<br /> ��E� [�� 1��UST
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<br /> �Cot�:�������} Page �
<br /> forecfvs� by natice and sal�� and Lender will ha�e th� righ� �a for�cl�se by judi�ial forecfas�re, in either case in
<br /> accordanc�w'rth and tv the fulE extent prawided by applicable Iaw.
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lender, af Lender`s ap�'ron; may from time ta tim�e appoint a suc�essor Trus�ee ta any Trustee
<br /> appointed under this Deed af Trust by an ins�rument executed and acknowledged �y Lender and recorded En fhe
<br /> afFice of #he re�ord�r af Hall �oun�y, State of Nebrask�. The in�trument sha�[ cvn�ain, in addition fv a�l ofiher
<br /> mat�ers required by state law, the nam�es of �he vriginal Lender, Trustee, and Trus�or, �h� bvok and pag� �or
<br /> campu�er system r�ference} where this Deed v� Trust is recorded, and the name and addr�ss of the suc�essor
<br /> trus#ee,and�he ins�rument shaff b�exec�ted and acl�now�ed�ed by afl�he�eneficiaries under this D�ed a�Trust vr
<br /> their succ�ss�rs in infierest: The s�ccessor�trustee, wi�hou� con�eyanc� o�the Proper�y, shall sucGeed to al� �h�
<br /> titl�, �owe�,and duti�s canfe�-red upon th�Trusf�e�n this Deed of Trus�and by�ppl�cabie law. This procedu�-e far
<br /> subs�itutian of Trustee shal�go�ern to fhe exclusion��all vther pro�isions tor substi�ution.
<br /> NL�T[CES. Any nafice required to be gi�en under this �eed of T�-ust, in�luding wi�hout limita�ion any notice of de�au�t
<br /> and any noti�e vf sale shaff be gi�en in writing, and shall be e�F�e�ti�e when ac�ual�y deli�e�-ed, wher� actuafiy recei�ed
<br /> by��[efacsimile{unless otherwise required by lav�i},when depvsi�ed with a n���onally reca�n��ed o�ernight courier,or, if
<br /> mailed,when deposited in the LJnited 5ta#es mai[, �s tirst cfass, cer�ified or�registered maif postage prepaid,direc#ed�to
<br /> tne addresses shown near�he heginning of fh�s Deed of T�-ust. All capies af natices vf�oreclasure from the holder vf
<br /> any lier�which� has �rivrit�o�er this ❑eed �f Trust shaff be sent�o Lend�r's address, as shawn near#he beginning vf
<br /> �his Deed �f Trust. Any person may change h�s ar her address �ar n�tices under�his Deed of Tru�t by gi�ing formal
<br /> ►�vritten n�vti�e ta the other person or persans, spe�ifying that �he purpose af fhe nv�ice �s ta chang� the persan'�
<br /> addre�s. For no�ic� purposes, Trustor agrees�o keep Lender infarmed at al�ti�nes of Trustor's current address. �Jnless
<br /> o�herwise ��o�id�d or r�quFred by law, if there is rr��r� thar� vne Trus�or, any nQtice�i�en by Ler�der to any Trustvr i�
<br /> deemed ta be nvtice gi�en tv a!I Trustars. It will be Trus�or's respons�bility�o tell the others a�the n�tice Fram Lender:
<br /> ��SGELLANE�LJS PR�VIS��NS. The following rniscellaneous p�-o�isions are a part of this Deed o�Tru�t:
<br /> Am�ndments. What is writ�en in fihis �eed ❑f Trust and in fhe Relafed Document� is Trustor`s en�ire agreement
<br /> with Lender�on�erning the matt�rs co�ered by ihis �eed o�Trus�. TQ be effective, any change or amendment to
<br /> this De�d of Trust m�sf b� in writinc� and rnusfi be signed by rrvhoe�er�rvill b�baund or s�bl�ga�ed by the chan�e or
<br /> amendmenf.
<br /> Captian Headings. Caption h�adings in this ae�d o�Trust are for �on��n�ence purposes only and a�e nv� fo be
<br /> use�t�in�erpre�❑r defrne the proUisions o�this meed of Trust.
<br /> I�J�erger. There shall be nv merger af the in�erest❑r esta�e c�-eated by this Deed of Trus#with any o�l�er in��rest or
<br /> estate in the Pra��rty at any��me held b�v�for�he benefif af Lender in any capacity,wi�hvu�the written consen�
<br /> af Lender.
<br /> GorrQr�ing L�w. This Deed of Trus� will b� gt�verned hy f�deral lawr app�icable fio Lender and, to the extent not
<br /> pr�empted b}�fedQral law,the laws of the�tafe af Nebraska r�►vithaufi reg�rd ta its Gonflicts of 1aw pro�'rs'rvns. This
<br /> De�d of Trusfi has be�en acc�pted by Lender in#he State o�N�braska.
<br /> Joint and SeWerai L�abi[i#y�. All abligativns of Trustor �rnder th�s Deed o�F Trust shall b�joint and s��era[, and all
<br /> referer�ces �o Trustor shall mean each and e�ery Trustor. Th�s means �ha� each Trusto� s�gning below is
<br /> responsibfe for all obliga�ions in thi�Deed af Trust.
