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��15�1�95 <br /> required�y RESPA, and Borrow�r shal�pay to Lender th�amount necessary ta mal��up the d�f�cx�ncy in <br /> ac�Qrdan�e w�th RESPA, but�n n�m�re�han �.�m�n�hiy payments. <br /> Upon payment xn full of al.l sums secured by��a�s S�curi�y�ns�rument, Lender shall prflmp��y refund ta <br /> Borr�wer any�unds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Barrow�r sha�l pay aIl taxes, assessments, charg�s, f�n�s, and�mpa��t�or�s attributable to <br /> the Praper��r which can at�a�n priori��o�er t�.is Secur�ty Instrument, �easeho�d pa��r�.ents�r ground rents on <br /> �he Proper�y, �f any, and�ommuni�y Assoc�at��n Dues, Fees, and Ass�ssmen�s, if any. T� the�xt�n�that <br /> �h�se i�ems are Escrow Items, Barrower sha�l pay�h�m in the manner provided �n S��t��n 3. <br /> B�rrower sha��prvrnptly d�sc�arge an���en which has priority o�er th�s Se�ur��y Xnstrumen�unless <br /> B�rrower: �a} agrees in writ�ng to�he payment flf the�b��gation s�cured�y�he l�en�n a manner acc�ptab�e <br /> to Lender, bu�fl��y s��ong as Barrower is p� such agreem�nt; �b}c�ntests th���en�n good faith by, <br /> or defends against enfnrcement of�he��en in, �ega� proceed�ngs �vh�ch in Lender's opzn�on operate�o pre�ent <br /> �he enforcemen�of the�ien while th�se pracee�.ings are pend�ng, but anly unti� such pr�ceed�ngs are <br /> conc�uded; or�c} secures fram the ho�der af the lien an agreeme�.t satisfactory to L�nd�r subor�i�nat�ng�he <br /> ��en to th�s Security�nstrum�n�. If Lender d��ermines that an�part of�he Proper�y is subje��ta a�ien wh�ch <br /> ean at�a�n priority o�er th�s S�curi��r �ns�rument, Lender rr�ay g�v�Barravv�r a n��ice id�ntifying the Ii�n. <br /> �i�h�n ���ays of��ie date on v�hi�h�hat notice is given, Borrov��r�hal� satisfy the lien�r one�r more <br /> af�he a�t�ons set for�h abave�n th�s Sect�on 4. <br /> Len.der may requ�re Btirrower ta pay a one-�ixne c�arge for a rea� estate�ax ver�fx�atzon andl�r repor�ing <br /> ser�r�ce used�y L�nder in connect�on�i�h�his�..�oan. <br /> 5. Property �nsuran�e. Bnrrower sha��keep the impro��ments now e�isting�r hereaf�er erec�ed on�he <br /> Properry��sured aga�nst�oss by fire, hazards included w�th�n�he term "e��ended co�erage," and any o�her <br /> hazards ine�uding, b�t not��mited to, ear�hquakes and floods, for which Lender requires insurance. Thi� <br /> insurance�ha��b�main�ained in the amounts�inc�u�ing deductible�eve�s} and f�r�he periods tha�L�nder <br /> requir�s. �Vhat L�nd�r requires pursuan�to the�arec�d�ng sentences can change dur�ng�he�erm of the Loan. <br /> 'I`he�nsurance carrier pra�iding the insurance shall be chasen by B�rrower subject to Lender's right tn <br /> d�sappro�e B�rrower's ch�ic�, wh�ch r�gh�sha.l�not be e�ercxsed unr�as�nab��. Lender may requ�re <br /> Borrovver t�pay, in con.n.e��i�n wit�th�s Loar�, ei�her: �a} a�ne-��m��harge for f�o��z�nt���ermina�ion, <br /> cer�i�ca��on and track�ng services; or��� a�ne-time charge for f��od zone determ�nati�n and c�rtif�cati�n <br /> services and subsequent charges�ach�ime remappings or similar changes o�cur wh�ch reasonab�y might <br /> affe�t such deterx�xina�ian or�ert�f�cati�n. Barrower shaii alsa be r�sp�nsibl�far��e payment�f any fe�s <br /> irx�p��ed by th��edera� Emergency Mana�em�nt A�ency�n connection with�he revie� af an�f�ood zan� <br /> det�rminati�n resu���ng from an ab�eCt�an b�B�rr�wer. <br /> �f B�rrower fails to ma��x�ain a.ny of�he c�verages described above, Lend�r may obtain insurance co�erage, <br /> a�L�nder's opt��n and B�rrow�r's expense. Lender is under no ab�iga�ian��purchase any par�icular type or <br /> amount of co�erage. Theref�r�, such caverage sha11 caver Lender, bu�migh��r m�ght not pr�t��t B�rr�wer, <br /> Borr�w�r's�quity in the Prflp�r�y, or�he�contents of th�Prop�r��r, aga�nst any r�sk, hazar�.or l�abi�ity ar�.d <br /> might pro�ide greater�r lesser c�w�rag��han was pre�i�usly in effect. Barrow�r acknav��edg�s that the cost <br /> af�he xn�urance coverage s��btazned might s�gnx��can�iy e�ceed the cos�of�nsurance�hat Barrower cou�� <br /> have�btain�d. Any amounts d�sbur�ed by Lender under this Section 5 sha��become additiana�debt of <br /> Barr�wer secured by this Se�ur�ty �ns�rumtn�. These amount�shall�ear�nterest at the Note rate fr�m the <br /> da�e�f disbursemen�and shal�be�ayable, wi�h such interest, upan n�tice from Lender to Barrow�r <br /> reques��ng paymen�. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingl��amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFORM iNSTFiUMENT �arm��28 1I07 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NEf�13Q2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Pag�6 of 17 <br />