<br /> ��15��354
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Nv: '1��2849�5 �Conti�ued� Page 5
<br /> ta goWernmental taxes, fees and charges are a part❑fi this Deed of Trust:
<br /> �urrent Taxes, F�es and Charges. �pon request by Lsnder, Trus�or shal! execute such documents in additivn ta
<br /> this ❑eed of Trust and take whatever ❑�her action is reques�ed by Lender�a perfect and con�inue Lender`s lien on
<br /> � the Real Proper�y. Trus�or shall reimburse Lender fvr all taxes, as described helaw, toge�her with all expenses
<br /> in�urred in �ecording, perfec�ing or con�inuing this Deed �f Trust, including wi�hou� limi�ativn all tax�s, fees,
<br /> documentary stamps, and ather charges for recarding or regis�ering this Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The fio��vwing shall constitufie taxes �❑ which this sectivn appli�s: {�y a specific tax upon this �ype o�
<br /> Deed ❑f Trus� or upvn all or any part vf the Indebtedness secured by this ❑eed ❑f Trust; {�} a spe�ific tax ❑n
<br /> Trustor which Trustvr �s authvr�zed ❑r required to deduct from payments on the lndebtedness se�ured by�his �ype
<br /> of �eed o�Trust; {3� a tax ❑n this �ype vf ❑eed vf Trust chargeable against�he Lender ❑r�he hvlder❑f the Nv�e;
<br /> and {4} a specific tax on all or any partian of the Inde�tedness or on payments ❑f principal and interest made by
<br /> Trustor,
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. lfi any tax to which this sectinn applies is enacfied subsequent tv �he date o� this Deed vfi
<br /> Trusfi, this e�ent shall haWe the same effect as an Euent ❑fi Default, and Lender may exercise any a�- ail ❑f its
<br /> a�ailab[e remedies for an E�ent of Defiauft as pro�ided belvw unless Trustor eifiher �1} pays the tax befi��e i�
<br /> becomes delinquen�, or {2} �ontes�s the tax as pro�ided abo�e in�he Taxes and Liens sectivn and deposits with
<br /> Lender cash or a sufi�icient corporate surety bond or other security sa�isfactory ta Lender,
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANClNG STATEMENTS. The follow€ng pro�is�vns relating �o �his ❑eed ❑fi Trust as a
<br /> se�urity a�reement are a par�of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Security Agreement. TI115 instrument sha�I cons�itute a Secur�ty Agreement ta the exten� any ❑f the Proper�y
<br /> consti�u�es fixtures, and Lender shall ha�e all ❑fi the rights of a secur�d party under�he lJnifarm �ommercial C�de
<br /> as am�nded from t�me to time.
<br /> 5ecurity interest. Upvn request by L�nder, Trusto� shall take whate�er ac�ivn is r�quested by Lender to perfect
<br /> and con�inue Lender's security in�erest in the Rents and Persanal Praper#y. In addi�ion �a recard�ng fihis Deed of
<br /> Trus� in �he reaf property re�ords, Lender may, at any time and wi�haut further authoriza�ion from Trustor, file
<br /> executed caunterparts, copies ❑r �eproductivns ❑f th�s i�eed of Trust as a financing s�atement. Trustar shall
<br /> reimburse Lender fvr all expenses incurred in perfecting or cantinuing �his securi�y interes�t. Upan default, Trustor
<br /> shall no� remo�e, se�er ❑r detach the Persvnal Proper�y from the Property. Upon default, Trus�ar shall assemble
<br /> any Persanal Property not affixed �o the Prvperty in a manner and at a place reasvnably can�enien�tv Trus�or and
<br /> Lender and make �t ava�lable t❑ Lender wi�hin th�ee �3} days after receipt of written demand frvm Lender tv the
<br /> ex�ent permitted by applicable law.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trus'�or �debtar� and Lender {secured parfiy} from which informatian
<br /> conce�ning the security interes� granted by this Deed vf Trust may be ❑b�ained �each as required by the Uniform
<br /> Commercia� Code� are as s�ated �n the�irst pags ❑�this Deed o�Trust. �
<br /> FURTHER ASSLIRANCES; ATTC]RNEY-IN-FACT. The following prv�isi�ns relat�ng to further assurances and
<br /> attorney-in�tact are a part o�this Deed ❑f Trust:
<br /> Further Assuran�es. A� any time, and frvm time to time, upan request ❑f Lender, Trustor will make, execute and
<br /> deli�er, ar will cause fa be made, executed or deli�ere�, �❑ Lender vr t❑ Lender's designee, and when reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, cause �o be �iledr recvrded, re�iled, ar rerecvrded, as the �ase may be� a� such times and in such o���ces
<br /> and pla�es as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mortgages, deeds ❑f�rus�, security deeds, securi�y
<br /> agreements, financing sta�ements, cvn��nuat�on statements, instrumen�s of further assurance, cer�tfficates, and
<br /> other documents as may, in the sole apinian vf Lender, be necessary ❑r desirable in vrder t❑ e��ectuate, comple#e,
<br />� perfiect, cvn�inue, or prese��e ��} Trustor's obligatians under the Note, this ❑eed ❑f Trust� and the Re[ated
<br />� Documents, and {�} the liens and securi�y in�eres�s �reated �y this-Deed of Trus� as first and prior liens vn �he
<br /> Properfy, whether naw ❑wned or hereafter acquired by Trustvr. LJnless prohibited by law ❑r Lender agr�es fio the
<br /> contrary in v+rrifiing, Trustor shail reimburse Lender for all CDS�S and expenses incurred in �onnectivn with the
<br /> mat�ers refierred�o in this paragraph.
<br /> Attvrney-in-Fac#, If Trustor�aiis �❑ do any ❑��he things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do sv
<br /> for and in th� name of Trustor and at Trustor's expense. For such purposes, Trus�tar hereby irre�ocably appoin�s
<br />' Lender as Trustor's a�torney-in-fact for the purpose of making, executing, delivering, fi��ng, �ecvrd�ng, and dving all
<br />� ❑ther things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender's svle opinion, �o accomplish the ma�ters ref�rred to in
<br /> �he preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PE�FDRMANCE. I�F Trustor pays a�� �he lndebtedness when duer and atherwise performs all the ohligations
<br /> impvsed upon Trustor under this Deed ❑f Trust, Lender shall exe�ute and deii�er to Trustee a request for full
<br /> recan�eyance and shail execu�e and deliver to Trus�or suital�le statements of termination of any financing statement❑n
<br /> file e�iden�ing Lender's securi�y interest in the Rents and the Personal Prvperty. Any recon�eyanc�fee required by law
<br /> shall be paid by Trustor, if permitted by applicable law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each o�the fallvwing, a� Lender's �p�tion, shal� �onstitute an Even� af ❑e�ault under �his Deed
<br /> ❑f Trus�:
<br /> Payment De#aul#. Trustor fails�❑ make any payment when due under the Indebtedness.
<br />