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��15��311 <br /> r�quir�d by RESPA, and Borrower shali pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the de�ciency in <br /> accardance With R�SPA, but �n no more than 12 monthly paymen�s. <br /> Upfln payment in full of a�l �ums secured by�his Se�urity �ns�rumen�, Lender shal� promptly refund�o <br /> B�rro�v�r az�y Funds held b� Lender. <br /> 4. Cha�ges; Liens, Borrovver shal�pay aI� taxes, assessments, charg�s, f�nes, and �mpositions attribu�able�o <br /> �he Proper�y which can atta�n priori�y�ver th�s Security Ins�rument, leaseho�d paym�n�s or gr�und rents on <br /> �he Pr�p�rty, if any, and Co�r�munit� Associat�on Dues, Fees, an�Assessments, if an�. To the exten�that <br /> these items are Escrow �t�ms, Borrower sha�l pay thexn in the�manner�rovided in S�c�ian 3. <br /> Borrower sha��promptl�d�scharge an� l�en w�iich has prior��y o��r this Security �nstrumen�uniess <br /> Borrower: ta� agrees in wri��ng t� �he�ayment af�h�abligation secured by the��en in a manner a�cep�ab�e <br /> �o Lender, bu�only so long as Borrower is perfnrming such agreement; �b}con��sts the lien �n g�od fai�h by, <br /> or def�nds against enfarcement of�he Ii�n in, lega�proceed�ngs v�rhich in Lender's opinian opera��to preven� <br /> the enforcem�nt�f�he lien whiie those pro���d�ngs are pend�ng, but only unti� such proceed�ngs a�� <br /> �an�luded; or�c} secures from�he holder�f the�ien an agreement sa��sfac��ry to Lender sub�rdinating the <br /> lien to �his Securi�y �nstrumen�. �f Lender determines tha�an�part af the Proper�y is su��ec�to a lien which <br /> can atta�n prxority a�er this Security �ns�rumen�, Lend�r may gi�e Borrower a not�ce�dentifying the�ien. <br /> With�n �fl days af�h�date an which that n�t�c� is g�ven, Barrower shali satisfy the lien or take one�r m�re <br /> of�he actians set forth above in th�s S�ct��n 4. <br /> L�nder nzay requ�re Borrower�a pay a one-�ime charg�for a real estate�a�.verxfi�ati�n andlor rep�r�ing <br /> ser�ice used by Lender in connec�zon w��h th�s Loan. <br /> 5, Property Insurance. Borrow�r shall kee�the impro�vem�nts now ��isting or h�reaf�er erec�ed on the <br /> Property insure�agains� loss by fire, hazards inc�uded�r��h�n�he�erm "extended coverage," and an� o�her <br /> hazards �nc�uding, but not limited to, earthquak�s and fl�ods, for wh�ch Lender re�uires insurance. This <br /> insura.nce s�aai�be ma�ntained in the amoun�s �inc�uding dedu��ible�e�els} and far the periods tha� Lender <br /> requires. What Lender requires pursuant t� the pre�ed�ng sen�ences can change dur�ng�he term af�he Loan. <br /> The insurance carrie�pro�iding the insurance sha�l be Ghosen by Borrower�ubject to Lender's right�o <br /> d�sapprove Borrower's ch�ice, wh�ch right sha�l not b�ex�rc��ed unreasonabiy. Lender may require <br /> Borrower�o pay, �n cannec�i�n v�ith this L�an, ei�her: �a} a ane-time charge f�r flaod zone determ�na�ion, <br /> cer�if�ca�ion and track�ng serv�ces; ar�b} a one-tim� charge for flo�d zone de�ermination and certi�cation <br /> s�rv���s and subsequent charges each��n�e remappzngs or sim�lar cha�ges accur wh�ch reasonably migh� <br /> affect such d�t�rmina�ion or cer�i�catian. Borrower sha�l also be responsibl�for�he paymen�of an� fees <br /> imposed by th�Fe�era� Em�r�ency Manag�ment Ag�ncy in conne��i�n wi�h the re�i�vv of any flood zone <br /> deter�minat�on r�sul�ing from an objec��on by Borrower. <br /> If Borrovver fa��s to ma�ntain any of the coverages d�scr�b�d abo�e, Lender ma�o��a�n insuran�e coverage, <br /> at Lender's�p�ion and Borrower's e�pense. L�nder�s under no ob�iga�ion to pur�hase any par�icular type or <br /> amoun�of ca�erage. Therefore, such cov�rage sha��co�er Lender, �ut might tir rn�gh�na�prn�ec� B�rrower, <br /> Barrower's equity in the Praper�y, or the conten�s of the Property, against an� risk, hazard or I�ability and <br /> m�ght pro�vide greater nr�ess�r c�verag�than was prev�ousl� �n effeGt. Borrower a�kr�.owXedges�ha�the cost <br /> af the insurance co�erage s�obtained rn�gh�sign��icantl� exceed th��ost of insurance�hat Borrower�ou�d <br /> ha�e obta�ned. Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Sec�ion S sha�l become add�tiona�de�t�f <br /> Borro�er secured by this Security �nstrumen�. These amoun�s shall bear interest at the Note rate from the <br /> da�e af d�sbursement and sha�l be payabie, wi�h su�h interes�, upon no���e frorn Lender�o B�rrow�r <br /> requesting payment. <br /> NE6RASKA-Single Farr�i�y-Fannis MaelFrecidie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT �orm 3Q28 114� <br /> VMP� VMPfi{NE1 Z�3Q2} <br /> Walters Kluwer�inancfal 5er�ices Page 5 af 17 <br />