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��15�1�95 <br /> . sen�ences sha�l nat app�y t��he pres�nce, use,.or s�orage�n th� Praperty�f small quantit��s of Hazardous <br /> SubstanCes that are gen�rally recogn�zed to�e appropriate�o n�rma� resi�ientia�uses and to ma�n�enance�f <br /> the Proper�y�inc�ud�ng, but not��m�ted to, hazardous subs�ar�ces in�onsumer products�. <br /> Borro�ver�ha��promptly give Lender writte�no��ce of�a} any invest�ga�.ion, claim, demand, �aw�uxt�r�ther <br /> act�on by any ga�ernmen�al or regu�atory ag�ncy�r przva�e part�invol�ing th�Pr�perty and a.ny Hazard�us <br /> Subs�ance or Env�r�r�mental La�r�f whi�h B�rrower has ac�uai knovvledge, ��} any En��ron.menta� <br /> C�nd�tion, inc�ud�ng but nat l�mui�ed ta, an�sp�l�ing, �eaking, discharge, re�ease ar�hreat of re�eas�of a.n� <br /> Hazardous Substance, and�c}any c�nd�t�or��aused by�he presence, use or r���ase of a Hazardous 5ubstar�c� <br /> which ad�ersely affec�s the value af���P�optr�y. �f B�rrower��arns, or is notified by any governmen�a� or <br /> regula�ory author�ty, �r any priva�e par��, that any re�no�a� or o�her r�media��an of any Hazard�us Subs�ance <br /> affecting the Proper�y is necessary, B�rr�v�er shall prompt�y take a11 ne�essary rem�dia� ac�i�ns�n <br /> accorda.x�ce v�i�h�n��r�nmenta�Law. Na�hing here�n sha�� crea�e any�b�igation on Lender for an <br /> Enviranm�n�al�leanup. <br /> Non-Unifarm C��enants. Borrower ar��Lend�r Cavenant and agree as fo��ows: <br /> ��. Acce�eration; Remedies. Lender sha��give notxc�to Borrower pr�or to accelera�i�n following <br /> B�rrovver's br�ach of an�covenant or agr�ment in this Se�urx�y Ins�trurnent �but not prior�a <br /> ae�e�erati�n under S�ct�on 18 un�ess App��cab�e Law pro��des a�herw�se�. The not�ce sha��specify; �a} <br /> the defauit; ��} the a�t�on requ�red to cure the defaul�; �C} a date, not�ess than 34 days from the date <br /> t�e not�ce is given tv B�rro�er, by whi�h�he def�u�t must be cured; and�d} tha�fa��ure�o cure the <br /> defau�t vn or before�he date�pecxf�ed in t�e noti��may resul�in a�cel�ration of the sums secured by <br /> t��s S�curit���s�ru�rnent and sa�e c�f the�o��y. The nat���shal�fur�her inform Borrower af the <br /> r�gnt ta r���state after aec���r�t�on�.nd the right to bring a court ac���n�a assert�he non�ex�stence of a <br /> defau�t or�n�ather defense�f�orrow�r to acce�eration and sa�e. If the default i�not�ured on or <br /> ��fore the date spec�f�ed in the n€�t�c�, I�ender at its�p�ion nr�ay re�u�re�xnmed�a�e�ayment in full of <br /> ���s�cr�s secured b�th�s Sec�x-�t��nstrument wi�hvut further demand and nlay�nvoke�h��ower of sa�e <br /> and a�y at�er remed�es per�m.itted by App�icab�e Law. I1ender shall be enti�led ta co��ect a��expen�es <br /> xncu�-r��d��pursu�ng the remedies prav�ded in th�s Sect�on��, �ncluding, but nvt�imited to, reasanab�e <br /> attarne�s' fees and cos�s�f title evidenc�. <br /> If th�po�ver of sa�e is invoked, Trus�ee sha��record a notice of defau�t�n each county in which anx <br /> par�of the Property�s locat�d and sha�l nia��copie�of such nat�ce in the rnanner pr�scr�bed by <br /> App��cable Law tv Barrower and to tbe ather persons prescribed by Applica�le Law. Af�er�he t�xne <br /> requ�red by Appl�cab�e Law, Trust�e sha��g�ve pu��xc notice af sa�e ta�he per5ans and�n the mann�r <br /> pres�r��ed by App��cab�e Law. Trustee, without dexnand on Borrawer, shal�se��the Praperty at pub��c <br /> auction to the highest b�dder at the time and pla�e and under the terms designa�ed in the noti�e of sa�e <br /> �n ane ar more parce�s and in any arder Trus���d�term�n�s. Trustee may pos�pone sa�e of all vr any <br /> parce��f th�Froperty�y pu�lic announc�ment a�th�tinr�e and p�ace of any previousiy scheduled sale. <br /> Lender or i��des�gn�e may purchase the Property at any sa�e. <br /> Upon receipt oF pa�men�of the pr�ce bid, �I'rust�e shall de�iver to the purchaser'I`rus�e��s de�a� <br /> c�nv�y�ng the Proper�y. The rec��als in�he Trustee's deed shal�be prima fac�e e�id�nce nf the�ru�h of <br /> the sxatemen�s rnade therein. Trus��e sha�l app�y the proceeds of the sa�e in�he fo��ow�ng order: �a} to <br /> a��costs and expenses of exercis�ng�h�power of sa�e, and the sale, includ�ng the payment of th� <br /> Trus�e�'�fees actual�y incurred and reasonab�e a��orneys' fees as permi�ted by App��ca�i�Law; �b} �o <br /> all sum��ecured by this Secur�ty Ins�rument; and �c} any exces�ta the per5nn or persons��ga��y <br /> �nt�t�ed to i�. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famity-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQftM 1NSTRUM�NT Form 3�28 110� <br /> VMP� VMP64NE){�3�23 <br /> Wplte�'S Kluwer�inartCia3 SerViC�s Page 34 0�17 <br />
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