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��15����9 <br /> If the po�er vf�aie is invaked,Trust�e shall record a n�tice of default in each c�unty in�vhich any <br /> ��rt of the Prop�rty�s located and sha�l m�il�opies Qf su�.h natice in the manner pres�ribed b� <br /> �pplicable law to B�rrower and ta th�other persons prescribed by applicabte Iav�.After the time <br /> required b�appli�ab�e lav�,Trustee shall give public notice�f sal�to the persons and in the mann�r <br /> prescribed by applicable Iaw.Trust�e,without demand an Bflrrower,shall sell the Prvperty at pub�ic <br /> auctivn ta the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms d�signated in the natice of sa��e <br /> in one or mnre parcels and in any order Trus�ee determines.Trustee may postpone sa�e of a�l or an� <br /> par��l of the Praperty by pub�ic annauncement at the time and pla�e of any pr�viausly sch�duled sale. <br /> Lender�r its d�signee may purchase the Prvperty at any s�le. <br /> If the I�ender's interest in this Security Instrument is held by the Secretary and the Secretary requ�res <br /> immediate pa�ment in full under Faragr�ph 9a the Seeretar�may invoke the nonjudicial pow�r of sale <br /> prvvided�n th�S�ngle Family Mortga�e Foreclosure Act of 1994 �"Ac�"�(12 U.�,�. 3751 et sec�.� by <br /> requesting�►fore��.vsure�ammissi�ner designated under the Act ta commen�e fore�losure and t�sell <br /> the Pr�perty as prv�ided in the Act,Nothing in the preced�ng�entence shall�e�rive the Secretary vf <br /> any rights other� a�ailable to�Lender under this Paragraph 18 or applicabie law. <br /> U��n rece�pt of payment af th�price bid,Trustee shall del��er to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> c�nveying the Property,The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prima fa�ie evidence of the truth vf <br /> the statements made therein,Trustee shali�pply the proceeds af the sale�n the following�rder: �a}ta <br /> ali c�st�and�xpenses of exer�ising th�power�f salea and the s$te,inc�ud�ng the payment�f the <br /> Trust�e's fees�ctually incurred�nd reasonab�e attvrneys'fee�as perm�tted by Applfcab�te La�w; �b}t� <br /> all sums s��ured by thi�Se�ur�ty Instrument;and�c�any excess ta the person vr persons lega�ly <br /> entitled ta it. <br /> 'i�. R�co nv�}�an c�.Upan p�yment of all sums secured by this Security Instrum�nt, L�ader�ha1l r�quest <br /> Trustee t�r�con�rey the Praperty and shall surrender this�ecurity Instrument and aIl aotes evidencing debt <br /> s�cured by this 5ecurity Ins�rumen�to Trustee. Trustee sha11 recon�vey the Praper�y without warranty and <br /> �ith€�ut charge to the pers�n or persons legal�y ent�tled to it. SuGh pers�n or persons sh�.tl pay any <br /> recordatian�asts. <br /> ��. �u�stitute Tr'ustee.Lender, at its aption, may from time to time rem�ve Trustee and appaint a success►�r <br /> trust��tv any Trust�e appain.ted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the caunty in which this Security <br /> Instrument is recvrded. ��thout conveyance of the Proper�y,the succes�r�rustee shall succeed�o ali th� <br /> title,pv�er and duties conferred upon Trust�e herei.n and�y applicable Ia�. <br /> 21. Req uestfa�Notic��.$orr�wer requests that c�pies of the n�tices of default and sa�e be sent to Borrower's <br /> address which is the Property Address. <br /> ��. R�ders ta th�s Secu rity I nstru m�nt.If on�or more riders a,re executed by Borrower and recorded <br /> tagether with this S�curity Instrumeat,the covenants of each such rider sha11 be incarporated into and sha�l <br /> amend and supplem�nt the covenants and agr�em�nts of this Securi�y Instrument as if the rider�s)were a pa,rt <br /> af th�s�ecurity Instrumen.t. �Check app�icab��b�a�(es�]. <br /> C.,..� ��ndom�i.n.ium Rider ❑ �"rrowing Equity R�der � �ther spec�fy <br /> ❑ Plan.ned Unit Development Rider [� Graduated Paymen�T�ider L eg a 1 �t a�h e <br /> FHA Nlo�tgage 11V1TH MERS-NE R�►rised 419fi <br /> VI�rIrIIP� VMP4N(NE�413fl2)A4 <br /> WvP��rs IUc�r Fina�ciai 5enrices Page 8 a�14 <br /> qU 338 26836 � 33 37 4814 <br />