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M • 2 N .L V V 1 S 4 \.J FILED <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA FEB 17 2015 <br />REYNAI DA A CARPENTER <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, ) CLERK MAGISTRATE <br />HAIICa COURT <br />A Municipal Corporation, ) <br />) <br />Condemner, ) <br />Case No. CI14 -4143 <br />) <br />vs. ) <br />REPORT OF APPRAISERS <br />GORDMAN GRAND ISLAND, LLC ) <br />A Corporation, ) <br />) <br />Condemnee. ) <br />NOW on this 13 day of February, 2015, the undersigned, being the duly appointed, <br />qualified and acting appraisers in the above - entitled matter, do hereby make and file this report, <br />showing unto the Court: <br />1. The undersigned were duly appointed appraisers in the above - entitled matter by an <br />Order Appointing Appraisers, dated November 24, 2014. <br />2. Before entering upon the duties as appraisers in the above - entitled matter, the <br />undersigned duly took and subscribed an oath to support the Constitutions of the United States <br />and the State of Nebraska, and to faithfully and impartially discharge their duties as required by <br />law. <br />3. The undersigned appraisers carefully inspected and viewed the real estate <br />hereinafter specified sought to be taken and also any other property of the Condemnee damaged <br />thereby and heard all parties interested therein to the amount of damages while so inspecting and <br />viewing the property. Those appearing were: Roberta Herbst, Michael Leggott, and Patrick <br />McGuire, appraisers. <br />Pe <br />af jrs <br />