<br /> Payment af Prir�c�pai aad Interest; �ther Charge�.Borrav�er shal�pr�n-�ptXy pay�hen due�he pr�ncipal�f and
<br /> in�eres��n�he debt owed under the Contra�t and�ate�harges�r any a�her fees and Gharges du�under�he C�ntrac�.
<br /> Appxicable I�aw, As used in. �his Secur�ty �ns�rument, 1�he �erm "App�i�ab�e Law" sha�l m�an a�I c�n�r��ling
<br /> appl�cab�e feder�.�, s�at� and ���al statu�es, regu�at�ons, �rdinances and admr��strati�e ru�es and orders �that have
<br /> �he effect�f law�as wel�as all app�icab�e fnal;n�n�-appea�ab�e j ud�c�al op�n�ons.
<br /> �harges; L�ens. Borr�wer s�a�l pay a1I �axes, assessments, charges, f�nes and �mposit��ns attributabie to �he
<br /> Pr�perfiy which may at�ain priority�Wer�h�s Se�urity�nstrumen�, and�easehoid paymen�s �r gr�und rents, �f any.
<br /> At the request of Lender,Borra�ver shal�pr�mpt�y furnish tfl Lender rece�pts e��denc�ng the payments.
<br /> B�rravver sha11 r�m t� discharge any lien which has prior�ty o�er this 5ecuri�y�nstrument unless��rrav�er: �a�
<br /> p p Y
<br /> agrees in wr�ting to �he payrxient �f the ob�igation secured b� �he �ien in a rnanner a�ceptab�e to Lender; (b}
<br /> contes�s in g�od faith the �ien by, ar defends agaans� enforcement of�he �ien �n, �ega1 proceed�ngs �rh�ch in�he
<br /> Lender's opin�on �perate �o pre�ent the enf�rce�men� af�he Iien; or �c� secures from �he holder of the �ien an
<br /> agreement sa�isfac�ory to Len�der subordina��ng�he l�en t�th�s Secur�ty Instrument. �f Lender determ�nes�hat any
<br /> par� of the Praperty is subj ec��o a lien which m.ay at�ain prior�ty over this Securi�y �nstrument, Lender may g�ve
<br /> Borrower a n��ice �den�ify�ng the lien. B�rrower sha�� satisfy the l�en or take one or more of the a��ians set for�h
<br /> abo�e wxth�n ��days af�the giy�ng of notice.
<br /> �Iazard ar Prvperty Insuramce. Borrovver shall keep th� �mpr�vements no�v ex�s��ng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Proper�y�nsured agains�loss by fire,hazards inc�uded within the term"extended c�verage" and any other ha�ards,
<br /> including flflads �r flo�ding, for vvh�ch Lend�r requ�res insurance. Th1s �nsurance sha1l be maintained in the
<br /> arn�un�s and for the perzods���a�Lender requires.Th�insuranc�carr�er pr�v�din�the xnsurance sha71 be chose�a by
<br /> Borro�er subjec� �o Lender's approval wvh��h shall n�t be unreasonab�y �i�hheld. �f B�rrower fails to mainta�n
<br /> coverage descr�bed abo�e, Lender may, at Lender's option, �btain co�erage ta pro�ect Lender�s r�ghts in the
<br /> Praper�y in acc�rdance vvi�h sec�i�n ti�led Protectian of Lender's Rights in the Pr�perty.
<br /> A1� insurance Qlicies and re�e�a�s sha�� be acceptable to Lender and shal� �nclude a s�andard mor�gag� �lause.
