<br /> []EE� �F `T�U�T'
<br /> Lv�n �Jo� 1�'I��4�7'�� �������1u�d� Pag� �
<br /> EVENTS DF DEFAULT. Each o-F the �o1l�wing, a� Lender's op�ion, sha�l canst�tute an E�ent o� Defauifi under �his Deed
<br /> of Trust:
<br /> Payment D�fault. Bo�rowe�faiis fio rr�alce any paym�n�when due under the Indebtedness. .
<br /> �lfihe� C�e�aulfis. B�rrawer or Trustor faifs �o comply wi�h or to per�orm any other �erm, ob[iga��on, cavenant or
<br /> conditian contained in this Deed of Trust or in any �f�he Re[at�d Documen�s or t❑ comply wi�h or 1:o perform any
<br /> term, abiigation, ca�enant or condi�ion cantained in any other agreemen�b�tween Lender and Bor�owe�-or Trus�or�
<br /> Ca�n�Iiance Default. Failure �o comply wi�h any other �erm, obligation, co�renant or conditian Gontained in this
<br /> a�ed a-�Trust, �he Note ar in any o��:he R�lated ❑ocuments.
<br /> De�aulfi on �ther Paymen�s. Fai�ure of Trustor withEn�he�ime requ�red by�his ❑eed o�Trus�to mak� any paym�nt
<br /> for taxes �r insuran�e, or any ather paymen�necessary�o pr��ent�Filin� of ar���f�ec�discharge of any li�n.
<br /> False �ta��me��ts. Any warranty, �epr�sen�ation o�s�a�em�n� made or furnished �ho Lender by Barrower ar Trus�or
<br /> �r on Qorrower's or Trustor's k�ehalf under �his D�ed a�Trust or the Rela�ed Dacuments is �a[se or mislsading in
<br /> any rna�erial respec�, ei�her n�v�r or at �he time mad� or furnished �r becomes false or mislead�ng a� any time
<br /> �he�eafter, .
<br /> Defe��iv� Ca1la�eraliza�i�n. ThEs ❑eed o� Trus� or any o� the Rela�ed D�cuments ceases t4 b� in �uEl f�rce and
<br /> ef�ec� �including failure of any c�lla�era! d�cument ta create a �alid and perfec�ed securi-ty in�erest or �ien} a� any
<br /> �ime and�or any reasan.
<br /> D�a�h or Insolven�y. The dea�ch of Borrowe�or Trust�r, the insolWency�� Borrower or Trustor, fihe appointm�nt of
<br /> a recei�er for any part af gorrawer's or Trustor's properl:y, any assignment for�he bene�it of credi�ars, any�ype of
<br /> c�edi-rar worlcout, �r the cammencemen� of any pro�e�ding under any ban��ruptcy or insol�ency �aws by❑r against
<br /> Borrawer or Trus�ror.
<br /> Credifior or For�Fe"r�ure Proceedings. Cammenc�men� af forecIosure or farfeiture proceedings, whe�her by judicia�
<br /> pr�ceeding, se�f--help, rep�ssession or any other method, by any credi�or of Borrower or Trustor or by any
<br /> ga�ernmental ag�ncy agains�r any praper�y se�uring the indeb�edness. This includes a garnishmen� of any of
<br /> gorrower's or Trus�ar's ac��unts, inefuding deposit accoun�s, wi�h Lender. Howe�er, this EWen� �f ❑e�auifi sha[I
<br /> not apply i� �here is a good �ai�h dispute by Barrflwer or Trus�or as -�a the validity or reasonabl�ness of �he claim
<br /> wh�ch is �he basis ���he creditor or�orfeiture proceeding and if Borrower Qr Trust�r gives L�nder wrEtten natice of
<br /> the cred��or o�f�r�eiture proceeding and depvsits wi�h Lender monies ar a sure�y bond for�he creditor or fior�e��ure
<br /> proce�d�ng, in an amount de�ermined by Lender, in ifs so�e dis�re�ion, as bein� an adequate res�rWe ar b�nd �or�he
<br /> d�spu-�e.
