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��15��175 <br /> �]E�� �� T�LJ��' <br /> Loan �lv: '[D'!��4�7�33 ��e��`���7��d� �ag� 3 <br /> regula�ions, naw ar hereaf�er in e��ect� o� al� governmen�al authorities applicab�e to �he us� ar occupancy of �he <br /> Proper�}�, incfuding wi�rhou� limita�ion, the Americans V1lith ❑isabiEities A�t, Trus�or may contest in �ood -�ai�h any <br /> such law, �rd�nance, or regulation and withh�ld compliance during any prac�eding, including a�pr�pria�e appeals, <br /> so [on� as Trus�or has no�ified Lender in writing prio��� daing sa and so [ang as, in Lender's sole opinion, Lenderr5 <br /> interests in the Property are not jeopardi�ed. Lender may requir� Trustor to pos� adequa�e security or a surety <br /> band, reasonably satisfactory�o Lender,to pratec�Lend�r`s interest. <br /> Dut� �:o F'rv�ecfi. Trus�ar agrees ne��her to abandon or Eea�e una�tended �he Property. Trustor shafl da ail ath�� <br /> acts, in addi�:san to those ac�s se�farth aboWe in�his sectian, which�rom the charac�er and use of�h� Property a�� <br /> reasonabfy necessary�:o pratect and preser�e�he Proper�y. <br /> �3UE GN 5►4LE - �DN�ENT BY LEI�[]ER. Lende� may, at Lender's op�ion, de�lare immediately due and payable aEl sums <br /> secured by th�s Deed of Trust upan�f�e sale or trans�er, wi�hou� Lencier's pri�r wri�ten �onsen�, of a�l or any par�af t��e <br /> }��al Praperty, or any in�erest in the Real Properfiy. A "sale or�ransfer" means the can�eyance of Real P�op�rty❑� any <br /> right, title or interest �i� the Real proper�y; whe�her legal, beneficial ar equitabfe; whe�her valun�ary or involuntary; <br /> whether by ou�righ� safe, deed, insta[�ment sale can�rac�, land cantract, contra�� �or deed, leaseho�d interest wi�h a <br /> term greater�:han thr�e �3} years, lease-op�ion cQn�ract, or by safe, assEgnm�nt, or �rans�er of any benefi�Eal En�erest in <br /> or to any land �rust holding title ta the Reaf Property, �r by any other ms�had a� conveyan�� a�an in�erest in �he Fieal <br /> Proper�y. HQW��er, �his �ptian sha[l n�t be exercised �y L�nder if such exercEse is prahib�ted by �edera[ Iaw or hy <br /> Nebraska Iavv. <br /> T��ES ��V� LIE[VS. The fallowing provisions re�ating to �he �axes and liens on �he Property are par� of �his Deed of <br /> Trus�: <br /> Payrnen�. Trus�or shall pay wl��n due {and in a�l even�s prior ta de[inquency} afl�axes, special taxes, assessm�nts, <br /> �harges {including wa��r and sewer}, fines and imposi�fions le�ied against ar an a��aun� �f the Pr�per�y, and shal� <br /> pa� when du� alI claims f�r warlc dane an or -for ser�ices rendered or ma�erial �urnished to the Property. Trus�ar <br /> shall ma�ntain the Pr�p�rty free�f a!I fiens ha�ing priori�y a�er�r equal �o�he in�eres�t of Lende� under this ❑eed �f <br /> Trust, excepf �or the lien of �axes and ass�ssments nat due and exce�t as o�herwis� pro�id�d in �his ��ed af <br /> Trust. <br /> R�gh�to Contes�. Trustor may withhald paym�n�o�F any tax, assessmen�, or �laim in connec�:ion with a g�od faith <br /> dispute over the obliga�ion to pay, sa lang as L�nder's interes�in�he Property is not j�opardized. If a lien arises or <br /> is �iled as a resul� of nanpaym�nt, Trustar shall within �if-�een �15� days af�er �he lien arises or, i� a lien is fif�d, <br /> within �fifteen {15} days after Trus��r has notice o�f the �iling, secure the dis�harge of the lien, ar f� requested by <br /> Lender, depasit vtirith Lender cash ar a sufficient