<br /> I�EE� �F TRU�T'
<br /> Loar� i�a: '!�'���4��`�� ����1`���u�d� �age �
<br /> proceeds a�f�he award sha[l mean �he award af�er payment a# all reasanable CQ5�:5� L'3Cp�n5E5, and a��o�neys' �ees
<br /> incurred �y Trustee or Lender in conneGtion with�he �ond�mna�ion,
<br /> iMP�SiTI�i� �F TAXE�, FEES 611VD CH�IRCES BY �DVE�NMEiVTi AL AUTC-IDR�TIES. The �o�fov�rin� p�o�isions re[ating
<br /> fi�gavernmen�al�:axes, fees and charges are a part��f�his Deed �f Trust:
<br /> Cur�ent Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon reques� b� Lender, Trus�or shall execute su�l� d�Gumen�s in addi�ion to
<br /> �his ❑eed of Trust and taf�e wha�e�er other action is reques�ed by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien on
<br /> the Rea[ P�-operty. Trusto� shall reimburse Lender f�r a1f �axes, as desc�ibed befow, together with all expenses
<br /> incurred in recording, perfec�ing ❑r continuing this D�ed o� Trus�, including vv��;hou� limitatian al[ -�axes, �ees,
<br /> dacumen�ary s�amps, and o�her charges �ar rec�rding or registering �his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The fallawing shal! cons�itute ta�es �o which �hEs sec�ian applies: �1} a s�ecE-�ic �ax upon this type of
<br /> Deed �f Trust or upon all �r any par-� Q�the [nd�btedness secured by �his ❑eed of Trus-t, ��} a sp�ciiic tax an
<br /> Barrower which Borrower is authoriz�d or required ta deduc� fram payments on �h� Indebtedn�ss secured by this
<br /> ty�ae �f Deed ❑�Trus�; �37 a tax on this �y�e o� Deed Q�Trus� chargeable agains��he L�nder �r�he holder of�h�
<br /> Nofie; and �4� a spec�fic �rax on aIl �r any por�ion ❑f �he Indebt�dne�s or �n payments ❑f princ�pai and inferes�
<br /> mad� by gorrower.
<br /> Subs�quen� T'axes. lf any �ax �o which tl�Es section app�ies is enac�ed subsequent to the date of �his Deed of
<br /> Trus�, �his event shal� ha�e �:he same ef�ec� as an Event o� Default, and Lend�r may exercise any or afl of its
<br /> arrailab�e remedies �or an E��nt of Defaul�: as provided below unless Trus�or either t�y p�ys the �ax befor� i�
<br /> be�omes delinquent, or �2} can�ests �he tax as praWid�d abo�e in the Taxes and Li�ns sec�ion and deposi-�s with
<br /> L�nder Gash ar a su�-Ficient c�rporate sure�y bond or other securi�y satisfac�ary�❑ Lend�r.
<br /> SECURITY I��REEME�IT`; F1NAiVG1lV� �TATE111�ENTS. Th� follawing pravisions relating to t��is Deed af Trus� as a
<br /> securi�y agreemen�are a part�f this Qeed o�Trust;
<br /> �e�uri�y ►�greement, This ins�rument s1�al[ cons�i�u�e a S�curity Agreemen� to the exten� any of the Proper�y
<br /> consti�ut�s �ixtures, and Lend�r shall have a�[ of the righ�s o� a secured par�y under�he lJnifarm Commerciaf �ode
<br /> as amended from time ta time.
