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��15�1945 <br /> The Fun�s sha1l be he1��n an ir�s�itutior��hose deposits are�nsur�d�y a federa.�agency, x�s�rnen�a.�r�,or <br /> er�t�ty��inc�uding�,ende�, if Lend�r is an institution whose de�osits ar��o in�uxed)or i�x an�Federa�Home <br /> Loan Bank. Lender sha11 apply the Funds to pay�he Escrow Item�no Ia�er than�h�time specified under <br /> RESPA. Lender shall not c�arge Barrower for holding and applying�he Funds,�ly analyzing�he <br /> escrow account,or ver�fy�ng the Escrd�r I�ems,un��ss Lender pay�BarrovUer�nterest on th�Funds and <br /> Applicable La�v permits Lender ta make such a�harge.Unless an agreem�nt is mad�in writing or <br /> Applicable Law requires interest to be paid�n the Funds,Lender sha11 na�be r� to pay Borr��ver any <br /> intere�t or earnings on the�unds. Borrower and Lender can agr�e in writxng,hotivever,t�at inter�s�sha��be <br /> pai�an the Funds. Lender shaii g��e to�3orrot�er,without charge,an annual aceounting of the Funds as <br /> required by F..�SPA. <br /> If there is a surp�us of Funds he�d in escrow,as d�fined under RESPA,Lender�ha�l ac��unt to Borrow�r for <br /> the excess funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shortage of Funds held�n es�row,as de�ned un�er <br /> I2.ES�'A,Lender s�.a��n�t�fy Borra�er as requ�.red by R�SPA,and Borro�er s�all pay t�p Lend�r the amount <br /> n�cessary�n make up the shortage in accordance�vith RESPA,b�t in no rxiore than 12 month�y payments. If <br /> there is a d�ficiency vf Funds held�n escraw,as defined und�r R.ESPA,Lend�r sha�l n�tify Borrawer a� <br /> required by i��SFA, and Borrotiver shal�pa�to�,e�.der t�.e arrio�.nt necessary ta��ke up t�.�def c�er�cy�n <br /> accordanGe with RESPA,but in no more than ��monthly payments. <br /> Upon payment in fu11 of all sums secured b�this Secur�t�Ins�rument,Lender�hall pr�mptly refund to <br /> Borrawer any Funds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges;Li�ns.Borrower shall pay a�l taxes, asses�ments, charg�s, fines, and imposit�ans attributable to <br /> the Propert�r�vhich can attain priorxty over this�ecurity�nstrum�n�,Ieasehald payments ar ground r�nt�on <br /> �he Praperty, �f an�,and��nr�nun�ty Associatxa�.Dues,�ees,a�d AssesSr�ents, �f a�.y. Tv the extent that <br /> these items are Escraw I�ems,Borrower shall pay them in the manner pra�vided in Sectian 3. <br /> Borrower shall promptly dischar�e any lien which has priarity over this Securi�Instrument unless <br /> Borrower: �a}a�rees in wr�ting to the paym�nt of the obligatron secured l�y�he lien in a m�nner acceptable <br /> t�Lender,but�n1�r so Ion�as Borrflwer is performing such agreemeat; (b}cantests the�ien�n gaad fai�h b�, <br /> or de�'end�against enfQrcemenx of��e��en�n, legal proc�edings tivhich in Lender's��ainion operat�to prevent <br /> the e�forcement of the lien�uhile thase proceedings are pend�ng,but only until suGh p�raceedings are <br /> concluded;or(c}secures fr�m the holder of the i�en an agreement satisfactory to�.ender subordinating�he <br /> �xen to th�s�ecurity��.strument. If�,ender det�rn��nes that any pa�t of the Proper�y�s subj�ct tQ a l�en which <br /> can attain priority over this Security In�trument�Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying�h�lien. <br /> �Vithin �0 days of the date on which that notice is given�Bo�rrower shall�atisf�the lien vr tak�on�or more <br /> af the ac�ions se�for�h abave in this Sectian�. <br /> L,end�r rnay requ�re Borrower to pay a one-time charge#'or a rea��sta�e tax verif ication andlar reporting <br /> serv�c�used�y I�ender��.�on�ection�ith�C�.is Loan. <br /> 5. Prop�rt�Insur�anc�.Borro�er sha���eep������rQ�em�nts now e��s�ing or hereaf�er erected on the <br /> Property insured again►st Ioss by fire,hazards incluc�ed�v�thin the term"extended coverage," and any ather <br /> hazards i�cluding,but not limited ta, earthc�uakes and flood�, for which L,en�er r�quires in�urance.This <br /> �nsurance shatl be rnainta�ned in the amaunts�inc���.ing deduc�ib�e le�e�s)a�d for the perxods that Lend�r <br /> requir�s. �TVhat Lender require�pursu�nt to the preceding sentences can chan�e during the term of the�oan. <br /> The insurance carrier pr�viding the insuran�e shall be chosen by Borrower subj ect�o Lender's right tfl <br /> disappro�e Borr�wer's�hoice,which righ�sha[I nat be exercised unreasonably. Lender may requ�re <br /> Bvrrv�er tv pa�, �n c�r��i�n tivi�h�his Laan, e�ther: �a)a one-time�harg�for flood zane de�erminat�on, <br /> eerti�'ication and tra�king services;ar[b}a one-t�m�char�e for f�ood zone determination and certi£'ica��on <br /> NEBF�45�C�l�ingle F�mily-Fannie firlaelFneddE�Mac tJN�F�RM INSfRt�A�IENT WITH N�ERS Farm 3�28 914'f <br /> VMP� VMPBA[NE3�1�02}.40 <br /> W4iters Kl�wer Financial Ser►iices Page fi o�17 <br /> q�33378G4E��6 4�33 281 Q617 <br />