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��15���9� <br /> vEEa oF Y�usT <br /> tCtsntinued� P�ge � <br /> of this De�d of Trust. <br /> DUE�N SAL�-��NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's option, deciare immediat�ly due and paya�le all sums <br /> secured by this Dsed af Trust upvn the saEe�r trans�er, without Lender's p�ior writt�n consent, of all ar any part❑f the <br /> Real Property, or any interest in th� R�al Prvperty. A "sa�� ❑r transf�r" means the �Qn�eyance of Rea! Prvperty vr any <br /> r�ght, title ar interest in the Rea! Property; wheth�r IegaE, beneficia! ar equitable; whether �vEuntary ar in�oluntary; <br /> whether by outright safe, deed, instaf�ment sale contract, land cvn�ract. contract for deed, leaseh�ld interest writh a <br /> term greater than th�ee �3f years, lease-option contract, ar by safe, assignment, or transfer of any beneficial interest in <br /> or to any land trust holding title to the Real Prvperty, or by any other method o� con��yance vf an interest in the Reaf <br /> PrQperty. If any Trustor is a corparation, partnership or limited liabiiity campany, transfe� alsa incfudes any change in <br /> awnership of mvre than twenty-five per�ent �25°/of vf the�vting stock. partnershi�inter�sts or limited liability comp�ny <br /> interests, as th� case may b�, of such Trustvr. Howe�er, th�s optiQn shall not be exercised by Lender if such exerGise <br /> is pro�hibited by f�deral law ar by Nebraska law. <br /> TA�ES AND LIENS. The follvwing prv�isivns relating to the taxes and �+ens on the Property are part vf this Deed v� <br /> Trus�: <br /> Payment. Trustor shal! pay wh�n due �and in all ��ents prior t�deiinquency� all taxe�, special taxes, asse�sments, <br /> charges {including water and s�wer�, fines and �mpasFtivns le�ied against or on account of th� Proper�y, and sha�1 <br /> pay when due a11 claims fvr wvrk done �n or �or ser�ices render�d or materia� furn�shed to the Prvper�y. Trustvr <br /> shall maintain the Property fr��o�all li�ns hauing priority❑�er❑r equa! to the interest o#Lender under thi� Deed of <br /> Trust, eaccept for the lien o� ta�es and ass��sments not due and e�cept as oth�rw�se pro�ided in this Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The#offvwing p�v�isions refat�ng to insuring the Pro�erty are a part of this Deed af <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenan�e of Insuran��. Trust�r shall procure and maintain po��cies af fire insur�nce with standard extended <br /> Gv��rage endarsements on a rep�acement basis f�r the fiul! insurable �afue �a�ering all Impro�em�nts on the Rea� <br /> P�oper�y in an amaun� suffic�ent to a��id app�ication af any c�insurance �lause, and with a standard mvrt�a��� <br /> �fause in fa�or o� Lender. Trustor sha�1 also procure and mainta�n c�mprehensi�e general liability�nsuran�e in suGh <br /> co�erage am�unts as Lend�r may request with Trustee and Lender being named as additEvnal insureds in such <br /> IiabiEity insurance policies. Addi�ivnally, Trustor sh�ll maintain such other insurance, inc�ud�ng but n�t limited to <br /> I�azard, bus�ne�� interruption, and boiler insurance� as Lender may reasvnably requir�. paficies shall be written in <br /> farm, amoun��, �o�erages and basis reasona�ly �cceptabEe to Lender and issued by a campany vr �ompanies <br /> r�asvnably acceptable to L�nder. Trustorx upvn request vf Lender, will d�li�er to L�nder from time �Q time the <br /> Qolicies vr c�rtificates of in�uran�e in form satisfactary t� Lender, inGluding stipulati�ns that c��erages wii! not be <br /> cancell�d or diminished withaut a# Eeast ten �1�f days prior written nc�ti�e to Lend�r. Each insuranCe p�iicy alsv <br /> shall include an endvrsement pra�iding that Go�erage in favv�of Lend�r will not be impaired in any way�y any act, <br /> omission or default o#T�-ustor or any other p�rson. 5hould the Real Property be �o�ated in an area d�signated by <br /> the Administratvr of the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a special fload hazard area, Trus�or agrees tv <br /> vbtain and maintain Federal Flood lnsurance, if a�a�lable, far the full un�aid prin�ipal halance af the Ivan and any <br /> priar liens on the prvperty securing the loan, up to the maximum po�i�y limits set under th� Nationaf F�ovd <br /> Insurance Program, or as otherwise required by Lender, and to maintain such insurance for#he term �f the Ioan. <br /> LENQER`S EXPEND�TURES. �f�ny action ar prviceedin� is