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��15���51 <br /> �ue and unpaid, and apply the same upan any indehtedness S�cur�d her�by or �n the loan <br /> ag reemenf�s}. <br /> Na remedy here�n cvnferred upon or re�erv�d ta Trus��e or BenefiGiary is intend�� to be e�cc�usive of <br /> any o�her remedy herein ❑r by law pr�ovided or perrnitt�d, but each will be cumulative, �nrilf be �n addition <br /> tv e�ery other r�medy given her�und�r or now vr h�re�fter e�cis�ing a� [�w or in equifiy ar by sta�u�e, and <br /> may be exercised c�nGurrently, independently or suc�es�ively. <br /> 'I'I, Trustor�s} a�kno�v[�dges th�t the duties and vbliga�«ns af Trus�ee wi�[ b� determ�ned �v2�iy by th� <br /> ex�ress �rvvis�ans of th�s Yrus� Deed or the Nebraska Trust De�d� Act and Trustee wifl n�t be lia�l� <br /> exc�pt f�r the p�rforman�� of such duti�s and vbligatians a� ar� Speci�ca[ly set forth fherein, and n� <br /> implied co�enan�s or vb��g�tions wilf �� imposed up�n Tru�tee; Trus�ee will no� be lia�le for any acfion <br /> by i� in �avd fa�th and re�sonabIy belie��d by it t� b� �u�horized v� within the discr�fl�n ar r�ghts of <br /> ��wer� canferred u pon it by th[s Trust G�eed Qr state i�w. <br /> '[�. The integrity �nd responsibili�y �f Trustor�s} �vnsti�utes a p�rt �f the cons�deratian for �he <br /> ob[iga���ns s�cured here�y. 5hau[d Tru��or�s} se1�, �r�nsf�r, or c�nvey the praperty desGribed hereir�, <br /> �vithout priv� writ��n cansent af Benefi�iary, Ben�ficiary, at ��s op�ivn, may dec�ar�e the ent�re <br /> indebtedne�s imm�diately due and payable and may proceed in th� enfarcem�nt v�its rights as on any <br /> ather defau��. <br /> '[3. That Trust�r�s} i�, �nd shall continu� tv be, duly organized, �a[idly �xis�ing an�1 I�g�lly qualif��d to <br /> do business under fihe laws vf the sf�t�� in whiGh Trus�or�s} aperates, in c�mplianc�with f���ral, sta�e <br /> and l�ca1 laws ar r�gulatians, and has legal author�ty ir� such sfa�es ta conduc� Trustor�s} business <br /> aperatians and to awn a�riculturai �eal �sfate. N� chang� has be�n mad� in the name, o�+vnershap, <br /> cantr�l, r�l�ti�n�hip, I�gai statu� ar organi�ational and forma��on dacuments of any undersi�n�d <br /> Trus�or�s} since the�ime any such infarm�tion was last prvvided to Beneficiary. <br /> 74. Th�t �f Trus�or�s}, or �nyon� signing #his Trust D��d, is a lim�t�d lialai�[�y c�mpany, that �hQ�e <br /> signing an behalf of said [�mit�d liability cvmpany constitute a majar[ty of the managers or members <br /> th�reaf, and that the e�cecutian af this Trust Deed i� in the ardinary cvurse of the limited [�ability <br /> company's �usin�ss and has b�en authari�ed by its memb�rs. <br /> 'I�. A�signm�nt of Rents in�luding Proceeds of Minera� Leases. Trustor�s} h�reby ass�gns, transf�rs, <br /> and canveys to Beneficiary ail rents, ray�[ties, bonus�s, �nd delay r�t�oneys or�th�r proce��ls that m�y <br /> fr�m fime to t�me become du� and p�ya�l� under any r�al �stat� [e�se vr under any oi[, gas, gra��l, <br /> r�ck, or o�her miner�i l�ase of any kind �ncluding g�athermal resources naw existin� or that may <br /> her�after come �nto ���stence, Go��ring �he property or any part�her�of. All suGh sums so reGeived by <br /> Bene�ic�ary will be app[i�d to the indeb�edness se�ur�d her�by; ar Bene�iciary, at i�s optia�n, may turn <br /> ove�and de�i�er tv Trustor�s} or the�r�ucces�ors in int�r�st, any or all of su�h sums withaut pre�udice tv <br /> any of Beneti�iary's righ�s�Q take and refi�in future sums, and withvut pre�ud�ce tv any of its ather righ�s <br /> under fhis Tr�s� Deed. Thi� assignmen�will b�cvns�rued�v b�a pr��isinn for th� payment or redu��ian <br /> af the deb�, subj�ct to th� Beneficiary'� op��on a� h�reinbefa�re prvWided, independ�nt af�he lien an the <br /> praper�y. Upon paymen� in fu[[ of the debt and the reconveyance of �his Trus� Deed �f record, this <br /> assrgnmen�will b�com� in�perative and of nv further force and effec�. <br /> 'I s. This Trust D��d consfitutes a Security A�reement wi�h respect to all�he property d�s�r�bed herein. <br /> 'I�. The covenants �on�ained in �his Trusfi ❑�ed v,rEl) be d�emed to be severabl�; in fhe event that �ny <br /> p�rtian o��his Trust Deed i� determined fio be ��id or un�nfflrc�ab[e, that �eterminafi�on will not affect <br /> �he validity vf the rem�ining p�rtions af�he Trusfi D��d. <br /> B�nsa Land Comp , LC, A Limit�d Liabrlity Company <br /> By �y <br /> D�rrn�s B�nsack, lVlerr�ber and I��n�ger asorr Bans�ck, e er ar�c��Ilanager <br /> App#:53D5�5�; �1F#:3826�3; Nate#:�01 2�UKS Legal Dac.Date;April�,���5 <br /> FQRM 50�1,TruSt D�ed and Assignment of Rents Page 4 a�F 5 <br />