<br /> �
<br /> Lender shall have�he right to ho�d�he po�i�ies and renewa�s. �f Lender requir�s, B�rra�ver shall promptly g��e to
<br /> Lender a�1 rece�pts of pa�d premiums and renewal no�ices. �n�he e�ent�f�oss, Borro�er shall gi�e prompt noti�e
<br /> to�he insurance carrier and L�nder.Lender may make proof of loss if not made promp�ly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrov�re� o�herv�ise agree in writing, insurance pr�ceeds sha�l �be app�ied to restaration or
<br /> repa�r af the Proper�y dan�aged, �f, in Lender's sole discretian, �h� res�orati�n vr repa�r �s econ�m��ally feas�ble
<br /> and Lender's secur�ty is no� ��essened. I�, �n Lender's so�e discre��an, �he restora�ion �r repazr �s not economi�a�ly
<br /> feasible�r Lender's secur�ty would be lessened,the��surance praceeds sha��be appl�ed to the sums se�ured by this
<br /> Securit�y �nstrument, whe�her or n�t �hen due, vvi�h any excess paid to Lorrower. If Borrower abandan� the
<br /> Properfiy,or does not ans�rer w�th�n the number�f days prescribed by Appl�cable Lav�as set�or�h in a nQ�i�e from
<br /> L�nder to Borrower tha�the �nsurance carr�er has offered to set�le a c�a�m,then Lender may collec��he insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use �he proceeds �o repair �r rest�re �he Prap�r�y or tv pay sums secured b��his Security
<br /> Znstrument,v�h�ther or not th�n due.The per�od of t�me for Borr�v�er ta answer as set f�r�h�n�he no�ice�i1�beg�n
<br /> �nrhen�he notice�s g�Wen.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borr�vver�therw�se agree �n vvriting, any applica�ion of proceed�to princ�pa� shall no�extend
<br /> or pflstpvne the due date of the payn�ents due under the �ontra���r change the amaunt�f the paymen�s. �f under
<br /> the sec��on��tled Acce�era���n; R�medies, �he Property �s acquired by Lender, Barrovver's r�ght�� any insurance
<br /> p�lic�es and pro�eeds r�sul�ing from damage ta �he Pr�per�y priflr to the acquisxt�on shal� pass t� Lender tfl the
<br /> exten�af the sums secured byr this Security�ns�rument�mmediately prior ta�he acqu�si�ion.
<br /> Preservation, Maint�nanc� and Prot�ction vf the Property; BarrawerTs L�an Applicatian; Leasehvids.
<br /> Borrower shall not des�roy, damage or�mpair the Proper�y, allow�he Prvperty�� de�eriorate, or commit was�e an
<br /> �he Property.Borrav��r shail be i�default if any forfeiture act�an or proceeding,whether Giv��or cr�minal,�s begun
<br /> that in Lender's good faith�udgment cauld result in farfe�ture af the Properry or o�herv�zse mater�ally �mpair�he
<br /> iien created by �his Securitg� �nstrument vr Lender's secur�ty in�er�st. Borr�wer may cure such a defau�t and
<br /> rezns�a��, as pro�ided �n sec��on titled Borrower's Iiigh� �o Re�nstate, by caus�ng�he actian or pr�ceed�.ng t� be
<br /> d�smissed with a ruling�hat, in Lender's good fa�th de�erm�nat�an,prec�udes forfei�ure of the Barrflv�er's interes��n
<br /> the Praperfiy or ��her mater�a� impairmer�� of the lien created by th�s 5ecurity Iristrumen� or Lender's security
<br /> interes�.Borravver shal�also be in default if Borrov►rer,dur�ng the laan applicat�on pracess,gave materia�ly fa�se or
<br /> �naccurate information ar s��.temen�s tfl Lender �or fai�ed �o provide Lender wi�h any ma�eria� �nforma�i�n� in
<br /> connection v�xth�he �oan e����nced by the Contra�t. �f�his Se�uri�ty Instrument�s on a Ieasehald, Borravver sha�l
<br /> comply w��h all the prov�sions�f the lease.�f B�rrawer ac9uires fee ti�le tv�he Propert�,the leaseha�d and�he fee
<br /> �i��e shall no�nl�rge unless L�nder agrees to�he merger in writiE.ng.
<br /> Protection of Lender�s Righ�s in the JPra��r�y. If Borro�ver fa��s �o perform the c��enan�s and agreernents
<br /> c�ntained in�h�s Security Instrunlen�, �r�here is a�ega�pr�ceeding tha�may s�gn�fcantly affect Lender's rights in
<br /> the Praperty �such as a prviceed�ng in bankruptcy, proba�e, f�r condemnation or f�rfe��ure or to enforc� laws or
<br /> regu�atians}, �hen Lender may do and pay for wha�e�er is �ecessary to pratec� the �a�ue of the Proper�y and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts in the Proper�y.Lender's actions may include pay�ng any sums seGured 1�y a�ien which has prxor��y
<br /> over this Secur��y�ns�trumen�, appearing in cour�,paying reasonable attorneys'fees and enter�ng�n the PrQperry to
<br /> make repairs.1�X�hough Lenc�er may take ac�i�n und�r this sectian,Lender does n��have�o do s�.
<br /> Any amaunts d�sbursed by �ender under �his s�c�tion sha11 he�ome additiona� deb� flf Borrower secured by this
<br /> Secur��.y Instrument. Unless Borrov�er and L�nder agree to o�her terms of payment, these amflun�s sha�1 bear
<br /> Q 24�4-2014 Compliance 5ystems,Inc.FD54-�l 3F-2�13L�.1 Q.1.895
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Se�urity Znstrume�t DL2436 Pa�e 2 of 5 www.compliancesystems.com
<br />