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201501855 <br />7. INSURANCE TRANSACTIONS; (a) to pay the premiums on, modify, rescind, release, terminate, <br />or execute any rights, privileges, or options on any contract of life- accident, health, disability, liability, <br />property or other insurance presently owned by me or by any person on my behalf, or hereafter acquired; <br />(b) to procure new, different, or additional contracts of insurance on my life or with respect to <br />protecting me or my property from ill health, disability, accident, liability, or loss; <br />(c) to apply for, and receive, any loan on the security of any contract of insurance, to surrender <br />and receive the cash surrender value, to exercise any election or conversion rights, and to demand, receive <br />or obtain any money, dividend or other thing of value to which I am or to which I may become entitled as <br />the proceeds or other return or profit arising out of any contract of insurance or of any one or more of the <br />insurance transactions herein enumerated. <br />8. PERSONAL TRANSACTIONS: (a) to do all acts necessary for maintaining the customary Iiving <br />standard of my dependents including, by way of illustration but not limitation, provision of such living <br />quarters and their maintenance and operation, food, clothing, medical, surgical and dental care, educational <br />facilities, and other incidentals to which my dependents are accustomed; <br />(b) to continue the discharge of any service or duties assumed by me to my family, relatives or <br />friends, and to continue payments incidental to my membership in, or affiliation with, any church, club, <br />society, or other organization. <br />9. REPRESENTATION AND EMPLOYMENT OF ASSISTANCE: (a) on my behalf and in my <br />name or the name of my attorney, to institute, prosecute, appear in, defend, compromise, arbitrate, settle, or <br />dispose of any legal, equitable or administrative hearings, actions, suits, attachments, claims or other <br />proceedings, to which I am or may become a party or in which I have an interest, and to engage and dismiss <br />counsel in connection therewith, authorizing my attorney in -fact to assert or to waive any or all rights, <br />privileges and defenses available to me under the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act or other legislation <br />designed for the protection of personnel in the armed forces or their family members; <br />(b) to hire, engage, employ and appoint agents, employees and counsel upon such terms and <br />conditions and at such compensation as my said attorney -in -fact shall deem proper in the exercise of the <br />powers herein granted; to dismiss and remove at pleasure any such agents, employees and counsel as well as <br />any agents, employees and counsel heretofore or hereafter employed by me or in my behalf. <br />10. MISCELLANEOUS: (a) to sign, seal, acknowledge and deliver any instrument necessary to <br />accomplish any of the powers herein granted; <br />(b) to modify, reform, renegotiate or rescind any contract or obligation heretofore or hereafter <br />made by me or in my behalf. <br />PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that all business transacted hereunder for me or for my account shall be <br />transacted in my name, and that all endorsements and instruments executed by my said attorney for the <br />purpose of carrying out the foregoing powers shall contain my name, followed by that of my said attorney <br />and the designation "attorney -in- fact." <br />I FURTHER DECLARE that any act or thing lawfully done hereunder by my said attorney shall be <br />binding on myself and my heirs, legal and personal representatives and assigns, whether the same shall have <br />