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��15��154 <br /> senten�es s�a11 not apply t�the pr�senc�, us�e, or�n the Praper�y o�sm��l�ua�tifi�es af Ha�ar�lous <br /> Substar►ces that are generally rec�gn�z�d to be appropriate t�norn�l r�siden�ial uses and t�ma.intenance of <br /> �h�Property�including, hut nvt limited ta, ha�ardous su�stances in consumer produc�s}. <br /> Barrowe�sha�l pro�nptly gi�e Le��er written r��t�ce of�a}any inves�igatia�, claim, demand, lavvsu�t or ath�r <br /> action�ay any governmental�r regulato�y ag�ncy or private party ir�volving the Proper�y and any Hazardous <br /> Substance or Envimnm�ental Law of vvhi�h Borr�wer has a�tual know�edge, �b}any Environment.�1 <br /> G�nditiDn, includ�ng but not limited to, any spi�ling, leaking, discharge, release or thr�a�af releas��f any <br /> Hazardou� Su�stance, and�c}any c�ndrtion�aused by the presence, use vr release of a Hazardous Suhstan�� <br /> which ad�er�ely affects�he value vf�he PropeYty. If Borrower��arns, or is not�ified b�any g�vernmenta.�or <br /> regulatary authvrity, �r any private party, that ariy remo�al or other remed�at�on vf any Hazardous�u�s�ance <br /> a.ff�c�ing the Property is necessary, Borrower sha11 prompt�y take a1l necessary remedial actions in <br /> accor�ance with En�ironmental Law. �TQthing herein shall�reate ar�y vhligati�n on Lender for an <br /> Envir�nmenta.l Cleanup. <br /> N�n-U niform Cavenan#s. B�rrfl�ver and Lex�der covenant and agree as foll�ws: <br /> 2 2. Acce[erativn; Remedies. Len�er shall g��e notice to Bor�ower�rior to acceleration fnl�n�ving <br /> Borrawer's breach of any+�o�enant or agreement in this Se�urity Instrument[hut not pripr to <br /> ��celerat�vn under Section 18 unless Applicahl�Law provides otherwis�3. The notice shai�specify: �a} <br /> the defauit;�b3 the action �equired to cure the def ault; [c)a date, not less than 3U days f�om the date <br /> the notice is gi�en to Borrawers �y which the def ault must be cu red; and(d}that f ailu re ta cure the <br /> default an or hefore the d�.te specified�n the�otice may result�n acceieration of the sums secured by <br /> this Se�urity Instrument and sale�f the Proper�y, The notice shall further inform Borr1awer of the <br /> right to reinstate after ac�eleration�nnd the r�ght ta bring a court action to assert the non-�xistence of a <br /> def au�it or�y ot�her def��se af Borrower�o acce�ra�ion and�ale. If�the def�ult is x�ot��red�n ar <br /> before the date specified in the noti�e, Lender at its option may require immediate payment in f ull af <br /> a�1 sums secured l�y this Security Instrument�vithout furth�r demand and may inv�ke the power of sale <br /> and any other remedies permitted by Applicable Law. Lend�r shall be entitled to collect all expenses <br /> incu rred in pu rsu ing the remed�es p ro�ided in this Section�Z, including, �ut not limited to, reasanable <br /> att�rneys' fees and casts of title e�ideace. <br /> If the power af sale is invoked3 Tru�tee shall�ord a nafiice af defaul#in�ach county in which any <br /> part of the Property is located and shall ma�ii Co�ies of such not�ce in the manner prescribed by <br /> Applica�le Law to Borr1ower and to the other persans prescribed by Applicable Law. After the time <br /> required hy Ap�licable Law, Trustee shall gi�e publi�notice af sa�e to the person�and in the manner <br /> pre,�cribed by Applicable Law. Trustee, with�ut deman� on Borrower, sha.�l sell the Proper�y at public <br /> auction ta the highest bidder at the time and�lace and under th�terms�esigmated in the n�tice of saie <br /> in ane or more par�cels and in any arder Trustee determines. Trustee may pvstpone sale of a.�l�r any <br /> parcel of th�Praperty'�y public announ�ement at the time and place af any p�e�iuusly sc�heduled sale. <br /> Lender nr its designee may purcha�e the Froperty at any sale. <br /> Upon re�ceipt of payment of the pr�ce bid, Trustee shall del�v�r to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> con��ying the Property. '�he r�ecitals in the Trustee's deed shall be pr�ma fac�e e�rdence of the truth of <br /> the statements made the�ein. Trustee sha11 apply the proceeds of the sale in the fo�lowing or�er: �a]to <br /> all cost�a.nd egpenses of exercising the p�wer of sale, and the sale, inc�uding the payment of the <br /> Trustee's fe�s a�tuaily in��rred���easanahle a#tv�eys' fees�s pe�mitt�d hy Appli��hle�aw;th�ta <br /> all sums secured by this Security Instrument;and�c3 any egces�ta the person or persons�egal�y <br /> entitled to it. <br /> ��oa�s�as7 ❑vs�E <br /> N�BRRSKR-5ingle Family-Fannie M aelFreddie Mac LiNIFC3RM IN5TRLJM ENT Form 3028 1!�}1 <br /> V M P(�] V M PB�NE}�13�2} <br /> Woite�s Kluwer Financi�l Service� Page 14 vf 1? <br />
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