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. r <br /> - ��15��354 <br /> vEEa oF TRusT <br /> Lvan Na: '1�'1�849�5 {�ont�rlued� Page 3 <br /> bvnd, reasonably satis�a�tary tv Lenderr�o protect Lender's in�erest. <br /> Duty �a Protect. Trustor agrees neithe� to abandvn or lea�e unattended the Property. Trus�vr sha[l d❑ all other <br /> acts, in addi�ion to thase ac�s set fvr�h abo�e in fihis s�ctian, which from �he charac�er and use c�f�he Property are <br /> reasonably necessary to protect and preser�e the P�operty. <br /> DUE flN SALE-G�NSENT 6Y LENDEl�. Lender may, at Lender's ap�ti�n, de�lare immediate�y du� and payable all sums <br /> secured by�his Deed af Trust upon the sale ar�rans�er, withou� Lender`s prior written consent, ❑f al� �r any part o�the <br /> R�al Property, �r any in�erest in the Real Property. A "sale or transfer" means the �an�eyance of Real Property or any <br /> right, ti�le ar interest in �the Rea� Property; whe�her �ega�, beneficial or equita�le; whether vo�untary ❑r in�oluntary; <br /> whether �y outr�ght sale, deed, insta��ment saie contract, land contract, can�ract fvr deed, ieaseha[d fnteres� with a <br /> term grea�er than�hree �3� years, lease-option contract, ❑r by sale, assignmen�, ❑r trans�er ❑f any beneficial interest in <br /> ❑r�❑ any land t�ust hoiding title �o the �eal Praperty, ❑r by any ❑ther methad ❑f cvn�eyance a� an interest in the Real <br /> Prope��y. H�we�er, th�s optian shal[ not be exercised by Lender i� such exercise is prvhibited by fiederal law or by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TAKES AND LIENS. The fallowing provisians rela�ing tv the taxes and liens ❑n the Praperty are part of �his �eed vf <br /> Trust: <br /> Paymen�, Trustor shall pay when due �and in all events privr to delinquency� all taxes, special taxes, assessmen�s, <br /> charges �including water and sewer�, fines and imposifiions��e�ied aga�nst ar ❑n account af the Property, and shall <br />� pay when due a�� c�aims fvr wark done nn or for ser�ices rendered or materia� �urnished �o �he Praperty. Trust�r <br /> I shall main�ain th� Prnperty free af all liens ha�ing priority o�er or�qual ta the interest of Lender under this Deed of <br /> Trust, except fflr the lien ❑f �axes and assessmen�s nflt due and exGept as otherwise pro�ided in this ❑eed af <br /> Trust, <br /> Right to �vntest. Trustvr may withhold payment of any tax, assessment, ar claim in cannectivn with a go�d faith <br /> dispu�e o�er the vbligation to pay, sa Eong as Lender's in�erest in the Property is not je�pardized, [f a lien arises ❑r <br /> is filed as a resuit af nvnpaymen�, Trustvr shall within fifteen {�5} days after the lien arises vr, i� a l�en is �i�ed, <br /> within fifteen {�5} days after Trustor has nvtice of the filing, secure �he discharge ❑f the lien, ❑r if requested by <br /> Lender, d�posit with Lender cash or a su�ficien�cvrpara�e surety band or ather security sat�s#ac�ory to Lender in an <br /> am�unt sufficient t❑ discharge the lien plus any cvsts and att�rneys' fees, or vther charges thafi cvu[d accrue as a <br /> result�f a foreclosure or sale under the lien. In any�ontest, Trustor shall defiend itself and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�erse ju�gment be�are enfvrcemen�t against the Praperty. Trusto�-shall name Lender as an additianal o�ligee <br /> under any sure�y band furnished in the cflntest proceedin�s, <br /> Eviden�e vf Paymen�. Trus�or shafl upon demand �urnish to Lender sa�isfactvey e�idence