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��15�1945 <br /> 2. ►�tpplicatianof Payments or Proceeds.�xcept a�otheru��se described in this Section 2, a�1 payments <br /> aceepted an�app��ed b�Lender s�.a��b�a����ed�n.the fv�lotiving or�ler of priorit�: �a)interest due und�r the <br /> Natea (b}principal due under the l�ote;�e}amounts due under SectiQn 3. �uch pa�rments sha11 L�e ap�lied to <br /> each periodic Paym�nt in the order in vvhich it became due. Any remain�ng amounts shali�e app�ied fust�o <br /> �ate charges, s�cond�o any ath�r amounts a�e u�der this Secur�ty Instru�ent,a�.d then ta�educ�th� <br /> principal balance af the Note. <br /> If Lender re�eives a payment from Borrower for a delinquent P�riodic Payment which includes a sufficient <br /> amount to pay any late charge due,the payment may be applied to the delinquent payment and the lat� <br /> charge. If more than one Periodic Payment is outs�a.n�ding, Lender may appiy any payment received from <br /> Bono�er to the repayme�t of the Period��Pa�men�s if, and to the ext�nt that, each payment�an be p�.id i� <br /> fu��. To the�xtent�hat any excess exis��af�er the payment�s applied to the full payment of ane or more <br /> Periodic Payments, such exces�may be app�ied to an�late charges due.Voluntar�prepaym�n�s shail be <br /> applied frst ta any pr�payment c�.arges and�hen as desc��b�d in t�.e Not�. <br /> Any app��cation o�paymer�ts, i�s�a.nce pr��eeds,or Misee���.neaus P�oceeds to pr�nc�pa��ue under the Note <br /> sha11 not extend or post�one the due date,or change the amount,�f the Per�adic Payments. <br /> �. Fundsfor Escrvw lt�ms.Barrower sha11 pay to Lender on the day Periadic Paymen�s aare due under th� <br /> Note,until the Note is paid in fu11,a sum(the"Funds"}to pro�id�for paym.ent of amounts du�for: (a}taxe� <br /> and assessments and other items wh�eh can attain priority o�er this Security Instrument as a��en or <br /> enc�rnbranee on the Prope�t�r;(b}�easeho�c��ay�ents ar�grvund rents on the Prop�rty, if any; �c�prem�ums <br /> for any and all insurance r�quired�y Lender u�der�ection 5;and(d)Mortga�e�nsurance premiums, if any, <br /> or any sums payable by Barrower to Lender in lieu of the payment of M�rtgage In�surance premiums in <br /> acc�rdance w�th the provrsia�s of Sect�on ��. These �t�ms ar�ca��ed "Escr��Items."At or�g2na��o�or�t <br /> any time�uring the t�rm of the Lo�.n,L�nder may r�quire�hat Community Assaciatio�Dues,�ees,and <br /> Asse�sments, if any,be escrowed by Barrower,and such dues, fees and assessments shall b�an Escrow <br /> Item.Borrower shall pr�mptly furnish to Lender aIi notic�s of amflunts to be paid under this Sect�on. <br /> Bana�ver sha��pay�.ender�he Fu�ds for Escrv�v Items unless Lender wazves Borrc�wer's obligatian to pay <br /> the Funds for any or ail Escraw Items. Lender may tivaive Barrawer's obl�gation ta pay to Lender Func�s for <br /> any or all Escro�Items at any time.An�such wai��r may�nly be in writing. In the event of such waiver, <br /> $arrower sha�l pay d�r�ct�y,when and tivhere payab�e,the amaunt�due far any Escro�v Items fo�tivhich <br /> payment of F�nds has been wai�ed��Lender and, if Len�er require�, sha�l furnish to Lend�r�eceipts <br /> evidencing such pa�ment within such time period as Lender may require. Borrower's obliga�ion to make <br /> such payments and to pr��ide receipts shai�far a11 purpases be deemed to be a c�venant an�a�reerrie�t <br /> �vnta�ned in�his Security Ynstrument,as the phrase'�co�ena�.t and agreement" �s used in�ectian 9. If <br /> Borrow�r is ob�igated to pay Escrow Item�directly,pursuan�t to a waiver,and Borrower fails ta pay the <br /> amaunt due f�r an Escro�Item,Lender may exercis�its rights under Section�and pay such amoun�a�d <br /> �orr�wer sha��t�.�n b�ob�igated und�r S�ct�on.9�a�-e�ay ta Lender�n�such am�unt. Lender may re�r�ke <br /> the waiver as to any or a11 Escrow�tems at�.n�time by a notice given in accordance with Section �.5 and, <br /> upon such re�ocation,Borra��r shall pay to Lender ail Funds,and in such amounts,tha�are then required <br /> under thi��ection 3. <br /> Lender may,at a�y�ime,co�iect and hold Funds in an amaunt(a�suf�cient to permxt Lender�o a���y the <br /> Funds at the time specifie�under R.ESPA,and�b)not to ex�eed the maximum amount a l�nder can require <br /> under RESPA. Lender sha�l estimate the amount of Funds due on�he basis of current data and r�asanable <br /> es�imates of expenditures of future Escrov�Items or othervvise in accardance wit��pp�ica��e Law. <br /> NEBRASKA-Si�gle Famify-�annie MaelFneddie Mac UNiF�RiN iNSTF�iJME[�T WiT�lVIERS Farrr�3Q�8�i4� <br /> VMP� VMPBA�NE}4�342).04 <br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Sesvices Page 5 o#�7 <br /> q03337854666 4�33 281 �517 <br />