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��15��34� <br /> 1. To �ay al! �iens, judgments, or ather asses�menfi� a�ain�� fih� p�ro�erty, and fio pay �vhen due �1[ <br /> assessments, tax�s, ren�s, fees, vr charg�s up�n the praperty ❑r �nder any l��se, permit, lic�ns�, or <br /> pri�ileg�assigned tv BenefiGi�ry as additi�nal security�o this Trus�Deed, includin� �h�se in ar on pu�liG <br /> damain. <br /> 2. To insure and k�ep ir�sured buifdings and othe� impr��ements �ncluding fixtures and attachments <br /> now �n �� hereafter pl�ced on th� pr�nperty �o the safi�f�ction �f Benef�i�r}r. Such insu�ance wil[ b� <br /> endarsed with a [ass pay�b[� clause to Benefica�ry. �n demand, Trustvr w�ll furnE�h s�id polic�es ar <br /> proaf af insurance to B���f��ary. Any sum� sa receive� by Benefcr�r�y may b� u�ed t� p�y fa� <br /> recons�ruction vf the destr�yed improvem�nts �r if not so �ppi�ed may be applied, �� the apfian of <br /> BenefGiary, in paym�nt vf any indebtedness ma�ured vr unma�ured secur�d �y this Trust D�ed. �uch <br /> insuranc�will be in an amount at least�qual t� the lesser of the [oan balance, the actua� cash �a�ue af <br /> the callateral, or the replacement cast of�he praperty, and will a� a minimum, cvver tosses caused by <br /> fire, ligh�ning, �xplvsi��, aircraft, vehicles, vandalism, smoke, windst�rm, and hail. Trust�r�s}will obtain <br /> and ke�p flood insur�nce in forc�to co�er Eosses by fCood as required by Beneficiary or by the National <br /> Ffo�d �n�uranc�AG�of'i���, as am�nded, or by regulatlons implemen�ing the same. Trus��r�s} furthe�- <br /> agree tha� Beneficiary is nvt and vvill no� be liable far �ny failure by Trustor�s} ar by any �nsurer, far <br /> whatev�r reas�n, fa ab�ain and keep�his insur�nc� in forc�. <br /> 3. T� keep a�[ buildings, fixtures, attachmenfs, and other impro�emenfs naw an or hereafter p�aced an <br /> th� proper�y ❑ccupi�d and in gao� repa�r, ma�n�enance, �nd cvndi�ion an� ta n�E�her�ommit nvr permi� <br /> any acts �f waste vr any im�airm�nt of th� value �f the property. B�neficiary may enter upan �he <br /> p�oper�y fio insp�ct�he sam�ar to perform �ny ac�s aufh�ri�ed herein �r�n the credif agr��ment�s}. <br /> 4. ln fihe �ven�T�ust�r��}fa�ls ta pay any liens,judgm�nt�, assessments, �a�es, rents, f�es, or charges <br /> vr main��in any insuranc� on the praperty, buildings, fix�ures, �ttachments, ar ir�n�rovemen�s as <br /> pravided herein ar �n �h� loan agr��ment�s}, Benefc�ary, a� its option, may make such paymen�s ar <br /> provide insurance, mainfenance, or repairs and any amaunts paid th�r�for wtll become part of �he <br /> pr�ncipal �ndebtedness se�ured h�reby, be immediat�ly due and payahle and b�ar interest a� the <br /> defau[t ra�e pro�ided in fhe nate�s} �r c�edi� agr�eement�s} fram �he da�e of payment un��[ �aid. The <br /> a�lvancement by Ben�f�ci�ry �f any such amour�ts vsrill in na manner [�mit �h� �ighfi �f B�neficiary to <br /> dec[are�rustQr�s} �n d�faul��r exercis��ny of B�nefiGi��y's�ther ri�hts �n� remedies. <br /> �. In �he event Beneficiary i� a p�rty to any litigati�n a�Fecting