of payment of the taxes <br /> ❑r assessments and shaf� authorize �he apprapriate gv�ernmental ❑fficial to deli�er to Lender at any time a written <br /> statemenfi vf�he taxes and assessmen�ts against the Prvper�y. <br /> Notice of Construction. Trustvr shal� notify-Lender at feast �if�een �15� days befvre any work is commen�ed, any <br /> se���ces are furnishedr ar any materials are supplied t❑ the Pr�per�yr ifi any mechanic's lien, materia4men's lien, ❑r <br /> other [ien could be asserted on a��oun� of the wark, ser�i�es, or materials. Trustor wi41 upon request of Lender <br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfactvey to Lender that Trustor can and will pay the cost ❑# such <br /> impro�emen�s. <br /> PR�PERTY DAllr[AGE INSURANCE. The fvllvwing pra�isions relating to insuring �he Prvperty are a par�❑f this Deed ❑f <br /> Trust, <br /> Niaintenance of Insurance. Trustar shai� pr�cure and maintain pv�icies ❑fi �ire insurance with s�andard extended <br /> co�erage endvrsements ❑n a fair �a�ue basis far �he full insurable �alue co�ering a�l lmprovemen�s on the Real <br /> Prvper�y in an amvunt sufficient �o a�vid applica�ion of any �oinsurance clause, and with a s�andard mvrtgagee <br /> clause in �a��r o�Lender. Trus�ar shall also procure and main�ain comprehensi�e general IiabilEty insurance in such <br /> coverage amounts as Lender may request with Trus�ee and Lender be�ng named as additional insureds in such <br />' �iabi�ity insurance policies. Additionally,�Trustor shall mainfiain such o�her insuran�e, inc�uding but not lim�ted �❑ <br /> hazard, business interrupt�on, and boi�er insurance, as Lender may reasonably require, Palicies shall b� wrEtten in <br />�� form, amounts, ca�erages and bas�s reasonably ac�eptab�e tv Lender and issued by a company o�- c�mpanies <br /> reas�nably acc�ptable to Lender. Trustvr, upon reques� of Lender, will deli�er �o Lend�r from time t❑ �ime the <br /> paiicies ar cer�ificates �f insurance in form satisfactory t❑ Lender, including stipula�i�ns that cv�erages will not be <br /> cancelled or diminished wsthout at I�asfi �en �1 fl} days prior written nvtice �o Lender. Each insurance pol�cy also <br /> shall inciude an endarsemen�pr��iding tha�k ca�erage in fa�or ofi Lender wil� not be �mpaired in any way by any actr <br /> amissivn ❑r defiault of Trus�or vr any ather person. 5haufd the Rea! Prvperty be located in an area designated by <br /> fihe Administrator ❑f the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a special filood hazard area, Trus�or agrees �o <br /> ab�ain and maintain Federal Flood Insurance, if a�ailabfe, vvithin 45 days after nofiice is given by Lender that the <br /> Property is �ocated in a special fiaad hazard a�eaf for fhe full unpaid prin�ipal balance ❑f�he loan and any privr liens <br /> an the property securing the laan, up ta the maximum pvlicy limits set under the National F[ood Insuran�e Program, <br /> ❑r as otherwise required by Lender, and�o maintain such insurance fvr�he�erm ❑f the iaan. <br /> Appli�ation of Prv�eeds. Trustor shall promptly notify Lender ❑f any loss ❑r damage ta the Property. Lender may <br /> make prao� af loss if Trustor �ails fi❑ d❑ sv w�thin �fifteen {�5� days af the casualty. V1lhether vr no� Lender`s <br /> security is impaired, L�nder may, at Lender`s election, recei�e and retain �he proceeds ❑� any insurance and apply <br /> the pro�eeds t❑ the reduction ❑�the lnd�bfiedness, payment vf any lien affe��ing the Property, ❑r �he �estoration <br />