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� � ��15����5 <br /> �ecurity Instrument.A written statement of any authorized agent af the Secretary dated subsequent ta <br /> 6��lays ftc�m the date hereof,declinin�ta insure this S�cur��y Instrument and the N�te,shal�be <br /> c�e�med con.clusi�re pr��f of such ineli�ibili�hy.Notwithstanding the foregoing,this opti�n may not be <br /> exer�is�d by�ender when the una�ai�ability vf insurance is soteiy due to Lender's failure to rern�t a <br /> mo�.gage��.s�an�e p�ren�ium ta the Se�etary. <br /> 1�. Re[n�t2�t��ent.Barra�ver has a r�ght to be reinstated�f Len�der has requued immediate payment in fu11 <br /> �ecause of B�rrower's failure to pay an amount due under the Note�r this Security Instrumen�. This right <br /> app�ies even.after foreclosure proceedings are ins�ituted. Ta reinsta.te the Secur�ty Instsument�Borrower sha11 <br /> �ender in a lump sum a�l amaunts required to br�.ng Borrower`s account curren��ncluding,to the exten�the� <br /> are v�I�gat�o�s af Borro�rer under this Secux�.�y Inst�rurnent,foreclQsure cc�sts and reas�nabte and custo�ary <br /> at�arneys'fe��and expenses properly associated with the foreclosure praceeding.T�pon reins#atement by <br /> Borrower,this Secur�ty Instrurnent and the obligatians that it secures sha11 remain in effect as if Lender ha� <br /> n�t requir�d Ym�nediate pa�ment�n fu��.Hawever,Lender�s not required to permit reinstatemen�if: �i} <br /> L�nder has accepted rein.�tatement ai�er the commencement af forec�osure proceedings within t�vo y�ars <br /> immedia��ly preceding the cornrnencement�f a current fareclosure proceeding, �ii}reinstatem�nt tivi�� <br /> pre��u�e fore���sure on d�ff�rent grounds in the futur�,or�iii�reinstatement wi11 ac��rerse�y affect the <br /> prior�ty�af�he lien cr�ated by this Sec�urity Instrument. <br /> 'f 1. �arrav�►�er Nvt �t�lea��d;Farbear�anceBy LenderNvt a�llia�ver.Extension of the t�me of payment or <br /> modif cati�n of amorti.zatian of the sums secured by this S�cur�ty Ins�rument�ranted by Lender to any <br /> sueees�ar�n�nterest�f B�rrower sha11 not Qperate to release the liabi�i�of the ariginal Bvrrower or <br /> �3orro�r�r's su��essvr in int�rest.L�nder sha�l�ot l��e r�c�t�ired t�con�n�nce proceed�ngs�.gai�st any <br /> successor in in.terest or refuse to�a�tend time for pa�m�nt or otherwise modify amorti.2ation of the sums <br /> secured by t�s�ecur�ty Iristrument by reason of any demand mad�by the�riginal Borrower�r Borrower's <br /> succes��rs in interest,Any forbearance by L�nder in exereising any right or r�medy sha��nat be a waiver of <br /> or prec�ude th��ex�r�ise af any right or remedy. <br /> '��. Succes�or�and Assigns8our�d;Jcaint�n�l���rer�ai Liability;��-��gne�s,The�ovenants and <br /> agreement�of th�s Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the suece�sors and assign�af Lender and <br /> Barrower, subj��t�o�he pravis�ons of pa�ragraph 9(��. Borrower's cavenant�and agr�em�nts sha11 be jaint <br /> and s�v�ra.l..�n�Borro�rer who co-sign.s this Security Instrument but does nat execute the Nate: (a}is <br /> co-signi�ag th�s�ecurit�Ins�rum�nt anly to nnartgage,grant and cn�vey that B�rrower's inter��t in t,he <br /> Prap�rty under th�terms af this Security Ins�rument;(b)is nQt p�rsa�a���obl�gated to pay the sums secured <br /> by th.i�S��ur�t�I�xstrument;and(c�agrees that Lend�er anc�any other$orr�wer may agr�e t�exten�,modify, <br /> farbear��ma�e any accommodations with regard ta the terrns of this Seeurity Ins�rument ar the Note <br /> �vith�ut that B�rro�rer's consent, <br /> �I 3. Noti�es,Any n�t�ce�o B��-�rower pr���ded far�n thxs Security In�trument sha11 be gi�r�n�y de�i�ering it ar <br /> �y ma��i�z�it by fust ctass m.ail u�less applicable law requires use af another m�thod. 'The notice shall be <br /> �iir�ct�d to t�e�'ro�ert�Add�ress��an�oth�e�at�t�ess Borro�er t��s�gna�tes 1��natic�ta�ender. A�y notice <br /> to L�nder sh���b�given by first c�ass rnail to Lender's address stated herein�r any address L��der <br /> designat�s�y n�tice to Borro�rer.Any notice�rovided for in thi�Securit�Instru�nent sha11 be deemed�o <br /> hav�b�en given to B�rrotiv�r or Lender when g�ven as pravided in this paragraph. <br /> �14. �vv�r�i�gL�►�►'; �everabi�it�.Th�s�ecurity Instrument sha11 b��overne�.by Federal law and the�a�v af <br /> the�u�i��e�ion.�n which the Pro�erty�s located. In the e��nt that any pr�v�sion or c�au��of this 5ecur�ty <br /> Instrum�nt or the N�te conflicts�ith applicable law, such co�flict shal�not affect ather provisions of this <br /> Security I�i�ume�.t or the 1'�Tote which can be given effect�v�thout the confl�cting prov��ion. To this end the <br /> pro�isio�n_s of thi.s�Security Instrument and�he Not�are�ieclared to be severable. <br /> FHA Mortgage ViftTH hA�RS-NE Revised 419� <br /> VMP� . VMP4N[ME}{1302�.4� <br /> Walte�s Kluwer Ffr��nciaf 5ervices Page fi of 14 <br /> q4333815?932 4�33 4�5 4G1� <br />