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��15��34� <br /> ��xed in fhe N�ti�e vf 5ale, either as a whofe or in separate fots, parcels, or items and in such �rder as <br /> Trustee will d�em �xped�en�. Any persvn may hid a� the saje including Trustor�s}, Trust�e, or <br /> E3enef ciary. <br /> 9. Trus��r��} he�eby reques�s a copy af any Natice �f Default or Notice af Sale hereunder to be mailed <br /> by certified mail��Trustor�s} at�he address�e�} �e�forth her�in. <br /> 'I�. Upon def�ul�, Ben�fici�ry, ei�her �n persan ar by agen�, with or withau� bringing �ny �Ction or <br /> proceeding �nd w�th or wrth�u��egard fo the va�ue of th� ��ap�rty or the�ufFiciency�hereof�� discharge <br /> �ne indebtedness se�ured here�y, is au�horiz�d and en�itled to �n�er up�an �nd take passession of the <br /> p�operty in i�s own name ar in �he name �f�he TTusfee and do any a��s a�r���end any sums i� deems <br /> necessary o� des�rable �v pr�tec� or pres�rve �he �a�ue nf the praperty �r any in�erest thereln, Qr <br /> increas� the i�ncome therefrnm; �nd wifh ar v�ri�hout tak�ng po�sessian �f�he property is au�hor�ized fa <br /> sue for ar o�h�nrvis� cvIlect �he �en�s, issuesr crvps, prafi�s, and income �hereof, including those past <br /> due and unpaid, and apply the s�me upan any ind�bt�dness secur�d hereby o� in the loan <br /> �greement�s}. <br /> No �emedy h�rein confer�red upon ar reserved �o Trusfee �r Ben�ficiary i� in�ended t❑ be �xc�usive o� <br /> any vther remedy herein or by �aw pro�ided o�permi�ted, bufi ea�h wilj be cumulative, will be in addi�ian <br /> to every ather remedy gl�en hereunder ar naw�r hereafter exEs�ing a��aw a�in equity or by s�a�u�e, and <br /> may be e��r�ci�ed cancurren�ly, independen�ly ar successi�ely. <br /> 'I'I. Trust�r�s} acknowiedges fih�t�he dut�es and obligatE�ns �f Trustee wi1� be d��ermined soleiy by�he <br /> e�press p�v�i�ians vf this Trus� Deed vr the Neb�aska Trus� D�eds Act �nd Trustee wiI! not be liab�e <br /> except for �he p�rformance af such du�ies �nd abliga�i�ns as �re specifi�ally s�t farth th�reln, and na <br /> irnplied coven�nts or a�liga�ions wil[ be impased upon Trust�e; Trus�ee wi[I nafi be iiable for any acti�n <br /> by it in govd faith and reasonabiy beiie�ed �y i� �a be authori�ed ar wi�h�n fih� discr��ion or rights of <br /> pawers canferred u��n it by this Trus�i]�ed or sta�e law. <br /> 1�. The in��g��ty and respansibili�y �f Trus�or�s} c�nsfil�u�es a part of �he consideration fo� �he <br /> o��iga�ions seGured hereby. �hou�d Trusfor�s} ��i�, transfier, ❑r convey �he prap�r�y desGribed herein, <br /> without prior wri��en cvns�nt vf Benefi�i��y, �en��ciary, a� i�s vp�i�n, may deciare the entire <br /> ind�b�ednes� immedla�eiy due and payahIe and may proce�d in the �nforcement vf its righ�s as an any <br /> a�he�de�au[�. <br /> '[3. Tha�Tru�f�rt�} �s, and sh�1i cantinue ta be, duly organi�ed, vali�ly e�isting and leg�[Iy quaiified to <br /> da busines� under�he Ea�rv� of�he sfa�es in which Trustor��} �pera�es, in cvmpliance wifh federa�, state <br /> �nd lacal law� or regula��ans, �nd has �ega[ au�horifiy 'rn such s�ates t� Gonduc� Trusfor�s} business <br /> �perations and �o o�n agricul�ural r�al esfi���. No change has been made in the name, owner�hip, <br /> cantrol, relafi�nship, 1�gal sta�us ar ❑rgan«ational and formaflon d��umen�s �f any undersigned <br /> Trustor��}sinc��he�ime any such infarm��ion was Ias�provid���o Beneficlary. <br /> 14. That if Trus�or�s}, or anyon� signing this Trust Deed, is a limi�ed iiabiiity com�any, �hat �hos� <br /> si�ning on behalf �f said Iimi�ed liabi�ity comp�ny consfii�ut� a major"rty af �h� managers vr members <br /> �hereo�F, and that �h� exe�ution �f this Tru�t Deed is in �he ordinary �aurs� ��F th� I�mrfied C�abi[ify <br /> �ompany's bu�iness and h�� been autharized by i�s member�. <br /> '�5. A�s�gnmen� af Rents inc�udin� Proceeds �f Mineraf Le�ses. Trustor�s} he��by assigns, transfers, <br /> and conveys fo Benef�iary a(I rents, rayaE��es, bonuses, and d�lay t�non�ys �r a�he� �ro�ee�ls tha� may <br /> fram time �a �ime become due and payable under any real estate lease �r unde� any oil, ga�, grav�[, <br /> rock, or� oth�r min�ral lease o� any kind in�Cuding geo�herma� resources no�nr existing or �ha� may <br /> hereafter come in�o exi���nce, ca�ering the pro�erty ar any part�h�reaf. A11 such sums so r�ceived by <br /> �eneficiary wil! be appi�ed to th� indebtedness s�cur�d her�by; or Beneficiary, af i�s op��on, may turn <br /> Q�er and de�iver�o Trustor�s} ar�h�ir succes�ors in �nteres�, �ny�r al1 �f such�ums wi�hou�pr�judic��� <br /> any of Benefic�ary's rights t�t�ke and �etain fu�ure sums, and withou�prejudice to any of i�s vther righ�s <br /> under thi�Tru��De�d. This�ssignment wi�� ��cans�rued to be a pro�l�ian far�he payment ar reduc��on <br /> �f�he d�bt, �u�je��ta the Bene�i�iary's optlan as hereEnb�fore provided, independ�nt of the i�en on the <br /> property. Upon payment rn ful� of �h� deb� and �he recanv�yance of �his Trust ❑ee� af recard, �his <br /> a�s�gnment wlil �ecome inap�rative and af no further farce and effect. <br /> 'I�. Thjs Trusf❑�ed const��utes� Security Agr�emen�wi�h res�pect to ail fih� property descri�ed h�rein. <br /> '17. The co��nan�s con�ained in �his Tru�� �]�ed v+r��l be de�med �a h� sev�ra�ie; in �he e��n�thaf any <br /> portion af�hi� Trus� De�d is de�ermined �o be �Qid �� unenforceab�e, that de�ermtnatian w[F� nvf affect <br /> th�validity of�h� remaining partions�f�he Trust Deed. <br /> App#:53Q7���; �IF#:'i�7�53; Not�#:�4� �2QK5 Legal Doc.Dat�:April'15,���5 <br /> FC3RM 5�'1'I,Trust D�ed�nd Assignm�nf af Renfs Page 5 of 7 <br />