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��15�1�9� <br /> B4RR�'L�ER C�VENANTS �ha�Borrawer is �awfu���sezsed af�he estate hereby con�eyed and has the right ta . <br /> grant and conv�y�he Praperty and tha�the Proper�y �s uner�cumber�d, exc�p� for encumbranc�s af rec�rd. <br /> Borrovver warrants and w�l� defend general�y�he�i��e to�he Proper�� against all ciaims and demands, subject ta <br /> any encumbrances of rec�rd. <br /> TH�S SE�i1R�TY �NSTRUMENT comb�nes un�form cav�nan�s for natzona�use anc�non-un�forrn co�enan�s w�th <br /> ��maited�ariat�ons by jur�sdic�ion to cans�xtute a uniforrn se�urity �nstrum�nt ca��r�ng r�a�proper�y. <br /> Unifnrm �orrenants. Barr�wer and Lender Cnvenant and agree as f�l�aws: <br /> '�. Payment of Principal, lnterest, Es�rvw �tem�, Prepayment Cha�rges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> sha11 pa�when due the principal of, and interest on, the deb�e��denced by the N�t�and any prepayment <br /> charges and�ate charges due under�he N��e. Borr�w�r shal� a�so pay funds f�r Escrovcr�t�ms pursuan��o <br /> Se�t��n 3. Payrn�.ents due under the Nat�and�h�s Securit� Instrum�nt sha�I be made�n U.S. �urrency. <br /> Howev�r, if any check or o�her instrument reCe��ed by L�nder as payme�t under th�No��or�his Secur��y <br /> Instrum.ent is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may require that any ar all subsequen�paym�nts due urzd�r <br /> �he N�ot�and�his Secur��y �nstrument be made in one ar m�r��f�he f��low�ng forms, as s���cted by L�nder: <br /> �a}cas�; �b}m�ney order; �c} cer�i�ed che�k, bank che�k, �reasurer's check or cashi�r's che�k, pro�v�ded any <br /> such check�s drau�n upan an�nstitu�ian whose deposits are�n�ur�d by a federa� agen�y, �nstrumenta���y, �r <br /> �n�ity; or�d} E�e�tranic Funds Transfer. <br /> Paymen�s are deemed re�eived by Lender when r�ceived at the lacat�on designated in th�Note or at su�h <br /> ath�r I��a�ion as may be designa�ed�y Lender in accor�an�e w��h the n�tic�pr���sions �n Sect�on �5. <br /> ��nder ma�return any payment or part�a.�paymen��f the pa�m�nt or par�ial paymen�s are insuf�cient ta <br /> �r�ng the L�an curren�. Lender may accep�any payment�r partia�paym�nt�nsuf��ie�t�o bring the Loa� <br /> current, with�u�v�a�ver of any r�gh�s hereunder or prejudice ta�ts r�ghts �a refuse su�h pa�mer�t or partial <br /> payments�n�h�futur�, but�,�nder is n��a�liga�ed to apply such paymen�s a��h�t�me such payments are <br /> accep�ed. �f ea�h Peri��ic Payment�s app�ied as af its scheduled due da�e, then Lender n��d not pay �nterest <br /> an unappl�ed funds. L�nder may ha�d such unappli�d funds until Barrower make�payments��bring�he <br /> L�an�urrent. �f B�rrav�er does no�da so w��hin a reasonab�e period�f time, Lender sha�� either apply such <br /> funds or return�hem�o Barrflwer. �f not app�xed earlier, such funds�i11 be appli�d to�he ou�stand�ng <br /> pr�nc�pa�balance under the N�t��mmediately pr�or to fflrecZosure. No offse�or��aim which Barrower migh� <br /> have now or in the fu�ure against Lend�r shali r�ii�ve B�rro�ver fro�n makzng payrnents due under the No�e <br /> ar�d thi�Secur�t� �nstrum�nt or perf�rming the�ovenants and agreements secured by th�s Securzty <br /> �ns�rumen�. <br /> �. Appli�atinn nf Paym�nts or Prviceeds. Except as otherwise describ�d in this S�ctian 2, all pa�ments <br /> acc�pted and app�ied by L�nder sha.i�be appl�ed�n�he fa��ov�ring order af prior�ty: �a} in��r�st due under the <br /> �ote; �b}principa� due under�he N���; �c} am�un�s due under Sec�ion 3. Such paymen�s sha��be app�ied to <br /> each Per�nd�c Payment�n�he vrder��whi�h it became due. Any remain�ng amaun�s sha�l be applied f�rst�� <br /> �ate c�arges, sec�nd tfl any other amaunts�ue under���s S�cur�ty �ns�rumen�, and�hen to reduce the . <br /> pr�ncipal ba�ance�f�he Na��. <br /> �f Lender recez�res a paym�n� fr�m Borrower for a d�linquen�Periodic Payment�vhich includes a suff�cient <br /> arn�un�ta pay any�a�e charge du�, �he paym�nt may be app�ied to�he delinquen�.paymen�and the�ate <br /> �harge. �f more than on�Peri�dic Paymen� is outstanding, Lender may apply any pa�ment rec��v�d from <br /> Barrower ta th�repayrnent of�he P�r�odic Payments if, and to the e�tent that, each payment can be pa�d in <br /> ful�. To�he extent that an�r exc�ss e��s�s after the paymen�is applied ta the fu��paymen�flf one nr m�.�re <br /> P�riadi�Payments, �uch�xcess may�e applied t� an�late charges due. Voluntary prepaymen�s sha���e <br /> app�ied�rst to any prepayment charges and then as described�n the N��e. � <br /> NESRASKA-5ingle Family-�annie Mael�recfdie Mac UNI�QRM INSTRUMENT Fvrrr�3n28'�1�1 <br /> VMP[�] VMPfi�N�)��3�2� <br /> Wolters Kluw�r Finan�ial Ser�ic�s Page 4 vf 17' <br />