<br /> �EE� �3F T'�U�T
<br /> Loan �Vv: 1�'1��4-��� ��v�t�r�u�d� Page �
<br /> TRUSTOR'S REPRESENT►4T[UIUS AIVD �ARRANTIES. Trus�or warran�s tha�: �a7 this Deed of Trus� is executed at
<br /> Borrawer's requ�s� and not at the reques� af Lender; �b} Trustor has �he fuli pnvirer, righ�, and auth�ri�y �o enter in�o
<br /> this D�ed of Trust and �o hypofiheca�e �he Praperty; �cy -�he pr�visions of �his Deed o� Trust d❑ nofi confiE�t with, or
<br /> result in a de�ault under any agreement or o�her ins�rument bindin� upQn Trustor and d❑ no� result in a �iolation of any
<br /> lav�r, reguia�kian, court de�r�� nr order app[icab[� to Trustor; td� Trustor has es�ablished adequa�� means �f obta�ning
<br /> from go�rawer on a cont�nuing �asis information abaut Borrower's financial condi�i�n; and �e7 Lender has made nv
<br /> representa�ion�o Trus�or abaut Borrowe�-{including withou�limitation the cred��wor�hin�ss of Borrovtir�ry.
<br /> TI�U�TDR'S WAIVERS. Trustor wai�es a�l righ�s or defenses arising by reasan of any "�ne ac�ian" or "an�i-d��i�iency"
<br /> law, �r any o�her law which may preWent Lender �from k�ringing any action agains� Trus�or, including a cla�m for
<br /> d�ficiency to the ex�ant Lender is otherwise en�i�[ed to a claim f�r deficiency, before or a-F�er Lender's commencemen�
<br /> vr cample�ion o�any forecEosure a��ion, ei�her judicially or�y exercise �f a power of saEe.
<br /> PAYMENT' AND PERF�RMAIVCE. Excep� as otherwise pr��ided �n �his ❑eed �f Trus�, B�rrower shall pay ta Lender all
<br /> Indebtedness secured by �hEs De�d of Trus� as it becomes due, and Borrower and Trus�or sha1� perfarm alE �heir
<br /> respecti�e obligations under th� No�e, this Deed o�F Trust, and the Re[ated Documen�s.
<br /> P�S5ES5��N AN❑ MA[NTEIVAIV�E �F THE PRDPERTY, Borrawer and Trustar agree that Borrower`s and Trusfior's
<br /> poss�ssion and use ofi the Property sl�a�! be governed by�he folEowing provisi�ns:
<br /> Possessivn and Use. Unti1 the occurren�� of an EWent af Defaul�, Trus�or may ��� remain in poss�ssian and
<br /> �on�ro� of�:he Property,• ��y use, �p�rate or manag�th� Prap�rty; and {3} �ollec�the Rents from�he Proper�y.
<br /> Duty tv Maintain. Trustor sha[1 maintain �he Prap�rty in t�nan�al��e condi�ion and promptiy perform all repairs,
<br /> re�fac�men�s, and maintenance necessary�a preser�e its �alu�.
