<br /> C��EC] �F T�IJ�Y
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<br /> ��o�lt�nu�d} Page 5
<br /> of Trust, al! in such ❑rder as Lender rnay determine: The entering upan and #aking possession o�the
<br /> Praperty, the cvllection of such rents, issues and proft�, and �he appli�atian thereof shall n�t cure ❑r
<br /> wai�e any defau��ar notice of d��auit under#his Deed of Trust or in�ali�ate any aet done in �espanse to
<br /> su�h defaul�or pursuant�a such noti�e af de�ault;and, notwi�hs�anding�he continuance in p�ssessi�n of
<br /> �he Prap�rty or the collection, rece�pt and applicatian vf rents, issues or profits, Trus�ee ��Lender shall
<br /> be entitled to exerci�e e�ery �ighf pro�ided fvr in the Credit Agre�ment❑r the I�elated Dacuments vr by
<br /> iaw upon the oc�urrence of any e�ent nf defa�l#, incl�din�the right to exerc�se the power af sale;
<br /> ��b} C�mmence ar�action�o forec�ose thi� ❑eed af Trus�as a mort�age, app�int a recei�er vr speci�ically
<br /> enforce any of the co�enan�s hereof;and
<br /> �c} De�i�er to Trus�ee a�rit�en d�claratiar� of defaul�and demand�or sal�and a w�itten noti�e of defiau[�
<br /> and elec�inn�❑caus�Trustor's interest in fhe Property to be sold,vvhich nvtice Trus��e shall cause to be
<br /> duly f��ed fvr rec�rd in the appropriat�❑��ices af the C�unty in which the Praperty is located;and
<br /> �d} With resp�ct ta ali vr any�ark of the Persanaf Property, Lender shall ha�e all the righ�s and remedies
<br /> of a secured party under�he N�braska Unifor�n C�mmercial Cade.
<br /> ForQclasure by i�ower�f Sal�. if Lender�I��ts ta�oreclase b�exer�ise o�the Power of Sale herein conta�ned,
<br /> Lender shall no�i�y Trustee and shall depasit with Trus�ee this ❑e�d of Tru�t and the Credit Agr�em�nt and
<br /> such rec�ip�s and e�iden�e af expenditur�s made and secured by this Deed flf Trusf as Trustee rnay r�quire.
<br /> �a} Upon re�eipt of such no�ice fror-n l�end�r, Trustee s�all ca�se fo be recarded, pu�lished and de�ivered
<br /> �a Trus�or such IVotice af Default and Notice of Sale as then required b� law and by�his ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, w�thou� demand on Trustor, af�er su�h �ime as may then be requi�-ed by law and after
<br /> recardatior� of such Notice o�D�fault and after Natice o�5ale ha�ing been gi�en as requirer� by faw, sefl
<br /> �he Prnperfy at the time and p[ace af sa�e fixed by i� in su�h Natice of Sale, either as a whale, or in
<br /> separate�at�vr parcels ar items as Trus�ee shall deem e�cpedient, �nd in such order as i�ma�de�ermine,
<br /> afi public au�tion to the hi�hest bidder�or�ash in lawful mor�ey a�the Llnited 5tates payable at the fime
<br /> af sale. Truste� shafi defiver� to such purchaser or pur�has�rs therevf i�s good a�d suffic��n� d�ed or
<br /> deed� con�eying the proper�y sa sald, �ut wi�hou� any ca�enanf or warranty, expre�s or impfied. Th�
<br /> reci�a�S in such de�d of any ma�ters or�ac�s shall be �onclusi�e proof o�the truthf��ness#her�ot. Any
<br /> p�rson,including without limita�ion Trus�or,Trus�ee�or Lender,may pur�hase at such sale.
<br /> �b} As may be permit�ed by lav�, af�er d�ducting all costs, fees ancl expenses of Trustee and af fihis
<br /> Trust, inc�uding cos�s af evidence of�itle in�vnnection with s�le,Trusfiee sha��app�y th�pr�ceeds�f sa�e
<br /> ta payment af �i} all sums expended under the terms o�this Deed o�Trust or under the �erms af the
<br /> Credit Agr�ement n�t then repai�, including bu� not lim��ed �o accrued inferest and la�e char�es, �ii} ail
<br /> other sums�hen secured hereby, and (�i�}the r�mainder, if any, to the pers�n or persans le�ally ent��[ed
<br /> thereto.
<br /> ��} Trustee may in the manner pro�ided hy€aw postpone sale vf ali or any pvrtion v�the Prvper�y.
