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��15��354 <br /> . DEED �F TRUST <br /> Loan Na: 1 D��849�5 �C�ntinued� Page � <br /> N o��. <br /> Trustor presently assigns to Lender {als❑ knawn as Bene�iciary in #his Deed of Trust} all vf Trustor's right, title, and <br /> intsres� in and �o all presen� and -�u�ure leases of the P�oper�y and a�l Rents from the Property. [n addi�i�n, Trustor <br /> grants to Lender a Uniform CammerGial Cod� se�urity interes�in�he Personal Proper�y and Ren�s. <br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST, INCLUDIN ,� THE ASSIGNNlENT �F RENTS AND THE SECURITY [NTEREST 1N THE RENTS AND , <br /> PERS�NAL PR�PERTY, IS �IVEN T� SECURE �A� PAYMENT �F THE INDEgTEDNESS AND {B� PERFC]RMANCE ❑F � <br /> ANY AND ALL �BL�GAT��NS UNDER THE N�TE. THE RELATE� D�CUMENTS, AND THiS DEED �F TRUST. TH15 <br /> DEED �F TR[]ST 15 �IVEN AND AC�EPTED �N THE FULLnW�NG TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RIVIANCE. Except as otherwise provided in this Deed ❑f Trust, Trustar shall pay t❑ Lender all <br /> amaunts secured by �his Deed o� Trust as they b�c�me due, and shalI strictly and in a timeiy manner perfarm a�( o� <br /> Trustor's obligations under the Note,th[s Deed of Trus�, and the ReIated Documents. <br /> R�S5E5S��N AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PRDPERTY. Trustvr a�re�s that Trustor's possessian and use of the <br /> Praper�y shall be go�e�ned by�he following pr��isians: <br /> Pvssess�an and Use. Unti� fihe occurrence ot an E��n� of De�aui�, Trustor may {�y remain �n possession and <br /> con�rol of fihe Property; �2} use, opera�e ❑r manage the Property; and {3} cv[iect#he Rents trom th� Prvperty, <br /> Duty to Maintain. Trustor shaIl maintain �he Praperty in tenan�able condition and promptly perfa�-m all repairs, <br /> repla�ements, and main'�enance necessary ta preserv� i-�s�alue. � <br /> �omp�iance V1lith Environmental Laws. Trustor represents and v+rarrants to Lender�ha-�: �1} During the period �f <br /> Trustor's ❑wn�rship ❑f�he Praperty, �here has been no use, genera-�ian, manufacture, storage, treafimen�, dispasal, <br /> release ❑r threa�ened r�lease af any Hazardvus 5ubstance by any person �n, under, abflu� or trom the Property; <br /> {2} Trustor has no knvwledge ❑fi, or reason to belie�e �hat there has been, ex�ept as pre�iously disclosed to and <br /> a�knowledged by L�nder in wrfting, {a� any breach or �ialatian o# any En�ironmental Laws, �b� any use, <br /> generation, manufac�ure, storage, trea�ment, dispasal, release ❑r threatened release af any Hazardous Substance <br /> on, under, aboufi ❑r �rom the Proper�y by any priar ❑wners or occupan�s ❑fi the Praper�y, vr �c} any actual or <br /> threatened li�igation ❑r claims of any kind by any persan r�latsng �❑ such matters; and {3� Except as pre�iausly <br /> disclosed ta and ackn�wledged by Lender in writing, �a} nei�her Trus�ar nor any fienant, contractar, agenfi❑r o�her <br /> autharized us�r af the Praperty shall use, generate, manu�acture, stor�, treat, dispase ofi or release any Hazardous <br /> Subs�ance �n, under, about or�rom�he Pr�perty; and {b} any such acti�ity shall be conduc�ed in compl�an�e with <br /> all applicab�e federal, s�a�e, and local �aws, regulations and ❑rdinanc�s, inc(ud�ng wi�hou� �Fmitation a�l <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trustor authars�es Lender and ifis agents to enter upon �he Praperty fi❑ mak� such <br /> inspections and