<br /> in th�Property and rights under t�ii5 Secur�ty�nstru�ent; and�d��akes su��a��on as�.��d�er ma�
<br /> reas�nah�y require to assure that Lender's interest in the Prop�rty and rights under th�s Se�urity Instrument,
<br /> and Borrowe�s obligahon to pay�he sums secured���his Se�urity Ins�rument, shall c�ntinue unchanged.
<br /> Lender may require tha�Borrower pay such reinsta.tement sums and expenses in one ar more of�he follo�ving
<br /> f�rms, as selected�y Lender: �a}cash; ��money order; ��}certified�heck, �a.nk�heck, treasurer's check�r
<br /> cashi��'�check, pr��ided an� su�h check is dravvn upon an institulaan who5e deposits are insure�by a
<br /> federal agency, instrum�entality or entity; or�d}Electroru�Funds Transfer. iJpan reinstatement�y Borrower,
<br /> this S��urity�nstrument and ohliga.tians s�cur�d hereb�shal�r�main fully effective as if na a��elera�.tion had
<br /> Qccurred. HoweWer, this right t�reinstate sha.11 n�t apply in the�a.�e�f a�celeration under Secti�n I8.
<br /> 2�. S a[e vf N ote; C ha nge of L�an�e rvice r; N c�t ice af ��rie�ance. The No�e or a pa�tial inter�st in the
<br /> Note��oge�her with this Security�nstrum�ent}�an be s�ld one or more tim�es vvithout prior natice ta
<br /> Barrovver. A sa.ie m��ht result in a�hange in the�ntity �known as the "Loan�'ervicer"}that collects Feri�dic
<br /> Paym�nt�due und�r the Note anci�his Security�ns�n.�ment and performs other mvr�gage l�an se�vicing
<br /> o��igations under the Note, this Security Instrum�n�, and Appiicabl�Law. There a.��o might be�ne�r more
<br /> �har�ges of the Laan Serviv�r unrelated to a saie of t�e l�ot�. �f ther�iS a�hang��f the Loan Se�vicer,
<br /> Borro�ver�viil b�gi�en written notice Qf the change which wiil s�a.te the name and address of the new Loan
<br /> Servicer, the address to whi�h payments should be rna.de and any�ther inforn�a�ivn RESPA requires in
<br /> cannection with a n�ti�e of t�ra.nsfer of ser�icing. If the l�ote is sold and t�hereafter the L�an is se�viced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer vther than the purch�.ser�f the N�te, �he mortgage loan 5ervicing obligations to Bort�wer will
<br /> rem.a.in w�th�he Loan Servicer or he transferred t�a success�r Loan Se�v�cer and are nat assumed�y the
<br /> N�te purchaser unless othen�vise prvv�ded by the Nflte purchas�r.
<br /> Neither B�rrvwer nor Lender may�ommence,join, or be jained t4 any judicial action(as either an
<br /> individuall�tigant�r the mexr�er of a c1a�s}that arises from the ather part�y's act�ons pursuant to this
<br /> Sec�rit� Instrument flr that alleges that the other party has hreached�pravision of, or any dut�ovved�y
<br /> rea��n of, this Security InstYum+ent, unt�l such Borrower or Ler�der has no�f'�ed the other party �with such
<br /> notice gi��n in�ompliance with the requirement��f Sect��n 15}af such alleged breach and afforded the
<br /> other par�y hereto a reasona�le period after the giving of such n�tice t�take c+�rrecti�e action. If App�icable
<br /> Law prflvide�a time period wluch mus�e�apse befor�certain act�on can be tal�en, that t�me periad w�ll be
<br /> �ieemed to be rea�vnable for purposes of�his para.graph. The notice of acceleration and oppor�unity�o cure
<br /> given t�Borrower pursuant to Secrifln 22 and the notice of accelera.ti�n given tv Borro�ver pursuant to
<br /> Section 18 shall be deemed to�a.tisfy th�no�ice a�d opp��inity t�take�arrect�ve act�on pra�i�iflns�f this
<br /> Secti�n��.
<br /> �'I. Hazar��us Sub�tanc�s. As�se�l in this S��tior���.: ta} "�r�rxrd�us Su�s��cn�es"are th�se su'bstances
<br /> d�fined a�t�xic or hazardous�ul�stances, p�llutants, or�vas��s�y E�ironmental Lavv and the fallawing
<br /> su�astances: gasolin�, keros�ne, other flammable ar toxi�petr�l�um praducts, �axic pes�i�ides and her�icides,
<br /> �alatile solvents, materials containing as�estos or forrna�dehyde, and r�dioa�ti�e ma.terials; �b}
<br /> "Envir�anrnental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdic�ion where the Property is�o��ted tha�
<br /> rela�e t�heal�h, safety or environmental protection; �c} ".�nviroramerat�al Cleartup"includes any respon�e
<br /> action, remedial acti�n, or r�mo�al action, as defned in Env�rflnmenta.l Law; and�d}an"Er�vironrnent�al
<br /> �'aradi�ion"means a cor�lition tha.t can cause, c4�tribute tv, or otherwiS�trigger an En�ir�nmental C1e�nup.
<br /> Borrower sha�l not cause or permi�the preSence, use, C�15p05�, storage, or release af any Ha.�a.rdous
<br /> Substances, or�h�reaten��release a�y Ha�ar�io�s Su�stances, on or in the Property. Borrower�I�all not do,
<br /> nor a11ow any�ne else��do, anything affec�ing the PrQperty�a)tha�is in�iolation of any Envir�nmental
<br /> �aw, �b}which crea�es an Environmenta.l Conditian, or�c}which, due to the presenc�, use, or release�f a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a conditi�n that ad�erse�y affects�he�a1ue�f the Pr�perty. The preceding�vvo
<br /> 23U�389487 D V6N�
<br /> NEBRA5ICA-5ing�Family-Fan�ie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRLJMENT Fvrm 3�2�1lD�
<br /> VMP� VMPB�NE��13D2�
<br /> WaEters Kluwer�inancia�Services Pa9����#�7
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