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. ��15����5 <br /> '�5. Bo�r�3�e�'s�apy.�orro�ver sha��be give�one c�nfvrmed c�py af the Note and�f this Security <br /> Instrument, � <br /> 'I�, Hazard�usSubstances.Borrower sha��not�ause or permit the presenceA use, disposal, storage, or release <br /> af any Ha��rdous�ubstances on ar in the Praperty. Borro�er sh.all nQt do, nQr allow anyone else to do, <br /> anyth�n�aff�cting the Praperty that is in vio�at�on of any Envi.ronmental Law. The preceding two sentences <br /> sha�l not apply to the prese�.ce,use,or st�rage�n the Praperty of sma11 quantities of Hazardau�5ubstances <br /> that are gen�ra��y rec�gnized�a be appropriate to narmal re�id�n�ia�uses and ta maintenance of the Property. <br /> Barrower shal�pramptly give Lender v�rr�tten not�ce of any ir�v�stig����n,clairn,demandA lawsuit or other <br /> actian by any govea�mental or r�gulatary agenc�Qr privat��ar�y invo�ving th�Property and any Ha2ardous <br /> , �ubstan�e or�n�r�r�nmenta.�Law of wh�c�Borrawer�as actual knowledge.If I3orrow�r iearns,or is notified <br /> by any go�r�rnmental ar re�ulatory authority,that an�rem�val or other remediation of any Haaardous <br /> Subs�anc��a�f�cti��the Prc�perty is necessary��arra�er shal�prompt�y#ake a11 necessary remed�al actions <br /> in acc�rda�ce�th�nvironmental La�. <br /> As used in this pa,ragraph 1�, "Hazardau�Subst�nces"are those substa.ncesdefined as toxic�r hazardous <br /> su�bstancesby�nv�rvnmental Law and the fol��wi�.��u��tan�e$:g�salin�,kerosene,ather flammable ar toxic <br /> petroleum produc�s,t�x�c pesticides and herbic�des,�o�ati�e solvent�,materials contain�ng asbestos or <br /> formaldeh�de,and radi�act��re materia�s.As use�in this paragraph�6, "Environmental"means federal <br /> law�and l�.v�rs of the jurisdictian vvhere the Property is l�cated�hatretate to hea�th,safetyar en�ironmental <br /> prot��t�an. � <br /> h1on�Ur��fvrr�t Goye���ts.�arro�ver and L�n��er ft���he�covenant an�ag�ee as fo��avc�s: <br /> 17. ���gnm�ntvf Rents.Borr��rer uncondi�i�nally ass�gns and transfers t�Lender a�i the rents and revenues <br /> of the�'ropert�. Bvrrower authori.�es Lender or L�nder's age�.ts to collect the xents and rev�nues and hereby <br /> direets eac�.tenant of the Proper�to pay the rents ta Lend�r or I�ender"s agents. Ho�vever,pr�or to Lender's <br /> not�ce to Barra�ver of Barr�wer'�breach of any covena.nt or agr��nne�t in the S�curity Instrument,Borrow�r <br /> sha��c���ect and re�eive a�1 rents and revenu�s of�he Pr�perty as trustee for the henefit af Lender and <br /> Borra�v�r. This assignment of rents constitu�e�an a�solute assignment and not an assigntn�nt for addi�ion.a� <br /> securi.t�r an�y. <br /> If Lend�r�iv�s no��ce of breach to Barrowe�r: �a}a11 rents rece�ved by Borraw�r sha�i b�he�d by Bonower <br /> a�trustee far benef t of Lender anly,to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument; (b} <br /> Lender�ha��be�n��t�e�to catlec�an�receive a�l of the rents of�he Property;and�c}each�enant of the <br /> Pro�er�r sha�I pay ail ren#,�due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the <br /> tenant. <br /> Borra�v�r has not executed any prior assignment of the rents and has not and�i�I not perfarm any act�hat <br /> would prevent Lender fram ex�rc�sing its ri�hts under�his paragraph 17. <br /> L�nder�ha�l not��re�}uired t�enter��on,take contral af or��.intain the Prope�rty�e�are or after giving <br /> no��c�of breach to Barrower. Hawe�er, �.ender or a judicia��y appoin.t�d recei�er ma�do so at any time <br /> there is a bre�ch.A�.y agp�icatir�n of rents sha�l not cure or�ai�re any defau�t or�nvalida�e any other right or <br /> remedy o�'Le�nder. This assignrnent of r�nts of�he PrQperty shall terrn�nate�vhen the debt secured by the <br /> S�curit�r Ins�rument is paid in fu1�. <br /> 1$. Fr�re�lo�ur�rc�ce�ure.Yf Lender requires i�med�ate payment in ful�under paragraph 9, Lend�r <br /> may�nvok.�th�pvvYer af sale and any other remedies perm�tted by a�pli�ab�e�a�v.Lender sha�l be <br /> ent�t�ed to callect al��xpenses incurr�d in pursuing the r�emedie�under this para�raph 18�including, <br /> bu�nat I�rnrt�d t�,reasana�le attorneys'fe�s and costs�f tit�e evidence. <br /> FHA Mortgage WITH M�RS-NE Re�ised 4196 <br /> VMP� VMP4N�NE�(13�2}.04 <br /> Wv�ters Kluwer Financiaf Setvices � Page 7 of 1� <br /> a�3338157`93� 4�33 4�5 471� <br />