<br /> f�re, I�ghfning, explasi�n, aircraft, vehlcIes, vandalism, smoke, �rindstorm, and hail. Trustor�s}�vill obtain
<br /> and keep flovd �nsu�an�e in force fo co�er losses by flood as requir�ed by Benefrciary v� by the National
<br /> Flood Insurance A�t of�958, as amended, ar by regula#ians Impl�m�n�ing the same. Trustor�s} further
<br /> agree that Beneficrary is not and �ril[ nv� be liable for any �ailure by Trustar�s} vr by any rnsurer, for
<br /> wha�ever�easan, to obtain and keep th�s insurance in force.
<br /> 3. To �teep all buildings, fix�ures, at�achments, and o�her improWemen�s nvw �n or hereaft�r placed on
<br /> fhe prvperty accupied and �n good repair, main�enance, and cvndi�ion and t� nei�her commit nor permit
<br /> any acfs of was�e or any impairment af the value af the proper�y. Beneficlary may ente�- upon fhe
<br /> property to insp�c�the same ar f� p�rf�rm any acts au�hvrized herein �r in�he Credit agreement�s}.
<br /> 4. In the event Trus�vr�s} fails t� pay any iiens,judgmen�s, assessmen�s, �axes, rents, �ees, ar charges
<br /> vr ma`rn�ain any insurance an fhe property, buildings, fixtures, attachmen�s, or improv�ments as
<br /> prQ�ided herein �r in �h� Ioan agreemen��s}, Beneficiary, at i�s optian, may make such payments or
<br /> pro�ide insurance, maintenance, or r�epairs and any am�unts paid therefor wil! become part of the
<br /> principa[ indebtedness secured hereby, be imm�d�a�e[y due and payable and �ear interest a� �he
<br /> defau�� rate p��vided in �he note�s} o� credit agreement�s} from the date of payment unt�� paid. The
<br /> advancernent by Beneficiary o� any such amoun�s wili �n na manner limi� th� right of Benefciary tv
<br /> declare Trustar�s} in default or exercise any af Beneficiary's ofher rights and remedies.
<br /> �. In �he even� Benef�clary is a party fio any lifigation affec�ing �he prop�rty or the iien of this Trus�
<br /> Deed, including any action by Beneficiary�o enfarce this Trus� Deed or any suit tn which Beneficiary is
<br /> named a defendant �includ�ng condemnafian and bankruptcy pro�eedings} Ben�ficiary may in�ur
<br /> expenses and ad�ance paymen�s for abs�ract fees, a�torneys fees ��o fh� exten�alIowed by Iaw}, cos�s,
<br /> e�cpenses, ap�raisal fees, and vther charges and any amvun�s sa ad�an�ed wil� become part of �he
<br /> pr`rncipar �ndebt�dness secured hereby, be immediately due and payable and bear interest a� fhe
<br /> d�fault rate provlded in the nofe�s} ar credit agreement�s}from the da�e vf ad�ance untiI paid.
<br /> s. Any awards made to Trus�or{s} or their success�rs by the exercise af em�nent domain are hereby
<br /> ass�gned �� Beneficiary; and Bene�iciary is he�eby au�hori�ed �o �vilect and apply the same in payment
<br /> af any indebtedness, ma�ure or unmatured, secured by�his Trusfi Deed.
<br /> 7. In the e��nt af default in the paymen� when due af any sums secured hereby �principai, in�eres�,
<br /> advancements, or protecti�e advances}, ar failure �o perform or observe any covenan�s and condit`rons
<br /> con�a�ned herein, in the note�s}, credi� agreemen��s}, or any other ins�ruments, �r any proceedings is
<br /> �rought un�er any BankruptGy la�rvs, Beneficiary, at i�s option, may declare fhe �n�ire indebfedne�s
<br /> secured hereby �o be �mmediat�Iy due and payable and �he wha[e will bea� inter�st at the defau[f rafe
<br /> as pro�ided in�he nofe�s) vr credif agreem�nt�s} and Benef�clary may immedla�eIy au�ho��ze Trustee ta
<br /> exercise the Pvwer af Sal� grant�d herein in the manner pravided in the Nebraska Trust ❑e�ds Act, �r,
<br /> a� the optivn af the Beneficlary, may foreclose the Trus� Deed in the manner praW�ded by 1aw f�r �h�
<br /> fareclosure of mortgages an real praperty, including �h� app�in�ment of a Recei�e� upan ex parte
<br /> applicairian, natice heing hereby expressly wai�ed, withaut regard ta fhe �alu� of �he property vr the
<br /> sufficiency thereof�a discharge�he indeb�edness secured hereby or in the laan agreemen��s}, Delay by
<br /> Beneficiary in exercis�ng its rights upan defaul�will not b� cons�rued a� a waEWer thereof and any act of
<br /> Beneficiary waiving any specified defaul��nri1l not be canstrued as a waiver of any future de�aul�. lf the
<br /> �aroceeds under such sale or toreclosure ar� insufficien�to pay �h� tota[ inde�tedness secur�d hereby,
<br /> Trus�or�s} da hereby agree t� be personalIy b�und �o pay �h� unpaid balan�e, and Beneficiary�i[1 be
<br /> en����ed ta a deficiency judgmenf.
<br /> 8. 5hould Beneficiary elect tv�xercise�he Pavtirer�f Sale granted herein,,B�n�ficiary wilE not�fy Trusf�e
<br /> who wi�E record, publish, and deliver to Trus�or�s} such N�ti�e af Defaul� and No�ice ❑f Sale as �hen
<br /> required by 1aw and wili in th� manner provided by �av�r, sell �he prvperty a�t�he tim� and place vf sa�e
<br /> fixed in the Notice of Sale, either as a whale �� in separa�e Iots, Rarcels, �r i�ems and in such order as
<br /> Trusfee wi[I deem e�cped�en�. Any persvn may bid at the sal� including Trusto�-�s}, Trus�ee, or
<br /> Beneficia�-y.
<br /> 9, Trustar�s} hereby requests a capy of any Not�c� �f❑efault ar NQ�tice of Sale hereunder�o b� mai�ed
<br /> by certrfied maiI fo Trus��r�s} at the address�es} set farth hereln.
<br /> 'I�. Upon de�auj�, B�neficiary, ei�her in p�rson �r by agent, with or wi�hout bringing any action or
<br /> proceed�ng and vtiri�h or withou�r�gard �o the value of�he property or the sufficiency fihere�f�o discharge
<br /> �he indebtedness secured hereby, is autharized and enti�led �o enter upon and fake passessi�n of the
<br /> property in i�s own narne or in the name of�he Trustee and do any acts or expend any sums E�deems
<br /> necessary �r d�sirable �� pro�ec� or pr�serve fhe �a[ue vf the praperty or any interest �herein, or
<br /> increase the income �herefrom; and wifh or without�akin� possession of the property is aufhari��d to
<br /> sue for or athen>vise c�Ilec� the rents, �ssues, crops, profifs, and incame there�f, including thos� pas�
<br /> App#:53�5�55; CIF#:38��'13; Note#;2�'i Z��KS Legal D�c.Date:April�,���5
<br /> F�R111[5���,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 3 of�
<br />