<br />3. BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS: To demand, sue for, recover, receive, compromise, settle, adjust
<br />and pay all accounts, legacies, bequests, interest, dividends, annuities, demands, debts, taxes, and any and
<br />all other obligations, which may now or hereafter be due, owing or payable by or to me, and to carry on and
<br />transact every kind of business on my behalf, in my name or jointly in my name and that of any other person
<br />or persons, including my attorney -in -fact, and including, but not limited to, transactions concerning any and
<br />all investments and shares of stock, bonds, securities, certificates of deposit, on such terms, considerations
<br />and conditions as my attorney -in -fact may deem proper and to invest and reinvest and exchange
<br />investments, and to execute and deliver good and sufficient instruments for the accomplishment thereof, and
<br />to act as my attorney or proxy with respect to any stocks, shares, bonds or other investments, rights or
<br />interest as I may now or hereafter hold.
<br />4. BANKING TRANSACTIONS: (a) to deposit or withdraw for any purpose, in or from any bank,
<br />building and loan association, trust company or other financial institution, including the United States Postal
<br />Service, any funds, checks, or other credits which I now or hereafter may have on deposit or be entitled to,
<br />and to endorse, cash and receive the proceeds of any and all checks, vouchers, or other orders for money, to
<br />open or close accounts, and to receive statements, vouchers, notices or other documents from any bank or
<br />other financial institution concerning any and all accounts or banking transactions in my name or in which I
<br />may have an interest;
<br />(b) to have access for all purposes to any or all safety deposit boxes or vaults rented in my
<br />name or in the names of any other person or persons and myself, with full power to use same for
<br />safekeeping any property or papers and to remove there from at any time, or from time to time, all or any
<br />part of the contents of any such box or vault;
<br />(c) to borrow money and to execute in my name any instrument evidencing indebtedness
<br />incurred on my behalf and to extend and renew the same, as well as any indebtedness heretofore incurred by
<br />me, for the payment of which I may in any way be liable.
<br />5. TAXES: To make, execute and file income and all other tax returns and declarations of estimated
<br />tax required to be made by me by any law or regulation of any government or governmental department,
<br />board or court, to represent and act for me in any tax matters in dispute or litigation, in any governmental
<br />department, board or court, to receive, endorse, and collect checks in settlements of any refund of taxes, to
<br />execute consents agreeing to a later determination of taxes than is provided by statutes of limitation, to
<br />execute closing agreements relative to tax liabilities, to file claims for abatement, refund, or credit taxes, to
<br />make any adjustments or settlements and to sign any and all receipts, waivers, settlements or agreements
<br />pertaining to all income or other taxes assessed against me or my property by statute.
<br />6. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS, VOUCHERS AND CHECKS: (a) to execute, sign and
<br />deliver any and all government reports, applications, requests, vouchers and demands in my behalf,
<br />including, but not limited to those for any and all allowances and reimbursements properly payable to me by
<br />the United States, such as for the transportation of family members or for the shipment of household effects
<br />or other property as authorized by law or regulations;
<br />(b) to receive, endorse and collect the proceeds of checks payable to my order drawn on the
<br />Treasurer of the United States for whatever account, and to execute in my name and on my behalf, all
<br />bonds, indemnities, applications or other documents, which may be required by law or regulations to secure
<br />the issuance of substitutes for such checks, and to give full discharge for the same.
<br />