<br /> Breach o���her I��reemen�. Any brea�h by Barrower ar Trust�r und�r the t�rms ❑f any other agreement between
<br /> Barrower or TrustQr and L�nder -�hat is not rem�died wi�hin any �ra�e period provided �herein, including withaut
<br /> �imitation any agreement cancerning any �ndebtedn�ss �r oth�r a�lEga�i�n of Borrawe� or Trus�ar to L�nder,
<br /> whether existing now or�ater.
<br /> Events A�fec�ing Guaran�vr. Any of the preceding e�en�s ❑ccurs with respec�t❑ any guarantor, �ndorser, sure�y,
<br /> or accammodation party af any o� th� �ndeb�edness ar any guarantar, �ndarser, sur�ty, or accommoda�ian party
<br /> dies or be�ames incamp���nt, or re�alces or d�sputes the �alidity a-F, or lia�ili�y un�er, any Guaran�ry of the
<br /> Indebtedness.
<br /> Adverse Change. A ma�eria� ad�rerse change flccurs in gorrower's ❑r Trustor`s financ�a! candition, ❑r Lender
<br /> belie�es the prospec�of payment or perfarmance o�the Indebtedness is impaired.
<br /> �nsecuri�y. L�nder in �aod fai�h b�[ie�es itself insecur�.
<br /> Rigl���o �ure. [�any defau�fi, o�her�han a de�ault in paymen�, �s curable and i�Trus�or has not been giWen a noti�e
<br /> o�a hreach of�he same pro�[s�on oi this Deed ai Trus�wi�hin the precedin��we��e �1�} months, it may be cured if
<br /> Trustor, a��er L�nder sen�s vvri�ten notice to gorrawer demanding cure af such de�ault: {'�� cures the de�Fau[t
<br /> within �ift�en ��5y days; ar �2} if the cure requir�s more than fi�teen �15} days, immedia�e�y ini�ia�es s�eps which
<br /> Lender deems in L�nder's sole discre�ion ta be sufficient tQ cur� the default and �hereaf�er cantinues and
<br /> camp�efies all reasonab[e and neGessary s�eps suf�icien��o produce comp�ianc�as soon as reasonably practicai.
<br /> RI�HTS A�D REMEDIES �N DEFAULT. I�an Ev�n�of De'�ault occurs under thEs ❑eed of Trust, at any time thereafter,
<br /> Trus�ee or Lend�r may�xercise any one or mare af the fallowing rights and r�medi�s:
<br /> A���leration Upon De�au�t: Addi�'rana! Remed�es, [f any E��n��f Defaul�oc�urs as per�he �erms �f�he Note
<br /> secur�d l-�ereby, Lender may d�clare all Indebtedness ��cured by this Deed o�Trust�o be due an� payable and
<br /> the same shal!thereupon be��me due and payable wi�hQut any presentment, demand, prot�st or notice❑�any
<br /> lcind. Therea�ter, Lender ma�r:
<br /> {a} Ei�her in pe�san or by agent, wi�h or wi�hout bringing any action or praceeding, nr by a recei�er
<br /> appointed by a caurt and without regard ta the adequacy o� its s�curity, enter upan and �alce pflssession
<br /> af�h� Prop�r-�y, or any part�hereof, in its own name or in the name af Trust�e, and d❑ any a�ts which it
<br /> deems n�cessary or desirable�o pr�serve�he �aiue, marlcetability�r rentabEli�y o�the Pr�perty, or pa�t of
<br /> the Property ar int�rest in the Pr�perty; increase �he income from �he Property ar pro�ec�the securi�y of
<br /> the Property; and, wi�h or wi�hout taking p�ssession af the Property, sue for ❑� o�herwise cfllleCt �he
<br />