corpora�e surety bond or o�her security satisfac�ory�Q Lender in an <br /> amount su��E�ien��o discharge�he lien plus any �osts and a��orneys' fees, or o�her �harges that cauld accrue as a <br /> result of a foreciasure ar sale under the lien. [n any G�nt�s�, Trustor shall defend i�self and Lender and shali satis�y <br /> any adWerse judgmen� bef�re enforcement agains�the Proper�y. Trustor sha[! name Lender as an additiona! obligee <br /> under any surety bond furnished in�he c�nt�st pro�eedings. <br /> Ev'rdenc� af Paymen�. Trus�ar shail upon demand��urr�ish �a Lender sa�is�actary evidence �f pa}rmen� �f the tax�s <br /> or assessments and sha[1 autharize �he appr�priate go�ernmen�al afficial t� de[i�er t� L�nder a� any�ime a writ�en <br /> s�atemen�of the taxes and assessments agains�the P�operty. <br /> 1Va�ice of Cons�ruction. Trustor shali noti�y Lend�r a�r least fi-Fteen ��5y da}�s before any wvrl� is commenc�d, any <br /> ser�i�es are furnished, or any ma�erials are suppli�d �o the Prop�rfiy, if any mechanic's �ien, materialmen's lien, ar <br /> other iien could be asserted �n accaun� a� the warl<, ser�ices, or materEals. Trustor vtirill upan reques� of Lender <br /> furnish �� Lend�r ad�rance assurances satis�a�tory �o Lender that Trus�or can and will pay the cos� o� sucl� <br /> improWements. <br /> PRDPERTY D�4MA�C 1N5L1RANCE. The follow�ng provisians r�Iating �o insur�ng the Proper�y ar� a par�of�his Deed of <br /> T�ust. <br /> illlaintenance vf Insuran�e. Trustor shali procure and main�ain poficies ❑f fire insurance with standard �x�ende� <br /> co�rerage endorsements on a fair �alue �asis far �he �ull insurable value cov�ring all lmpro��ments an the Real <br /> Praper�y in an amoun� sufficien� �� avoid applicatian of any �oinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in fa��r ofi Lender. Trustar shall ajso pr��ure and maintain comprehensive genera� liability insurance in such <br /> co�erage amounts as L�nde� may request with Trus�ee and Lender being named as additional �nsureds in such <br /> liabili�y insurance polici�s. Add��i�nally, Trustar shall main�ain such other insurance, including bu� no� limit�d to <br /> hazard, business in�errup�iQn, and bvi[er insurance, as Lender may reasonably require. PoEicEes shaEI �e written in <br /> �orm, amoun�s, co�era�es and �asis reasonably accep�able to Lender and issued by a company ar companies <br /> reasonably accep�a�le �o Lsnder, Trustor, upon requ�st af Lender, will de�iver �a Lender from ��me to time �he <br /> palicies or cer�ifiGat�s of insurance in farm sa�is#actory�� Lender, including stipulations tha� coW�rages will not be <br /> �an�elled or diminish�d withou� at leas� �en ���� days prinr written no�ci�e �� Lender, Ea�h insuran�e policy also <br /> shafl include an �ndorsemen�pra�iding that��verage in�a�ar a-�Lender will not be impair�d in any way by any ac�, <br /> vmission ar de�au�� �f Trustor or any other person, Sh�uld the Real Prop�rty be Io�a�ed in an area designated by <br /> the Administrator af the Federal Em�r�ency Management Agen�y as a special fEoad ha�ard area, Trus�ar agrees �o <br /> obtain and maintain Fe�leral Fload lnsurance, i�F a�aiia�le, �or �he fu[I unpaid principal balance o� th� loan and any <br /> prior li�ns on th� praper�y secur�ng the loan, up to �he maximum pnlicy limits set under the Na�ional F�ood <br /> lnsurance Program, or as atherwise required by Lender, and�� main-�ain such insurance far the fierm ❑��he [�an, <br />