<br /> Cvmpliance Vl�ifih En�ironmen�al Laws. Trustor represen�s and warrants to L�nder that: �17 During �h� peri�d o�
<br /> Trusfior`s own�rship o�the Praper�y, there has been na use, generation, manufacture, st�rage, treatment, disposai,
<br /> rel�ase ar �hreat�ned rel�ase ❑f any Ha�ardous Substance �y any person an, under, about or from th� Proper�y;
<br /> ��} Trustor has no lcnowledge o�, or reason ta b�lie�e that �here has been, except as previously disc�osed to and
<br /> acicnowledg�d by Lender in writing, {aj any breaGh or Wiolatian af any Environmenta! Laws, {b} any us�,
<br /> genera�cian, manufac�ure, st�rage, trea�ment, disposaf, rel�ase or threa�ened releas� of any Ha�ardous Substance
<br /> on, under, abou� vr from �he Prop�rty by any priar awners or occupants o� the Praperty, ar �c7 any actua[ or
<br /> �hreatened li�igation ar claims a� any Icind by any p�rson refating ta such ma�ters; and �3� Ex�ept as preWiously
<br /> disc[ose�t� and acicnQwledged by Lender in writing, {a� nei�her Trustor nor any tenan�, cantractor, agen��r o�her
<br /> autharized user of the Pr�p�r�y shafl use, �enera�e, manufa��ure, s�vre, trea�, dispose of ❑�refease any.Hazardous
<br /> Subs�ance on, under, about or from �he Pr�perty; and �b} any such activity sha[I be conducted in compliance wi�h
<br /> all applicab�e federal, sta�e, and i�ca� laws, regulati�ns and ❑rdinances, including wi�hout limi-�ation all
<br /> Environmenta! Laws. Trustor au�horizes Lenaler and i�s agents t� en�er upan �he Property to malce such
<br /> inspectians and �ests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate �o determine compliance o�F the
<br /> Property wi�h this sectian of the Deed ofi Trus�. Any InS��GtlnnS or ��sts made by Lender shal� b� for Lender's
<br /> purposes vnly and shall not f�e construed to create any responsibility or liability �n the par�o� Lender t�Trustar or
<br /> �a any �ther person. The representat�Qns and warranties contained herein are based on Trusfor's due di�igence in
<br /> inW�stigating the P�oper�y for Ha�ardaus Subs�ances. Trustor hereby ��y r�{eases and wai�es any futur� claims
<br /> against Lender for indemnity or contri�utton in the e�ent Trustor b�com�s lia�le for cleanup ar ather cos�s und�r
<br /> any such laws; and ��y agrees to indemnify, de��nd, and ho�d harmless Lender agains�t any and al[ claims, losses,
<br /> Iiabilities, damages, pena�ties, an�i expenses which Lender may direc�ly flr indirectl�sus�ain or suf�er resultin� f�om
<br /> a br�a�h of this se��ion o� the Deed o� Trust or as a consequence of any use, generatiQn, m�nufa�ture, st�rage,
<br /> disposa[, release ar threa�ened release occurrin� prior�o Trus�or's�wnership ar in�e�es�in�rhe Proper�y, whe�her ar
<br /> not the same v�as or sf�ould ha�� been �4nown ta Trus�or. The pro�isions o� this sect�an of �he Deed of Trus�,
<br /> including �the t�bligat�on to indemn�fy and defend, shalf surWi�e�he payment o�th� Indebtedn�ss and the satisfa�tion
<br /> and rec�n�eyanG� af the lien of�his Deed o�Trust and shall not be a��ected by Lender`s acquisition of any in�teres�
<br /> in the Property, v�rhe�h�r by�F�reclosure or atherwise.
<br /> lVuisan�e, VVaste. Trus�or shall not cause, conduc� ❑r permi� any nuisance nor c�mmit, �ermit, or suf�er any
<br /> stripping af ar waste an �r tQ �he Property ar any portion af the Praper�y, Wi�h�ut limi�ing the generali�y of the
<br /> for�going, Trustor vvili na� remave, or grant�o any other party�h� righ��co remoWe, any timber, minerals {including
<br /> oil and gasy, coal, clay, scoria, soii, gravel ❑r rocic products without Lender's prior wri��ten consen�.
<br /> Remvval o�Improv�men�s. Trustar shail no�demolish or remave any lmpr��ements from the Rea! Proper�y wi�hout
<br /> Lender's pri�r wri��en consen�. As a �ondit�on �o�he rema�al a� any �mpr��ements, Lender may re�uir�Trustor�o
<br /> malce arran��ments satisfa��ory �o Lends� �co replace such lmpro�ements with Improvemen�s of a� I�ast equal
<br /> �afue.
<br /> Lender's Righ� �a En�e�. Lend�r and Lender`s agen�s and represen�afiives may en�er up�n the ReaE Praperty a� al[
<br /> reasanabje times ta a��encf to Lender's in�erests and to inspec� �he Real Property for purposes o� Trus�tor's
<br /> comp[iance with the�erms and condit�ons o�this Deed af Trust,
<br /> Compi�ance wifi�� Ga�ernmen�al Requ�rem�nts. Trus�tor shall pr�mp�ly camply with all laws, ard�nances, and
<br />