commenc�d that woufd materia��y �ffect Lender's �nterest in <br /> the Pr�perty ar if Trustvr fai[s tv compfy with any pro�ision of this L��ed �f Trust t�r any Relat�d Document�, including <br /> �ut nat limited to Trustor's faiiur� tv discharge or pay when due any amaunts Trustor is required t� dEscharge or pay <br /> under this Deed vf Trus�or any Related Documents, Lender on Trustor's behalf may tbut shal! nvt be obligated tv} take <br /> any actian that Lender deems a�p�rvpriate on the Prop�r�Cy and payin� al! costs for insuring, mainta�ning and pres�rving <br /> the Property. All such expenditur�� incurred �r paid by L�nder #or suGh purposes wi�l then bear interest at the rate <br /> charged under the Note from th� date ineurred or paid by Lend�r to the date of repayment by Trustor. All such <br /> �xpenses �r+►ill be�ome a part of th� �ndebtedn�s� and, at Lender's a�tion, wi�E {A} �� payable on demand; �B� be <br /> added to the ba��nce of ths Note and �e apportic�ned among and be p�yable with any ins�allment paymen�s to b�come <br /> due during �i�h�r �1� the term of any applicable insurance pvlicy; vr t�� the remaining term vf the Nvte; or �Cf be <br /> treated as a balloon payment which will be due and payable at�he Not�'s matu��ty. <br /> 1NARRANTY: DEFENSE�F TITLE. The following pro�isivns relating to�wnership of the Praperty are a part o�this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Trtle, Trustar warrants that: ta} Trustvr hvlds good and mark�table t�tle vf re�flrd to the Praperty in fe� simpE�, <br /> free and clear of all liens and en�umbrances other than those set forth in the Real Prvper�y descr�ptiQn or En any <br /> title insuranc� policy, title r�port, ar fin�l title opin�vn issued in fa�or of, and accepted by, Lender in connectFon <br /> w�th this Deed o#Trust, and tby Trustar h�s the fuli righ�, power, and autharity to execute and deli�er this Deed of <br /> Trust ta Lend�r. <br /> Defense of Title. Subject to the exception in the �aragraph above, Trustor warrants ar�d wi1� fore�er d�fend the <br /> title ta the Praperty against the lawfu� claims of all p�rsans. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Eaeh Qf the fQl�owing, at Lender's option, shal� c�nst�tute an E��nt of Defauft under this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Payment De�ault. Trustor fai�s to m�ke any payment when due under the fndebtedneSs. <br /> Other De�ault. Trustor fai�s t�camply with any other term, vafig�tion, co�enant ar condition cvntained in this ❑�ed <br /> of Trus�ar in any of the Reiat�d DvGuments. <br /> �ampliance L�efault. Failure to comply with any ❑ther term, �bligation, �o�enant or �ondit�on conta�ned in thi� <br /> Deed af Trust,the N�te or in any of the �elated �acuments. <br /> D�fault on ather Payments. Failure o#Trustor within the time required hy this Qeed ot Trust to make any paym�nt <br /> �or taxes or insurance, vr any�ther payment necessary tv pre�ent filing of ar t�effect discha�ge of any�ien. <br /> �efault in Fe�vr �f Third Part�es. Shauld Grantor default under any Ioan, extensi�n of credit, security agreement, <br /> purchase vr sales agreement, �r any other agreement. in fa�or v� any�ther �reditor or person that may mat�rial�y <br /> affect any vf �ran�ar's property or �ranta�r's a�ili�y tv repay th� Indebtedness or Grantor's ability tv perfvrm <br /> Grantar's obligarions und�r thi� Deed vfi Trus�t or any related document. <br /> Death ar Insalrrency. Th� d�ssolution vf Trustor's �regardless of whether electivn tv con#inu� is made�, any <br /> member withdraws frvm �he limited liability cvmpany, or any other termination vf Trust�r's exist�nce �s a g�ing <br /> business vr the death of any member. the inso��ency of Trustvr, the appointment of a recei�er #vr any part of <br /> Trustor's property, any assignment for th� benefit of �r�dit�rs, any type of credi�or workout, or the <br /> �ommen�ement af any prv�eeding under any bankruptcy vr insof�ency�aws by ar against Trustflr. <br /> E�ents Affe�ting Guarantt�r. Any vf the pre�eding e�ents o�curs with resp�ct ta any Guarantar �f any of the <br /> lr�debtedness or any Guarantor dies or becomes incompet�nt, a�r re�okes or disputes the �alid�ty �f, or fFabEli�y <br /> under, any Guaranty of the indehtedness. <br /> Ad�erse Changa. A material ad�erse change vccurs in Trustar's financiaE �vndition, or Lender beFie��s the <br /> prosp�ct of payment vr perfarmance�f the Indebtedness is impa�red. <br />