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��15�1�95 <br /> A�� insurance p�lic�es required b}�Lender and renewals�f such pa�icies shai�be subject ta L,�nder's r��ht�o <br /> d�sappro�e such pol�cies, sha11 �nclude a s�andar�.mortgag�ciause, and shal�name L�nder as m�rtgagee <br /> andlor as an additiona�lass payee. I..�nder sha11 ha�e the right tn hoici�he p�l�cies and renewal cer�ifica�es. �f <br /> L.�nder r�quires, B�rrower sha�l prompt�y give to Lender a�� receipts of pa�d premuiums and renewal notices. <br /> �f��rrov�er ob�ains any form of insurance coverage, no�o�h�rwise requ�red by L�nder, far damage�o, �r <br /> destruct�on�f, fihe Proper�y, such pol�cy shall inc�ude a standard mor�gage clause and sha��nam�Lender as <br /> mor�gage�andlor as an add�t�onai �oss payee. <br /> �n�h.e e�en�af los�, Borrower shall gxv�prampt no��ce�o �he�nsurance carrier and Lender. Lend�r may <br /> n7ake proof of Ioss if not made pramp�ly b� Borrow�r. Un�ess Lender and Borrower�therwise agree�n <br /> vvr���n�, any insurance proceeds, vvhether�r na�the under�ying insurance vvas requ�red by Lender, sha�l be <br /> app��ed�o r�s��ration or r�pair of�he Pr�per�y, if�he restaration or repa�r is e��nomically feasib�e and <br /> L�nd�r's securi�y is nv��essened. During such r�pair and res�orat�on per�od, Lender shall ha�e the r�ght�o <br /> hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had an�ppor�unxt�to inspec�such Propert�ta�nsure the <br /> vvark has been comple�ed to I.�nder's sat�sfac��o�, pro�ided�ha�such ir�spection shall be under�a�en <br /> promptly. Lender m.ay d�sburse proceeds far th.e repairs and r�s��rat�an in a sing�e paymen�or in a series of <br /> progress payments as�h�work�s comple�ed. Unless an agreemen� �s made in wri�ing or App�icab�e Law <br /> requires interes�to b�paid on such�nsuran�e praceeds, Lender shall not b�required to pay Borrower any <br /> �nterest ar�arnings on such prac�eds. Fees for pub�ic ad�us�ers, or ather��ird par�ies, reta�ned by Borrow�r <br /> sha���.o�be paid out of the insurance pr�ceeds and sha11�e�he s��e�bliga�ian nf Borrower. If th�res�ora�ion <br /> �r repair is no�ec�nomuica�ly feasib�e ar L�nder's security would be�essen�d, the insurance pra�eeds shall be <br /> appl�e�t�the sums s�cured by th.�s S�curi�y Instrunzen�, whe�her or na��hen due, wi�h the excess, �f any, <br /> paid�o Borrawer. Such�nsurance praceeds sha��be app��ed �n�he order pr�vided for xn Section 2. <br /> �f Borr�wer aband�ns the Property, L.�nder may fi�e, negatia�e and s�t�le an�r a�a�lable insurance c�aim and <br /> re�ated matters. If Borrower does no�resp�nd w�th�n 34 days tv a nat�ce from�..,�nder tha�the�nsuranc� <br /> carrier has affered ta se�tle a cla�m, �hen Lender may nego�iate and se���e the c�aim. The 3��da�per�od wi�l <br /> beg�n when the no�ic�is given. �n e�th�r ev�n�, or�f L�nder acquires the Praper�y under Section 22 or <br /> 0����'VL115�y �orrawer her�by a�signs to Lender�a} Borrower's r��hts to an��nsurance proceed� in an amoun� <br /> not�o exceed the amoun�s unpaid under�he Na�e or�h�s Security �nstrument, and�b} any o�her of <br /> Borr�w�r's r�ghts �other�han�he right to an�refund af unearned prem�.ums pa�d by Borrawer}under all <br /> insuran��p���ci�s cov�r�ng t�.e Froper�y, insofar as such r�ghts are appl��ab��to��e coverage of�he <br /> Prope�y. Lender may use�he�nsuranCe proc��ds either to repair or r�store�h�Proper�y ar�o pay a.m.ounts <br /> unpaid under the Nate or this Se�urity �nstrument, v�he�her ar not th�n due. <br /> �. ��cupancy. Barr�wer sha��occup�, estab�ish, and use the Prop�r�y as Borrower's princ�pa� residenc� <br /> within 6�days after��e execu�ion of�his Se�ur��y�nstrunzen�and sha��c�nt�nu�to oecupy the Proper�y as <br /> Borro�uer's principal res�den�e for at Ieast one�ear after the date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise <br /> a�;r�es in writing, �vhich cansen�sha�l no�be unreasonab�y v�r�thheld, flr un�ess e�tenuating circumst�ar.�s <br /> ex�s�wh�ch are�eyand Borra�ver's contro�. <br /> 7. Preservatian, �111aintenance and Pr�tect�on t�f the Property; Inspecti�ns. Borrower shali nat c�e��roy, <br /> damage or impa�r�he�'roper�y, a��ow the Property�o d�teriorate ar cornmi�was�e�n the Property. �hether <br /> or no�Borrov��r is res�dxng �n the Prop�rty, Borrawer sha11 maintaxn the Property in order�o pre�en�the <br /> Proper�y fro�rn.deteriora�ing ar decreasing in value due t� its c�ndi�i�n. Uniess it is determin�d pursuant�o <br /> Se���an 5 �ha�repair or res�oration�s n��economically feasible, Borrawer sha1�prompt�y repa�r th�Proper�y <br /> �f da�maged�o avoid fUr�her de�er�orat�an or damag�. If�nsurance�r candemna�ion proceeds are pa�d in <br /> connectzan v�i�h damage�o, or the�ak�ng of, �he Proper�y, Borr�v�er shali be responsib�e f�r r�pairin��r <br /> restoring the Proper�y on1� if L.�nder�as r��ease�proceeds f�r such purpos�s. L.�nder may dis�urse pr�ceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingie�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN�FdRM fNSTRUMENT Form 3428 11�'� <br /> VMP[�] VMPStNE)(9 3Q2; <br /> Wolters Kluwer��nancial 5er�iG�s Page 7 af i 7 <br />