th� property or the lien of this Trust <br /> Deed, including any acti�n by Ben�fic[ary �o �nfarce th�s Trus� Deed �r any suit in which Beneficiary �s <br /> nam�d a d�fendan� tin�luding ��ndemnation and bank�u��cy prvG�edings} Beneficiary may incur <br /> expenses and advance paym�n��for ab��ract f�es, attvrney�fees �to �he ��tent a[(awed by la�v}, C�5�5, <br /> expenses, apprais�l fees, and a�h�r charges and any am�unts sa adv�nc�d wE�l b�came part �f th� <br /> princip�l indEbtedness secured hereby, be �mmediate�y due and paya�le and be�r �nter�st a� the <br /> defau�t r���pro�ided in the n�te�s} or credi�agreemenfi���fr�m the date af advanGe until p��d. <br /> s. Any awards made to Trustvr�s} ar their� successors by the e�cerci�e af eminent domain ar� her�by <br /> assigned to Beneficiary; and Ben�ficiary is hereby authori�ed �❑ collec�and apply fh� �ame in payrnen� <br /> of any indebt�dness, ma�ure vr unmatur�d, secu�ed by this Trus� De�d. <br /> �. In the ev�nt of d�fault in the paym�n� wh�n du� of any sums secured hereby �prin�i�a(, rntere�t, <br /> advancerr�ents, or protecfiive advances}, or fiailure �a �er�orm or observ� any covenants �nd Gonditions <br /> con�a�ned h�rern, in th� no�e�s}, cr�di� ��r��men��s}, �r �ny ofiner ins�rum�nts, or any p�viceedings rs <br /> brough� under any Ban�ruptcy law�, Ben�f��ary, at its a�tion, may d�clare the entir� ind�btedne�s <br /> se�ured hereby to be immedia��ly due and payabl� �nd �he who�e w��C bear interest at the d�fault r�t� <br /> as pro�ided [n the nate�s} or credit agreement�s} and B�neficiary may immedtately authorize Trustee ta <br /> exer��se the Pow�r-vf�ale granted herein in the manner p���ided �n the Nebraska Trust❑eeds Act, ��, <br /> at the ap�ion �� the Beneficiary, may fareclase the Trus� De�d in �he mann�r provided by law for �he <br /> f�recl�sure �f martgages �n r�a1 proper�y, including �he �ppo�ntmen� �f a Receiver upon ex parte <br /> appi�ca�[on, notrc� be�ng hereby expres�ly waived, wifhau� regard f� fihe value af �he praperty or �he <br /> suffciency thereof to di�charge the indebtedn�ss secur�d hereby or in�h� laan agreemen��s}. Del�y by <br /> Beneficiary in e�cercising its rights upon ��faulf wi�� nat be construed a� a warver�hereaf�n� any act of <br /> Benefici�ry wa�Wing any speci�Fied defau�t wilf not b� constru�d as a vvalver�t �ny fu�ure defaurt. If the <br /> proc�eds und�r suGh sa[� or foreclosure are insuffic�ent t� �ay the �otal ind�bte�ness s�cured her�by, <br /> Trust�r�s} do hereb� agree �a be �ers�nally �aund to pay fh� unpaid balance, and Benefciary v�i[I b� <br /> entitl�d to a d�ficiency judgment. <br /> 8. Should Beneficiary elect fa exerc�se fihe Pawer of Sale granted herein, Beneficiary will n�t[fy T�us�ee <br /> who �ri[! ��c�rd, pub[ish, �nd d�liver fia Trus��r�s} such Natice of ae�raul� and Na��ce �t Sa[e as �hen <br /> requi�ed by law and w�[I In the manner pra�id�d by ��w, sell th� prop�rty at the �ime and p[ace Qf s�l� <br /> App#:�30715�; CIF#: 1�7253; Note#:�01 ���KS Legal Rac.❑�fe:April 15,�0�� <br /> F�RNi�0��,Trust Deed and Assignment af RentS Pag�4 af 7 <br />