Trustor's <br /> in�eres�s may appear. <br /> Trus�ar's Repor�on Insurance. Upon request of Lender, howe��r not mfl�e than ❑nce a year, Trustor shall �urnish <br /> ta Lender a report ❑n each existing policy �f insurance showing: {1} �he name of the insurer; ��} the risks <br /> insured; {3� the amount �f the policy; �4} the �roperty insured, the then curren� �epla�ement �alue �fi such <br /> property, and th� manner of de��rmining �hat value; and �5} the expiration date ❑f the pa�icy. Trustor shall, upon <br /> request of L�nder, ha�e an independent appraiser satistactory t❑ Lender de�ermine the cash�a�ue rep�acemen�cas� � <br /> ❑f the Property. <br /> LENDER'S ExPENDETlJRES. lf any a��ion or proceeding is commen�ed that waujd mafier;a[fy affect Lender's interest in <br /> the Pr�perty ❑r if Trust�r fails �� comply wEfih any pt�o�ision of this Deed of Trust or any Related Documents, including <br /> bu� no� iimFted to Trustvr's tailure �a discharge or pay �rvhen due any amoun�s Trustar is required�tv discharge or pay . <br /> under this Deed o�T�ust❑r any Rela�ed ❑ocumen�s, Lender an Trustor's behalf may (but shall no� be obligated �ay take <br /> any action �hat Lender deems apprvpriate, including bu� nat limited to discharging vr paying al[ �axes, liens, securi�y <br /> in�erests, encumbrances and ather claims, a�any tim� �eWied or placed on the Pr�per�y and paying all cos�s for insuring, <br /> maintain€ng and pr�ser�ing �he Prop�r�y. All such expenditures Encurred ❑r paid by Lender far such purposes wi�� then <br /> bear in�er�st a��he ra�e charged under the Nate from �the da�ke incurred ❑r paid by Lender to the date �f repaymen� by <br /> Trustot-. All such expenses will becvme a par# of �he Indebt�dn�ss and, at Lender's vpt�on, will {A} be payab[e ❑n <br /> demand; �B} be added to �he balance ❑f �he Nafie and he appartioned among and be payable with any ins�aliment � <br /> payments �o become due during either {�} �he term of any app[i�able insurance pa�icy; or �2} the remaining term ❑f � <br /> �he N�te; �r {C} b� treated as a ba[loon paymen�wh�ch will be due and payab�e a�fihe Note's ma�urity. The Deed o� <br /> Trust als� wi�l se�ure paymen� of �hese amaunts. 5uch right shall be in a�dition t❑ aff other righ�s and r�medies fo <br /> which Lender may be�ntitled upon Defiaul�. <br /> 1NARRANTY: DEFENSE�F TITLE. The f�llowing pro�isions r�lating to ownership❑f�h� Prvp�r�y are a part a�F�his Deed <br /> of Trus-�: <br /> Title. Trustor warrants �ha�: {a� Trust�r holds good and marke�a}�le tit�e ❑f recard ta the Property €n -�ee simple, <br /> free and clear of ail liens and en�umbrances oth�r than thos� set �flrth in th� Real Proper�y description ❑r in any ; <br /> �itle insurance pal�cy, title repor�, or #ina[ tifile ❑pinivn issued in fa�or o-�, and accepted by, Lender in c�nnection <br /> with this Deed ❑f Trust, and �b� Trust�r has �he fiull right, pvwer, and authority to exe�ute and deliver this Deed ❑f <br /> Trust ta Lender. ' <br /> Defense of Title. Sub3ect t❑ the excepti�n in the paragraph aba�e, Trustor warrants and vvill forever defiend the � <br /> title t❑ the Praperty a�ainst the lavu�ul claims af al! persons. In the �vent any action or proceeding is c�mmenced <br /> that ques�ions Trus-�ar's �i��e or the �nterest❑�Trusfiee ar Lender under�his ❑eed o�Trust, Trus�or shal� de�end fihe <br /> ac�ion at Trustar's expense. Trust�r may be the nominal par�y in such prv�eeding, bufi Lender shall b� enti�led to <br /> participa�e in the praceeding and t� �e represented in th� proceeding by cvunse� of Lender's own chvice, and <br /> Trustor will d�li�er, or�ause to be deli�ered, to Lender su�h instruments as L�nder may requ�s��rom �ime #❑ �ime <br /> to perm�t such parti�ipation. <br />