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��15����9 <br /> '15. Bt�rrower's Copy.�orrower shall be given vne conformed copy of the I�Tote and of this��curity <br /> �nstrument, <br /> 'I fi. HazaFdvusSu�stances,Borro�rer shall nat cause ar permit the presen�e,u��, disposal, storage, ar release <br /> of any Hazardous Substanc�s on or in the Praperty. B�rrower sha11 not da,nor a11aw anyane e�se to do, <br /> an�thing affecting the Property�hat is in violation of any Environmenta�Law. The preceding t�va�en�e�ce� <br /> sha11 not apply to the pr�s�nce,use,or storage vn the Property of�ma�1 quantities of Hazardous Subst.�nces <br /> that are�enerally recognized to be appropri.ate to normal residential uses and to ma�n��nanGe af�h�Property. <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender�rit�en notice of aay investigation,c�aim,demand, lawsuit or other <br /> action by any gov�rnmenta,l or regu.latory agency or pri�ate pa.rty invol�ing the Property and any Haza,rdous <br /> �ubstance ar Enviranment�t Law of which Borro�ver has actua�kno��edge. If Borro�ref�ea�.s,or is nat�fed <br /> by any governmen�.I or regulat�ry authority,that any remo�al vr other remedia�ion of an�Hazardous <br /> Substanc�s affecting the Progerty is necessary,Borrawer shal�promptly take a��ne�essary rem�dial actions <br /> in accordance vvith Environmental La�. <br /> As used in this paragraph 16, "Ha�ardaus Substanc�s"are those substancesdefined as toxic or hazard�us <br /> substance�by En�i�onment��La�a�.d the fa��a���.g substa��es:g�sot�n�,keroser�e,other flammableor toxic <br /> petraleum praducts,toxic pest�cides and her�icides,v�latile solv�nts,materials can�ainin�asbestos vr <br /> formaldehyd�,and radioactive materials.As used in this paragxaph�6,"Enviranmen�a.l Law"means federal <br /> laws and tau�s of�he�urisdic�ion where the I'rQperty is lc�cated that relate to hea�th,safety or en�ir�nmen�a� <br /> protecti�n. <br /> hlv�-Unifarm�ovenants.Borrow�r and Lender fur�her covenant and a�ree as follo�vs: <br /> '�7. Ass�gnm�ntof Rents.Borro�t�ver uncondit�onal�y assigns and transfers to Lender al�the rents and rev�nues <br /> af the Praperty. Borro�ver authorizes Lender or Lender's ag��nts tv cotlect the rents and re�enue�and hereb�' <br /> directs each tenant of the Property to pay the rents to L�nder or Lender's agents. Hovvever,prior to Lender's <br /> notice to Barrower of Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreem�nt in the Security Instrum�nt,Borro�v�r <br /> sha11 call�ct and rec�ive all rents and reven�es of the Pr�per�y as truste�for the benefit of Lender and <br /> Borrower,This assignment of rents c�nstitutes an a�so�ute assignment and not an assignme�t far ac�ditiona� <br /> security on�y. <br /> if Lender giv�s notice of breach to Borrower: (a�a11 rents recei�ed�ay F3�rra�ver shall be held�y Borro�rer <br /> as trustee for b�nefit of L�nder oniy,to be applied�o the sums secured by�he Security Instru�nent; (b� <br /> Lender sha11 be�ntitled to collect and receive all vf the rents af the Proper�;and(c)each tenant of the <br /> Pr�perty sha11 pay a1�rents due and unpaid to L.�nder ar Lender's agent fln Lend�r's�vritten demand ta the <br /> tenant. <br /> B�rro�ver has not executed any priar�ssignm�nt af the rents and has not and wi�1 nat perform any act that <br /> w�uld prevent Lender from exercising i�s rights under thi.s pa,ragraph 17. <br /> Lender�hall not be require�i t��nter upon,take contral of or maintain the Property before�r after <br /> notice of br�ach to Barrower. However,Lender ar a judiciall�r appainted r�ce�ver may da�a at any time <br /> there is a breach.A�ty applicatic�n of rents sha�l not cure or�vaiv�any d�fau�t or in�a��date any other right ar <br /> remedy of L�nder. Th�s as�ignment af rents of the Prop�rty sha�l terminate when�he debt secured by the <br /> Seeurity�ns�rument is paid in fu11. <br /> 'I�. Fo rec�vs u r�rviced u re.If Lender requires immed�ate paym�nt in full under paragraph 9, I�ender <br /> may�n�ake the power of sale aad any vther remed�es permitted by appli�able law.Lend�r sh���b� <br /> entitled t��olle�t al�expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies under this paragraph 1$,in�lu�in�, <br /> but not lirr�ited ta,reasanable attorneys'fees and cast�of�t�e evidence. <br /> FHA Mortqa�e WITH AAERS-NE R�vised 419B <br /> VMP� VMP4N4NE}(134�).�4 <br /> , Wolt�rs Kkuwer Fir�anciai Senrices qQ33388�fa836 4�33 3 4 1Q Paga 7 af 14 <br />
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