<br /> AI� �nsura�ce po����es required by Lender and renewals�f such po��c�es sha11�e suhject to Lender's righ���
<br /> disapprove such poli�ies, sha�� include a standard mor�gage c�ause, and shall nam�L.�nd�r as mor�gagee
<br /> andlor as an add�ti�na� lass pa�ee. Lender shal�have�he rig�zt to ha�d�he polici�s and r�n�wal�er�if�ca�es. Zf
<br /> Lender requires, Borrower shal�promp���r g�ve�o Lender a�� receipts af paid pr�mium,s and reriewa� not���s,
<br /> �f Borr�w�r o�tains any farm of�nsuran�e coverag�, no�a�herv�ise required b�r Lender, for damag�to, Qr
<br /> destruc�xon af, t�.e Property, such pol�cy sha11 inc�ude a standard mor�gage c�ause and sha��nam�L.ender as
<br /> mor�gagee andl�r as an add�t�ona� loss pa�ee.
<br /> �n�he event of Iass, Borrower sha11 g��e promp�no�ice ta the insurance carr�er and Lender. L.ender ma�
<br /> make pro�f of�oss xf no�made prompt��r by Borr�wer. Unless Lender and B�rrower��herwise agree in
<br /> wri��n�, an�insurance p�roceeds, whether or nat the under�y�ng�nsuran�e was r�quire�by Lend�r, shal�be
<br /> app�ied to res�ora�ian or repa�r af the Proper�y, �f the res�orati�n or repa�r is ec�nom.�.ca�ly feasibl�and
<br /> Lender's s�curi�y is not lessened. During such repair and restoratian per��d, Lender sha��ha�e the righ�to
<br /> hold such insurance proceeds un�i� Lender has had an opp�r�uni�y�o insp�ct such Proper�y to ensur�the
<br /> work has been completed t�Lender's sa�isfaction, pravid�d�hat such inspectzon sha11 be under�aken
<br /> promptly. Lender may disburse procee�s far�he r�pairs and restora�ion in a�ing�e pa�men��r�n a seri�es of
<br /> progress payments as the w�rk is�nmp�eted. Un�ess an agreement is made�n vvri�ing or App�icab��Law
<br /> requ�r�s�n�eres��o be pa�d on such�nsurance proceeds, Lender sha1�no��e r�quired�.o pa�Borrower an�
<br /> in�er�s�or earn�ngs on such proc��ds. Fees for pu��ic adjusters, �r�ther third parties, re�ained�y Borrower
<br /> sha�l not be paid au��f the insurance praceeds and shall be the so�e�b��gatian of B�rraw�r. Zf�he res�ora��an
<br /> or repair�s no�e�onomica��y feasibl�or Lender's se�uri�y wou�d�e�essened, the xnsurance proceeds sha��be
<br /> app�ied to the sums secured�y���s Secur��y�n��rument, whether�r not then du�, w��h the ex�ess, �f an�,
<br /> paxd ta Borrower. Such�nsurance pr��eeds shal�be appl�ed i�a�he order pro��ded for�n Se���on�.
<br /> If B�rrov�rer abandons the Proper�y, Lender ma�r f�le, negotiat�and settle any ava�lab�e�nsurance ciairn and
<br /> r�la��d matters. If Barrov��r daes not respond with�n 34 days��a rio�ice frnm Le�d�r that the insuran��
<br /> �arrier ha��ffered�o se�tle a claim, then Lender may neg�tia�e and set�i��he claim. The 34-da�perx�d wili
<br /> beg�n v�h�n the n�tice�s given. In e��her�vent, ar if Lend�r acqu�r���he Pr�per�y under Se��ion 22 ar
<br /> other�v�se, Borrower hereb�r assigns t� Lender�a}Bnrrower's r�gh�s to an� insuranee proceeds in an amount
<br /> nat t� e�ceed the amounts unpaid und�r the Na�e�r�his Security�nstrument, and�b} any other of
<br /> Borrow�r's r�ghts �o�her than the r�gh�to any refund of unearned prexniums paid�y B�rro�ver3 under alI
<br /> insurance po��c�es co�rer�ng the Proper�y, insofar as such rights are appl�cable to the co�erage af�he
<br /> �'roperty. Lender ma�use�he�nsuranc�proceeds�i�her to repair or res�ore��.e Praperty or to pay amoun�s
<br /> unpa�d under th�Na�e or this SeGuri�y �ns�rumen�, whether or n�t th�n due.
<br /> 6, C]ccupancy. Borrow�r sha�l occupy, esfa�l�sh, and use the Pr�pe�-��as B�rrower's princ�pa� resxde�ce
<br /> w�thin 6�day��fter����x�cut�on af th�� �ecur�t��n�trumen�and s�a11 cantinu��Q c������y��a��'r����y��
<br /> Barrflwer's pr�n�ipal res�dence f�r at��as�one year after the date of occupanc�, unless Lender o�herw�se
<br /> agrees in wr���ng, whi�h c�ns�n�shal�no�be unreasonably vvithheid, or un�ess extenuat�ng circu�r�s�nces
<br /> e��s�v�rhich are beyond Borrower's contr��.
<br /> 7. Preservatian, Ill�aintenance and Pr�te�ti�n �f the Property: 1ns�ectians. Borrower sha��not d�stroy,
<br /> da�nag�or�mpair the Prop�r�y, a��ow the Pr�per�y to de��riora���r comm�t was�e on the Proper�y. '�T�ie�her
<br /> �r no�Borrower is res�d�ng in the Praper��, Borrawer shal�maxn�ain�he Pr�per�y �n order�o pre�ent�he
<br /> Property from deteriora��ng or decreasing in�alue due to i�s condit�on. Uniess it is determi.ned pursuan��o
<br /> Sec�ian 5 that repair or restflration is no�e�onomicali�r feasi�le, Borrflwer shaX�pramp��y repa�r�he Proper�y
<br /> if damaged�o a�r�i�.fur�her d�teri�ra��on or damage. �f�nsuran�e or condemna��an proceeds ar�paid in
<br /> connec��on w�th damag�to, �r the tak�ng of, the Proper�y, Borrawer sha11 be resp�ns�ble for repairing or
<br /> restor�ng the Proper�y anly �f Lender has reieased proceeds far such purposes. Lender may disburse pro�eeds
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingl�Famiiy-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNI��RM INSTR(JMENT �orm 3d�8 1101
<br /> VMP Q�a VMP6tNEy[13n2f
<br /> Woiters Kluwer Financiaf Ser�ices Pa�e 7 0#�7
<br />