<br /> Remedies Not Exclusi��. Trustee and Len�er, and �ach vf them, shaff be ent��Eed to enforc� payment and
<br /> perFormance of any indeb�edness or❑bligations s�c�ured by�his ❑eed of Trust and tv exercise all rights and pvwers
<br /> under this Deed af Trust, under the Cr�e�i#Agreement, under any of the Re�ated Docurnents, �r under any other
<br /> a�reement or an� laws now �r hereafter in �orce; nat�vithstar�ding, sor�e v�- al� of such endebtedness and
<br /> �bligativns se�ured by�his Deed of Trus�ma�nav►r or h��-eaf�er�be a�herv�iise s�ecured,whe�her by mor�gag�, deed
<br /> o�trust, p�edge, �ien, ass�gnmen�or a#h�rwise. IVeifher the accep�an�e af this Deed of Trust nvr its�nf�rcement,
<br /> whether by eourt actior� or pursuant ta the power af sale or other powe�-s contained in fhis Deed af Trus�, shall
<br /> pre�udice or in any manner�fFe��Tru�tee's or Lende�'s rtght to r�alize upan ar en�orce any oth�r�ecurit� now ar
<br /> herea€�er held by Tr�stEe Qr Lender, it being agreed#hafi Trus��e and Lender,and each of them, shall be enfiitled tc�
<br /> en�arce this Deed ❑f Trust and any vther security now ❑r hereafter h�ld by Lender vr Trustee in such vrder and
<br /> manner as they or eith�r of �hem may in #heir ahsalute discre�ivn determine: No remedy conferred upon or
<br /> reserved to Trustee ❑r Lend�r, is� intended to be exc�usiue af any other remedy in thi� i]eed of Tr�st ar by iaw
<br /> pro�ided or permitfied, but each shall be �umula�i�e and shall be in addition t❑ e�ery ather remedy gi��n in this
<br /> ❑eed af Trust or now or h�reafter exis�ir�g at�aw or in equify or by stafiute. Every pawe�-or r�medy gi�en by the
<br /> Credit A�reem�nt or any of the Refafed Do�ument� tv Trus�ee vr Lender or t� which either of fihem may be
<br /> a�herwise entitled, may be exereised, car��urrenfily ar independently, fror� �ime �o time and as af�en as rrray be
<br /> deem�d e�cpedient by Trust�e ar Lender, and either af them may purs�ue incans€s�ent remedies, Na�hing in this
<br /> �eed of Trust shall be �onst�-ued as prohibiting Lender frvm seeking a d�fic�ency jud�men�agains�the Trustor�o
<br /> the esctent�u�h actian is permit�ed by law.
<br /> Election of Remedies. Ali o� Lender's rights and remedie� wilf be cum�r�atiwe and ma� be exercised alone ar
<br /> toge�her. �� Lender decides �o spend money or tQ perfarm any of Tru��ar's abliga�ions under this ❑�ed o�Trust,
<br /> after Trustor's failure�v do so, �hat decision �y L�nder will nvt affect Lender's right tv declare Trustvr in de�auit
<br /> and tn exer�ise Lender's remedies.
<br /> Request�or IVotice. Trustor, an beha��F of Trus#or and Lender, hereby reque�t5 that a��py o�any Notice of Default
<br /> and a copy of any Notice af Sale under this Deed �f Trus#be mailed tv them at�he addresses set forth in the firs�.
<br /> paragraph nf�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> At#nrneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender institutes any suit or actian tc� en�Fvrce an� of the �errns af this Deed o�
<br /> Trusf, Lender shail be entitled�o recaver such sur�n as#he�ourt may adjudge reasanabfe as attvrneys'fees at trial
<br /> and upon any appeal� Whe�her or not any caurt ac�ion is in�ol�ed, and ta the extent nQt prohibited by �aw, all
<br /> reasonabfe expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's ❑pinior� are n�cessary at any �ime tor the prate�tion of it�
<br /> in�erest�r�he�nfor�ement of its rights shall b�ecome a part of the Indebtedness payable an dema�d and shall bear
<br /> i�terest at fihe Credit Agr-�ement rate fram fhe da�e af the expendifure un#il repa�d. Expense� co�ered by this
<br /> paragraph incfude, wi�hvut limitat�on, houve�er subje�t to any limits under appii�able lar�v, Lender's at�orneys'fees
<br /> and Lender's legal expenses, whether or not there is a iawsuit, including attarneys' fees and expenses for
<br /> bankrupt�� proceedings�inelu�ing effvr�s t� modify or�aca�e any automafic stay or inJunction}, appea�s, and any
<br /> anticipat�d pos��udgment co�l��fivn ser�ices, �he cos� o� sear�hing r�Eords, obtaining �i�le repo�ts �includ�ng
<br /> �fore�lQsu��e repo�ts}, surve��rs' reports, and appr�isal fe�s, titfe insuranc�, and fees for the Trustee,to the exfenfi
<br /> permi�ted by appl��ahie law. Trustar ats�wilf pay any cour��a�ts, in addition to all v�her sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Rights af Trustee. Tru�tee shall ha��a�l�f fhe righ#s and duti��of Lender as se�f�rth in this se�tron.
<br /> PaVI�ERS a41V1� C7BLIGATI�NS aF TRUSTEE. The follawing pro�isions relating ta the powers and�bligatians vf Trus�ee
<br /> are part vf this Deed af T�u�t:
<br /> Powers�f Trust�e. �n additior�t�all pawers of Truste�arising as a mat��r af law, Trustee shall ha�e�h� power to
<br /> take the following ac#ions wi�h respe�t to the Prop�rty upon tf�e wrftten request of Lender and Tr�s#ar: �a}jnin in
<br /> preparm� and filing a map ❑r �1at af�he Real Property, inc�udi�g fhe dedicafiion of sfreets ❑r other righ#s �v the
<br /> public; �b} join in granting any easement vr creating a�ny restric�ion on �he Real Praperty; and �c} join in any
<br /> subordination or other agreem�nt a�Fe�ting fr��s�7eed a�F Trust or the ir�teres�Qf Lender under this ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Trus#ee. �'rustee shai� meet afl qualifrcatians required far Trustee under applicabie law. �n additror� tn the rights
<br /> and remedies se�forth abv►�e, with respec��o a�l ar any pa�t of fhe Property, the Trustee shall hav� the right to
<br />