<br /> No Waiver by LQnder. Trusfor understands Lende�-will nvt give up any af Lender's righ�s under#his de�d vf Trus�
<br /> unless Lender does s❑ in writing. The fact tha� Lender delays vr omits ta exer��se any r�ght will nv� mean that
<br /> Lend�er h�s gi�er� up �ha� right, ff Lender dves agree in �,+riting to gi�e up one o�Lender's rights, tha� dves not
<br /> mea� Trustar wil# not ha�e to compf�wi�h the v�her pra�isions �f th�s Deed a�Trus�. Tr�stor also understands
<br /> �ha# �f Lender�does consent tt� a r�quest, that does na� mean that Trustor wil� not ha�e to� get Lender's consent
<br /> again if the situatian happens again. Trustar fur�her unders�ands t�at just be�aus� Lender cvnsen�s�o nne ar mvre
<br /> of Tru�tor's reques�s, that does not mean Lender will be required to consent to any of Trustor's future requests.
<br /> Trusfor wai�es presen�me�t,demar�d for paymen�, prafest, and notice caf d'rshonor.
<br /> Se��rabi�i�y, If a cQurt finds �hat any pro�i�ion of fh€s ❑ee� a�Trus#is not�alid ar shaufd not b�enfa�-ced, that
<br /> fact by i�self wi�l not mean fiha�#h�res�of this Deed of Trust wif I not be�alid or er�farced. Therefore,a court will
<br /> enforce the res�❑�ti�e pro��sions of th is Deed n�Trusfi e�en i�f a pro�ision of�h is ��ed of Trust may be fvu nd to be
<br /> in�alid�r r�nenforceab�e.
<br /> Successors and Assigns. 5ubje�t to any limitations s�ated in this L�eed of T�-ust �n transfer a�F Trust�r's interest,
<br /> fhis Deed o�Trus� shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the pa�ie�, their successors and assigns. I�F
<br /> �wnership of the P��p�rky b�com�s�ested ir� a pers�n other than Trus�vr, Lender, wi�hnut notice to Trustar, ma�
<br /> deal�rvith Trus�or's succEssa�-s with re�erence tfl thi� D�ed of T�-usfi and the Indebtedness by way af�orbearance❑r
<br /> extens�an withvut releasing Trus�v�from the obligafions of fihis Deed of Trus�or lia�ility under the Indebfedness.
<br /> Time is�f the Essen�e. Tirne is of the�ssence�n fhe per�ormance of this C]eed of Trus#.
<br /> 111�'ai�re Jury. AI! parties �o th�s ❑eed of Trust hereb�wai�e �h� r�gh��a any jury trial in any actian, �raceeding, vr
<br /> countQr�laim brvught by any par#y aga�nst any ath�r party.
<br /> 1Nai�er of Homestead Exem��ian. Trustar hereby refeases and wai�es all r�ghfis and benefits of�he homestead
<br /> exemption lavvs of the 5'�ate of Nebraska as to all lndebtedness secured by this Deed of Trus�.
<br /> DEFI�lITI�NS. The�olfowing w�rds shall ha�e the foilow�ng m�anings when used in#his Deec�af Trus�:
<br /> Benef�ciar-�. The word"Beneficiary"means�irst Nativn�f Bank of C]rnaha,and i�s successars and assigns.
<br /> Borr�wer, The vvard "B�orr�wer" means Gregory T Shaner and Mich���e J Shaner and �nc�udes all eo--signers and
<br /> co-makers signing the Credit Agr�ement and all their s�ccessars and assigns.
<br /> Credit Agreement. The words "'�re�dit A�r�en�er�t" mean the credi� agreement dated March 23, ��'!5, Wlth
<br /> ce�di� li�'1it �f $'���,000.�Q �Frorn Trustar �o Lender, together wi�h afl r�newa�s vf, ex�ensions of,
<br /> m�dificativns of, re�inan�ings of, consolidations of, and subs#itu�ivns for the promissory nr�te or agreemen�. The
<br /> ma#urity dat� af this Deed of Trust is March �3, 2��5. N�TICE T� TRUST�R: THE CREDIT AGREE��ENT
<br /> Deed of Trust, The words "Deed af Trust" mean th�s Deed af Trust among Trus�ar, Lenderp and Trustee, and
<br /> includes wi�hvut iimitativn a!I assigr�ment an� se�urifiy �nterest pro�isians �-�el�ting ta the Pe�svnaf Pr�perty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> En�irvnmental Laws. The ►,nrords "En�irt�nmental Laws" mean any and �ll state, €ederai and lo�a! statutes,
<br /> r�gufa�ions and o�-dinances r-elating �r� the prote��ian af human health or �he en�€r�nment, including vvithvut
<br /> lirr�itatiQn the Comp�-ehen�ive En�ironmentaf Response, Compensativn, and Liabi[i�y Act of '�980, as amended,4�
<br /> U.S.C. Secfion 96�'�, efi seq. ("CERCL�"}, the Super-fund Amendments and Reauthorizatian �ct of '!986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. J3--499�°'SARA"},the Hazardous I►Jlateri�ls Tran�partafion Act,49 U.S.C: Sectivn '18�1, et seq., the Resnure�
<br /> Conser�ativn and Reca��ry ac�, 4� U.S.C. 5ec�ion 69Q'], et seq., or a�her ap�a�icahle stat� or federal [ar�vs, rufes,
<br /> or regulati�ns adopted pur�uant fher�to.
<br /> E�ren��f Default. The wvrds"E�ent v�Default"m�an�any of the e�ents a�de�au[t se�fo�th i�this Qeed of Trust in
<br /> ___.�„�,..._......,,.�:.....����ti»»>..»-----------------------------------------------------........
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