tests, a� Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem apprapriate to determine compliance o� the <br /> Proper�y with this sectian of the ❑eed of Trust. Any inspe�tions or tests made by Lender shall b� �vr Lender's <br /> purposes only and shall no��e construed to create any r�sp�nsibi[ity or liahility ❑n the part o�Lender t❑Trustor ar <br /> to any o�h�r person. The representa�tions and warran#ies contained herein are based on Trustor`s due diligenc� in <br /> in�estigating the Property far Hazardous Substances. Trus�or hereby {1� re[eases and wai�es any fu�ure claims <br /> against Lender for indemnity or �ontribu�tion in �h� e�en�Trus�or be�omes �Eabfe for cleanup or ❑ther costs under <br /> any such laws; and �27 agr�es �o indemni�y, de�end, and hold harmless Lender agains� any and all claims, losses, <br /> liabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may di�ectly❑r indirectly sustain vr suffer resulting �rvm <br /> a breach o�this s�cfiion of the D�ed of Trust or as a consequenc� o-� any use, generation, manufacture, s�orage, <br /> disposal, release ar�h�eatened release occurring prior t❑Trustor`s ownership or interest in the Property, wh�ther or <br /> not the same was ❑r shfluld ha�e been knawn to Trustvr. The pro�isians of this section of the Deed of Trust, <br /> in�luding�he ❑bligation�o indemnify and de�end, sha�I sur�i�e the payment of the [ndebtedness and�he satisfaction <br /> and recon�eyance ot�he [ien ❑f�his Deed ❑f Trust and shaIl nat be af-�ected by Lender's acquisi��on❑�any infierest <br /> in the Property, whether hy foreclosure ar otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, V1laste. Trustar shal[ no�t cause, canduct or p�rmi� any nu�sance nor commit, permit, ❑r suffer any <br /> stripping of or was�e on ❑r ta th� Property vr any portion ❑f �he Pr�perty. V1lithout limiting the genera[ity ❑f the <br /> �oregoing, Trustor will not remo�e, or gran��❑ any ❑ther party the ri�ht to rem�ve, any �imber, minerals {including <br /> oil and gas}, c�al, clay, scoria, so��, gra�el or r�ck products wifihout Lender's priar wrEtten cvnsent. <br /> R�moval ❑f lmproWemenfs. Trustor shal[ nvt demvlish ❑r rem��e any Improvemen�s�rvm the Reaf Property wi�hout <br /> Lender's priar writ-�en consent. As a c�ndi�ion�❑the rem��al o�any (mpro�emen�s, L�nder may r�quire Trustvr�❑ <br /> make arrangements sat�s�a��ory to Lender to replace such Impro��men�s wi�h �mprovemen�s of at �east equal <br /> �alu�. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representati�es may enter upon the Rea[ Properfiy afi all <br /> reasonable �imes �o attend tfl Lender's in�eres�s and t� inspect �h� Rea[ Property f�r purposes o� Trus�o�`s <br /> comp(iance with the terms and conditEons of this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Cvmpliance wi#h Gavernmen�al Requirements. T�-ustor shall promptly c�mply with all laws, ❑rdinances, and <br /> regulations, now or hereafter in e�fec�, af a�� go�ernmental authori�ies applicable to �he use ❑r occupancy ❑f the <br /> Praper�y, inc[uding withau� limitation, the Americans Vlli�kh Disabili�ies Ac�. Trus�or may contest in �ovd fafth any <br /> such law, ordinance, ❑r regula�ion and withhold compliance during any proceeding, inc[uding appropriate appeals, <br /> so lang as Trustor has no�ified Lender in wri�ing prior t� doing so and so Iong as, in Lender's svle❑pinion, Lender's <br /> interests in the Praper�y are not jeopardized. L�nder may requ�re Trustflr �o past ad�quate securi�y vr a surety <br />