<br /> A�� �nsurance policies required by I.ender and rene�a�s of such pa�ic�es shall be subject to Lender'�right�o
<br /> disapprove such palicies, shall �nclude a standard mar�gage�Iause, and sha1� name Lender as mort�a�ee
<br /> andlor as an add��ional lass pay�e. Lender shall have the righ�ta ho�d�he p�l�c�es and ren�v�a� cer���ca�es. �f
<br /> Lender requires, Borrow�r shall pr�mptly g��e to Lender a�� rece�pt�flf paid prem�ums and renewal not�ces.
<br /> If B�rr�wer ob�ains any farm of insurance coverag�, not otherwise required by L�nd�r, far damage�o, or
<br /> d�struct�an of, �h� Proper�y, such po�icy shall include a standard mortgage clause and shall name Lfender as
<br /> mar��agee andlor a� an add�tiona� �oss pa�ree.
<br /> �n the e��nt o��ass, Bflrrower shall give prampt not�ce to�he insurance carr��r and Lender. L�nder naay
<br /> make proaf of l�ss if not made promptly by B�rrov�er. Un�ess Lender and B�rrawer atherwise agree in
<br /> wr���n�, any insuranct prac�eds, whether ar nat�he underlying �nsurance was required by Lender, shali b�
<br /> applied to r��tora��fln or repair of th�Pr�per�y, i�the r�storat�on ar repair is economically feasible and
<br /> Lender's �ecurity i�not less�ned. Dur�ng such repair and restara��on per�od, Lender shal� ha�r�the r�gh�to
<br /> ho�d such insurance praceeds unt�l L�ender has had an app�rtun�ty �a inspe��such Prap�rty ta ensure�he
<br /> work has be�n comple�ed t� Lender's satisfaction, grovid�d tha�such inspe�tion sha�l b�under�ak�n
<br /> pr�mp�ly. Lender ma�r d�sburse proc�eds f�r the repairs and res�flra���n �n a s�ng�e paymen�or�n a series of
<br /> progress paymen�s as �h�vvork is completed. Unless an agreement is mad�in writing or App�icable Law
<br /> requ�r�s xnteres�ta�e paid an such insurance proc�eds, Lender sha11 n�t�e required to pay Barrow�r any
<br /> interes�or earn�ngs on su�h pr�c�ed�. Fees far pub�ic ad�usters, or o�her�hird par��es, retained by Borr�vver
<br /> shall no�be paid out af the �n�uran���raceeds and sha�l be the so�e ob��gat�an�f Borr�w�r. �f the res�oration
<br /> or repair is no�econami�al�y feasib��ar Lender's secur�ty wou�d�e lessened, th�insurance prac��ds �hall be
<br /> app���d to the sums secured by this Securit��nstrumen�, wh�th�r�r na�then due, with th�excess, �f an�,
<br /> pa�d�o Borrow�r. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order pra��ded for�n S��t�on 2.
<br /> If B�rrower a�andons the Praper�y, Lender may fi�e, n�gotiate and se�tl�any ava��ab�e�nsurance claim and
<br /> rela�ed matters. If Borrower does nat respond w�th�n 3�days to a natice from I�end�r�ha�the insuranc�
<br /> carri�r has offered to sett�e a claim, then Lender may negot�ate and sett��the Claim, Th�3�-day p�r�od w���
<br /> begin when�he not�ce�s g��en, In ei�h�r event, or�f Lender acqu�res the Property under 5�ct�on�2 or
<br /> o�h�rw�se, Borrower hereby ass�gns to Lender�a} Borrower's rights �o any insurance proceeds in an amount
<br /> no�to exceed th�amaunts unpa�d under the Note or th�s Securi�y Ins�rument, and �b}any ather of
<br /> Barrower's r�ghts �other than the rzght to any refund af unearn�d prem�ums paid b� Borrower}under a�l
<br /> insurance paiic�es cover�ng�he Prflper�y, insafar as such r�gh�s ar�app��cable to the coverage of th�
<br /> Proper�y. Lender may u�e�he�nsurance proceeds ei�her ta repair�r r�star�the Prop�r�y or ta pay amoun��
<br /> unpa�d under the No�e or�his Security �nstrument, wh�ther or no��hen due.
<br /> �. flccupancy, Barrower sha�� o��upy, es�abiish, and use�he Pr�perty as B�rrower's principal reszdence
<br /> within 6�days af�er the execut�fln af th�s �ecurity Ins�rum�nt and sha�i �ant�nue ta occupy�h�Proper�� as
<br /> Borrower's prinGipal residence far at��as�one year af�er th�date af occupancy, uniess L�nder otherwise
<br /> agrees �n wr�tin�, wh�ch consent sha.Il nat be unreasona��y vW�thheld, ar unless extenuat�ng�ircumstances
<br /> e�is�which are beyond Borrower's c�n�rol.
<br /> 7. P�eser�at��n. N�aintenance and Protectivn of the Property; �nspectians. Borraw�r sha�� not d�s�roy,
<br /> damage or�mpa�r the Proper�y, allow�he Pr�p�r�y ta d�teri�ra�e ar�omm��wa�te on�h�Pr�perty, �h�ther
<br /> �r no�Borrower�s res�din� in�h�Property, Borrower sha�� mainta�n the Prop�r�y in�rd�r��pre�en�th�
<br /> Prnper�y frflm deter�ora��ng ar decreasing in valu�due�a its condi�ion. IJn��ss it�s de��rm�ned pursuant�o
<br /> Sect�on 5 that repa�r or restoratzon�s not econom�call� feasible, Borrower shal�prompt�y repair�h�Proper�y
<br /> �f damaged t� a�o�d fur�her det�riara��on ar darnag�. �f insurance ar condemnati�n proceeds ar�paid in
<br /> cannectian v��th damage�a, �r the�aking af, �he Property, B�rrower shall be responsibie for repa�r�ng or
<br /> � res�oring the Proper�y on�y if L�nder has re�eas�d prace�ds for such purpnses. Lender may d�s�urs�proceeds
<br /> N�BftASKA-5ingle�arr�ify-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRUM�NT Farm 3�28 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMPfi{N�f t�3�Zy
<br /> W�fters K6uwer Financial Ser�ices Pa�e 7 of�7
<br />