<br /> Se�urifiy lnteres�. Upon requ�st by Lender, Trustar shalE talce what�v�r action is request�d by Lender �o perfect
<br /> and cantinue L�nder's security interest in �he Rents and Persanal Praperty. �n addition 1:� re�arding th�s Deed of
<br /> Trusfi in the rea! proper�y recards, Lender may, at any tim� and wi�hau� further authariza�ian �From Trustor, �ife
<br /> executed counterparts, �opies or reproductians o� this f��ed of Trust as a �inancing s�atem�n�. Trustor shafl
<br /> reimburse Lender for a�i �xpenses incurred in perfec�ing or con�inuing �his security interest. Upon defaulfi, Trus�ar
<br /> shali na� remo�e, se�er ar c�etach the Persana[ Proper�y fr�m the Pr�perty. Up�n default, Trustor shal[ assemble
<br /> any Persanal Property not affixed �o the Prop�r�y in a manner and a� a pfac� reasonably c�n�enient to Trustor and
<br /> Lender and rnake it a�ailabie �o Lend�r within three �3} days after r�c�ipt of wri��en demand �rom Lender �� �he
<br /> ex�en�permitted by applicable law.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trustor �deb�or} and L�nder �secured party} from w��ich in�ormation
<br /> conc�rning �he s�curity in-�erest gran�ed by �his Deed of Trus� may be abtained {each as requir�d by the �Jni-��rm
<br /> Cammercial Ca�ie} are as stated �n the first page of�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> FURTHER A55URANCES; I�TT�RNEY-IIV�FA�T. The faliowing proWisions rslating �o �ur�her assurances and
<br /> a��orney-in-�ac�are a par�❑f thfs Deec1 af Trust:
<br /> Fur�her ►�Issuran�es, At any time, and from time �o time, upon reques� a� Lender, Trustor wili ma�ce, exe�u�e and
<br /> deli��r, or wi[1 cause f❑ be made, execu�ed ❑r delivered, to Lender or to Lender's designee, and when request�d by
<br /> Lender, cause to be �ilsd, recarded, r�filed, ar rerecorded, as the case may be, at such �imes and in su�h a��Fices
<br /> and pla�es as Lender may deem apprapria�e, any and al[ such mortgages, deeds of trus�, s�curity deeds, securi�y
<br /> agreements, �inancing statements, �ont�nua�ian stat�ments, Enstrumen�s o� �urther assurance, certi��cates, and
<br /> other documents as may, in�he saie apinion of L�nder, be necessary or desi�able in order�o ef�ec�uate, compl��e,
<br /> perfect, continue, or pr�s�rWe �1} Borrower`s and Trus�or's obligatians und�r the Nate, this Deed af Trust, and
<br /> �he R�la�ed Docum�n�s, and �2� �he l�ens and security in�erests created by�his Deed of Trust as firs� and priar
<br /> liens on the Prap�r�y, whe�her now ❑wned ar hereafter acquir�d by Trus�or. Unless prahibit�d by Iaw or Lender
<br /> agrees �o the cantrary �n vtirri�ing, Trustor shali reimburse Lender for all C05�5 and �xpenses incurred in �annection
<br /> wi�h�he ma�fiers referred to in�his paragraph.
<br /> At��rney�inMFac�. !f Trustor�aifs to da any o�the �hings re�Ferred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may da s❑
<br /> far and in the name of Trustar and at Trustor's expense. For su�h purposes, Trustor hereby ir�eva�abfy appain�s
<br /> Len��r as Trustor's attorney-in-fact for�h� purpose af malcing, executin�, deli�ering, filing, recordin�, and daing all
<br /> a�he� things as may be n�cessary or desirabfe, �n Lender's sale ❑pinion, to accamplish the matters re�erred �o in
<br /> th�preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL ��RF�F�[VIf�IVCE. [� Barrawer and Trustor pay aIl the Ind�b�edn�ss when due, and Trus�or otherwise per�Farms all
<br /> the Qbli�ations impos�d upon Trust�r under�h�s De�d o�Trust, Lender sha�l execute and deli�er to Trustee a reques�for
<br /> fu�l �-ecnn��yance and sha11 exe��at� and deli�er to Trustor suitable statements o�t�rmina�ion of any financing statemen�
<br /> on file e�idencing Lender's security int�r�s� in fihe Rents and ths Personal Proper�y. Any re�onWeyanc� fe� required by
<br /> law sha[I b� paid by Trustor, if permit�ed by appficahle law.
<br />